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Posts posted by pomak249

  1. Hi Guys

    I often interchange my WOAI repaints with different airline repaints as they appear (ie, I leave the folder name alone but just add a different texture set) but notice that a lot of newer repaints are .dds where as the majority of WOAI repaints are OS/2 .bmp or just .bmp - is it ok to use a .dds repaint in place of a .bmp repaint or will it not show correctly? (if at all?)




  2. Hi All

    Think im going nuts in this lockdown???

    Is there anyway to preview the ATC/pilot voices selections in FSX? Are there samples anywhere or are they all tucked away in the GVP file?

    Or is it a pot-luck process?



  3. Hi Peeps

    I just noticed something I hadnt noticed before (not sure if its meant to be or not?) in that my ATC and Airport/weather (ATIS I believe) is playing through my monitor and not my Logitech speakers? The rest of FSX plays through my speakers as normal.

    Is this usual?

    Never noticed it until I had to replace my old monitor??

    Prob User Error but any advice welcome



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