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darrenvox last won the day on June 28 2023

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About darrenvox

  • Birthday 04/17/1981

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    FS2002 or earlier

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  1. looks good...in all my nearly 30 years of simming ive never been to raleigh...
  2. nice pics...seems super simple...anyone up for this.. if i was as good a painter id do this...
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm2v3ctPbPA not a fs2020 vid but a 2004 vid... could there not be a forum section for fs9 users in their own area on the forum...
  4. trying to find TNCM and its north end of the runway where i need to be lined up for landing...ended up with a wingstrike but i landed it and any landing you can walk away from is a good landing right??
  5. i know how to do that and use paint.net but was thinking it would be simpler to change the settings in the windows game bar
  6. windows game bar.....saves screens as png, cannot post them here unless i link them from photo host...would be cool to change the file type it saves under as jpg...but cannot find the setting anywhere... thanks in advance... darrenvox
  7. awesome work aharon, see i thought that liat was already a defunct airline that stopped flying back in like the late 70s but wow...simply wow...
    awesome work there mr scrub, totally love it for the fact no one has ever made a devastator for fs in all these years that i can recall!
  8. lol at you parking a ga aircraft at the gate!! you don't know how many times i have done that....i once parked a military fighter jet there to (not at Manchester thought. just at a gate)
  9. nice shots my friend!!! keep them up!! laters
  10. awesome work @Airbasil_1 heres one from a year or two ago
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