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Everything posted by marcroussy

  1. If you go into the Controls of the game, look for rudder, and twist the joystick, does it pick up the rudder controls?
  2. What are you using to control the rudder? Joystick axis? Rudder pedals? Buttons?
  3. This might be unrelated but I've been having some issues with my Thrustmaster lately where there is a jitter to the x axis of the stick. It doesn't happen all the time, but it can throw me off course at the most inopportune time. Open the calibration software and leave it open a while and look for any jitter in the x/y axis. That might be the root of your problems.
  4. There is a lack of content and detailed training videos for newcomers to flight simulation in MSFS beyond the absolute basics. I'd almost recommend buying FSX, since it had a much more complete in-flight training section than this game does. Otherwise, I've started a YouTube channel to teach the skills newcomers need to enjoy playing the game. I'm not that far a long yet, but I plan on covering the questions you're asking in the coming weeks. Link is in my signature.
  5. I've noticed something similar, when I click into any window as you described, the flight controls sometimes become unresponsive. The fix is easy: just click anywhere on the main window and control is re-established.
  6. I have the Thrustmaster Xbox compatible HOTAS and it works pretty well. Obviously a yoke would be better but it's sufficient for me. If you're looking for some lessons about all aspects of flight, I recently started a YouTube channel covering all aspects of Flight Sim 2020: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0mOglSE1iP_ll7rIZrIuSA
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