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Posts posted by rjdahlen

  1. This is a new one for me. Everything worked fine yesterday and today I was having stalled loads of msfs. When the game finally loaded to the point where I could set up the flight and hit the "fly" button, the game loaded about normal until the last quarter of the load and then it went very slow. When the screen finally switched to the aircraft ready to start the flight I got the message that my bandwidth was too low for data streaming and I had been switched to offline mode. I did a speed test and am at my usual 104Mbps on a fiber optic network, so I can only assume the streaming problem is on their end. Has anyone else encountered this?
  2. I agree on the need for more steam gauges. I got my PPL in 1971 so you know what I learned on and that is all I've flown over the years. It was disappointing to see so few steam gauge aircraft on MSFS but I made do for awhile with the 152 and the DR400 160 &180 hp mods, but really didn't like their characteristics. So on the first day it was available I bought the Just Flight PA28-161 and that is my go-to aircraft. It is a well modeled airplane and really enjoyable because of real time Cherokee 160 time I've logged. I can do okay in the Asobo 172 but just don't enjoy it as much with the glass! I too hope to see many more small aircraft with steam cockpits. I'd really like the Grumman Tiger for MSFS!!
  3. I live in a rural area and have one internet provider with very slow service; 3mbs is the fastest I get. (I have fiber coming into my area in the next few months which will be life changing!!) I was reading a lot of the input on this latest update. I had to take my computer to work one day and to my daughters another day to download the update. Also, I had just installed a new, secondary SSD drive and moved MSFS to that drive. As a result, the download said it was repairing the program and downloaded 121 Gb of data! When it was finished I moved the contents of my Community folder to the new drive and then, with great fear, opened the program. And everything worked perfectly!! It may be my life is charmed, but so far, except for the initial download which had the looping problems, everything has worked after every update. I'll knock on wood right here because I see a new hotfix coming soon! I really feel for those having the problems and sure don't understand why I don't. But I just enjoy my low and slow hours flying VR in MSFS!
  4. I started out with the very first sim MS offered and just a joystick. Of course sims have changed drastically since the original stick drawings of instruments and so has the realism of the experience overall. But when I changed to of yoke and pedals, it was a huge change in the experience. As a private pilot IRL that's how I fly so why would I not do that in the sim? I just makes sense if you want the true experience!
  5. A real Cessna 152 does not have a fuel pump. Once you turn on the fuel (the valve on the front of the floor between the seats) you use the primer, which is right below the parking brake. Put the cursor over it and click and you will see the valve move out and back in. Generally you prime three times. Make sure your mixture is full rich and the throttle cracked about a quarter and you're ready to start.
  6. I feel for your problem but don't have any idea why it's that way. I have CH Flight Sim Yoke and Pro Pedals, both USB. I had no problem setting them up and they have been working fine in both MSFS and X-Plane 11 for awhile now. I did install the CH Control Manager ahead of set up just to make sure I could analyze any issues and it seemed to put some new drivers on my computer. Other than that, I didn't use it. Not sure where you need to go as I have absolutely no problem. If you have the old game port version of the controllers, that could very well be your problem. Hope you can find a solution soon!
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