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Posts posted by RI_Red

  1. Yes I did survive SU9 relatively unscathed and I did fire up my MSFS and it works fine. I went for a flight from YPAD to YPPF in my FK-9 freeware tail dragger and it worked very well. All is good today. :)


    Yay! Glad to hear it! I hope I get a chance to fly this weekend. Been so busy, but hope that will change and I can have one day of fun to do so. Enjoy!

  2. I have read somewhere that for whatever reason, MSFS does not respond well to overclocking, however - and I say this as a BIG however - I have a Ryzen 9 3500K 12 core and I can get it all the way up to 4.6ghz - that's really not bad - but I use Ryzen Master - not the BIOS to overclock, so maybe that helps. I don't really think MSFS should be a game that really needs overclocking to begin with either, as I've had nothing but nice smooth experiences with it. :)
  3. Maybe this is not applicable to you, but just in case it helps: Using active pause, keeps the game world going, but freezes your plane in place. Importantly, your engine also keeps going and still uses fuel. So if you leave active pause on for a few hours and come back, you might have run out of fuel. This happened to me once.


    Not so long - full tanks, only 10 minutes of pause time. However today, it did not do it at all, though this time today, another issue started - my avionics in the Citation Longitude went dark. NOTHING displayed at all. :( This is getting tiring.

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