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Posts posted by RI_Red

  1. Can you please limit the posts where people are just bashing MSFS and not really asking for help in their comments on these forum threads? The threads are really starting to get annoying, and this is not the place to really do that - they should be doing it at the main flight simulator site, flightsimulator.com to express those concerns of complaint.


    IMHO, to complain in a forum where there are more fans than not, its just looking for trouble. I'd say everyone would be in agreement with that, yes all?


    Maybe moderators as requested above can start monitoring threads for this forum with specific titles, like the last one, MSFS is Terrible and the like in the future and weed out the gripers and moaners, but if they're asking a question, fine, we can help, otherwise, please put them to the wind and out of these forums.



  2. Yes it has, but Microsoft/Xbox Studios were up-front with their long-term plans for MSFS well before it was launched so no-one should be surprised about bugs/missing features/unfinished details.

    I'm also in the Flight Simulator GAME camp, surely any sim you can run on a home PC is a game.

    ***puts fingers in ears and waits for the thunderclap!***


    was a perfect Jim Carrey Gif here, but can't figure out how to get it to display in the reply. Oh well (But I agree with you)

  3. I have the A2A Tomahawk and it's a real joy to "fly." In fact I posted a couple of series here with it. So you say have RW time in a Tomahawk? Wow! I think we'd all like to here the story(s) about those experiences!!




    It was back in 2000 when I was taking flying lessons, but had to stop due to expense, and health reasons. I loved the plane, it was fantastic, and along with using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 at the time as well, the instructors were amazed as to how well I could handle such a squirrely aircraft! :) So the sims do really help when you make the transition to the real thing, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! (But I am talking about the Piper Tomahawk, not the Tomahawk military Variant - I think you are confusing the two on that one. Sorry! :) )

  4. To all, my system is fine and I can run it well with the highest settings. I am not complaining about it's running performance, I'm complaining about the many issues it has that after 2 years, it still can't match the old flight sims. Graphics are nice but not everywhere and you very often see flaws.

    I'll still persist with it. I'll probably always use it but if I want to flight sim, I'll use the older sims. If I want to just play around and do silly things, I'll break out MSFS. I feel that's the most it will ever be good for. I could enjoy it for those reasons but as a proper replacement for my old flight sims, it is not. FSX to MSFS is not like FS2004 to FSX. The latter was a flight sim upgrade. FSX to MSFS feels like two completely different products not because of menus etc, but because one feels like a sim the other feels like a game. FSX should be for daddy while the child plays with MSFS. Sorry, do not mean to offend it's just how I feel. I wish they would get serious and turn it into what we all want, a FSX upgrade.



    What we ALL want? Don't speak for others - speak for yourself. Seems many are well satisfied with MSFS 2020, including me. Pretty pompous right there if you ask me if you think that's what we all want. Go back to FSX then if its another FSX you want, because that is NOT going to happen! :rolleyes:


    Just got this Daher Kodiak 100 in the MSFS marketplace the other day, after reading reviews and asking other simmers who've bought it, including IRL pilots, how they like it.


    The Kodiak is fun and challenging to hand fly. I've read that the third-party developer's flight modeling is closer to real life than Asobo's, and though I'm not a pilot IRL, I believe it. For one thing, it has a tendency to bank left, opposite the direction of the spinning prop, which I understand is a tendency you have to counteract in a real plane when not on autopilot. So I will now have to learn how to use my rudder pedals for something other than taxiing.


    As nice an aircraft that this is, I am looking to expand my horizons and holding off for PMDG's 737 for MSFS. That is one I really, really want!

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