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Everything posted by JMichel33

  1. I hope a moderator doesn't censor this post, as I don't share the enthusiasm for FS2024 I am french and I live near Bordeaux. I am 70 years old I've been a simmer for a little less than 30 years, and I've been on Microsoft Simulator ever since, and at the time there was no question of photogrammetry! But I had a lot of fun despite that So I knew all the versions until FS2020 And it was a disaster because I spent more of my time solving computer problems than flying! The mishap that happened to the french monthly newspaper dedicated to Aerial Simulation, where for an entire day and which he recounted in his editorial recently, I had to endure it myself. 5 times! I have never had any response from Asobo support, except 4 years after the release of FS2020, the procedure to follow to carry out updates When I knew that Microsoft was retaining Asobo to design FS2024, even though I should have been happy about it since not only am I French, but I also live 50km from Bordeaux; and it’s actually quite the opposite! What will this company be able to do for FS2024 that it has not been able to do in over 4 years with FS2020? Am I a 6 week rabbit for Microsoft and Asobo? The world has changed over the past 4 years, and flying clubs are seeing a very significant drop in customers coming for a baptism (-70% since the start of 2024 here in France); I'm sure it's the same for plane or scene developers At the end of summer 2023, following the 6th general crash of FS2020, I decided to switch to X-Plane12 And what joy really! I found the same enthusiasm and the same passion that I knew: all the planes are better, and the scenery thanks to Ortho4XP in zoom level 17 for all the places where I like to fly + in zoom level 18 and 19 for the airports and for objects worthy of interest, is perfectly usable, without freezing, without lags, with 30 to 60 and more FPS My graphics card is an Asus Tuf RTX3080Ti because X-Plane12 deserves it, I have a hangar full of planes and the quality and depth of the systems have no equivalent like the Challenger 650, the Q4XP, the Toliss A319, A320, A321, A340, the Felis 747-200 classic, the FPS E-190 and let's not talk about the all superior GAs! Aeronautics begins on the ground, and aerial simulation with good planes, the most realistic flight model possible and not having the means to maintain two hangars, I uninstalled (not without difficulty!) MSFS2020 and all addons, to make space on my hard drives And of course, I will not buy FS2024, considering that Asobo's promotional films that are not made using the software alone are lies Finally, Laminar Research is an engineering company whose priority is the logic and experience of its users, while Microsoft is a financial company whose priority is the logic of shareholders. What is happening to Boeing is due to this unavoidable fact: it is no longer an engineering company, but a financial company From an organizational strategy point of view, my choice as a user is justified here again! The world has changed: in a liter of milk there is a liter of milk, and not half of a My publication is only a testimony and should not give rise to any controversy Happy flying to everyone whatever the platform; enjoy everything Fly Safe
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