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Everything posted by Patinthedesert

  1. No, don't assume I know that much! Thanks on the advice. I assume you mean to use full back stick while applying the brakes. To somehow reset the flaps at the same time seems like a good idea too. Pat
  2. I wanted to try a different experience using a new airplane (for me). I picked the Xcub to try flying a taildragger and try a bush trip. I flew a few short flights and thought it flew well. I like it a lot better when the tail comes up and the angle gets back to 'normal'. So I went to the Alaska bush trip that is included now in MSFS. I flew the first flight leg. I had to search for the airport with the limited info built into the navlog. I came in a bit high and fast as I tend to do sometimes, got it on the runway, then hit the brakes to stop it. It got down to maybe 20, then tipped over on the nose. Crash! Okay got to be more careful. I flew the flight leg again. Still came in a bit high and touched down maybe halfway down the runway. Tried to be careful on the brakes. So I ran off the end of the runway and crashed again! I have learned to be careful on the landings and have succeeded to do more than half the legs on the bush trip in Alaska. The main way to succeed is to come in at a lower glide angle and touch down at under 60 kts. But my question is how realistic is this? How hard to use the brakes without tipping it over? I have my controls on a Xbox controller, so the brakes are on a button (Y button) which makes it tricky to modulate. I usually land with the view on the external view, behind the airplane. I can watch to see when the tail wheel starts to lift off the ground and let off the brake. This seems to be rather touchy and makes me wish for a nose wheel. Other than that, the xcub is a lot of fun to fly. The short takeoffs and landings are great. Just not sure how realistic some of the behavior is. Pat
  3. It would be nice to give us a choice. When opening MSFS, give us a message "Update pending: Update now or Later(pause 5 days). " Then you know it needs updating, but not forced to immediately go into the update process. Pat
  4. My understanding of this is that nothing in the Community folder should be any problem during the update. MSFS should only be looking in the Official folder or off in internal places. But if something in the Community folder is broken by the changes then some planes or scenery or whatever will not be working right After the update. My recent experience was that the G1000 glass instruments from Working Title were broken by sim update IV. I removed them and it ran with the default G1000. Then I went and updated from the Working Title to the newer version - which worked just fine.
  5. Just a note on this, since we are talking MSFS and the sim experience. Depending on your assistance settings you may be on automixture and the AI brain is controlling it. Not the best for realism but it is one of the choices to be made. I have to admit when I am controlling the mixture setting, I am just guessing on the setting. What is right at 5000? Or at 8000? I don't really know. I think what mas 6737 was referring to by the percentage is what you see in the sim. When you look at the mixture control and move it, it displays a percentage, with 100 being full rich and 0 being full cutoff. Pat
  6. After the Sim 4 update, I tried a couple of flights. Most worked OK. However on the C172 I was using the Working Title G1000 improvement mod. The version I had was not quite current, version 3.5 . And the update broke the G1000. The Autopilot and the MFS maps both were not working. I removed the mod from the community folder, and tried again with the default G1000. It worked better but I was still seeing some strange behavior when trying to use NAV to go to the planned destination. I followed the linkage to Github to where the Working Title stuff is located. The newer version is 3.7 for the G1000. I downloaded and installed that. It seems to be working much better now. Pat
  7. When I look at the load on the system, FS 2020 consumes a fairly large load on the CPU and the GPU. Leaving it on could be asking for trouble if anything interferes with the the ventilation or something causes additional load. Pat
  8. Sounds like you are doing well with what you've got on your system. Adjusting your graphics level to medium, more or less, is a good way to compensate for what is a marginal graphics card. I did a build at the end of 2020 to use for Flight Sim. It uses a GTX-1050 graphics card which is maybe slightly stronger than the 970. But I have only tried minor overclocking as I get nervous about temperatures and I don't like to set the fans to max. When I have checked my frame rate it is usually in the mid-20s. So relax and enjoy your flying! When you upgrade get a motherboard that can use the m.2 slot for an SSD card. It is even faster than a SATA SSD drive. Pat system build: Intel I3-10100 on an Asrock mobo. ASUS GTX-1050 graphics. An M.2 500 GB SSD for storage (don't remember the brand)
  9. OK, I probably deserve that. But I figure if I have hit a problem there are probably others that have had the same issue. The flight, a very short hop, if you want to do it. Flint MI KFNT to Waite field 29M. Grass runway among green fields and trees. I did this flight 5 times in 3 different planes and never triggered the achievement prize. I think I'm giving up on the achievements. Pat
  10. I think I found out what the sim means about no assistance. Go to Options and Assistance, then set the Piloting and Navigating to 'Hard' instead of Easy, Medium or Custom. It turns off a lot of the little gadgets. I have not yet proved it works but I think it must be it. It is kind of annoying for finding the grass runway with no tag to pop up for the airfield. No pavement, no tower, no lights. It was hard to see. I almost flew right over it until I checked the map on the MFD screen. Pat
  11. No, not doing the bush trips. I started one once some time ago and I was not ready to do the navigation on my own. I now know I could do the workaround with one of the apps like Little Navmap if I needed to. I was setting up my own short flight to land at a grass runway in Michigan. But even with a good landing I did not get the credit. So I was trying to interpret what it meant about the assistance restriction Pat
  12. This is more of a gaming question than just about the flying. I was looking at some of the achievements that can be earned with flights in the game. Some of them require to land or fly "without assistance". I was trying to get the goal for landing on a grass runway "without assistance". I turned off the assistance that I could see, which were the landing assistance for the traffic pattern and the taxiing path. Also the ATC copilot AI. But it still didn't give the win to me. What else would be the assistance it cares about? Pat
  13. I have been flying the C208 several times. I tried it first as a slightly faster plane than a Bonanza. It has been a pleasant surprise to fly. Even though it may look kind of like a bus it flies very nice. The takeoff and landing speeds are quite low, maybe because the flaps are a big portion of the wing. So short landings and takeoffs are good. Also the turbo-prop power gets it off the ground fast too. I tried it on a grass runway of just over 2000 ft and it was no problem. The behavior on turns, climbs and whatever has been smooth and no surprises. One thing that I have noted is that the AutoPilot controls on the Garmin instruments (don't know which model) are a bit different from other planes I've flown. It seems to do the same things but it is arranged different. Ackk - title should be Caravan - won't let me edit! Pat
  14. Very good work to diagnose the possible problem and get the updates working. Now that Windows has updated and maybe the FS too, you might want to check your free space again. Anything under about 20 Gb is not enough and you are likely to see more problems soon. If you can find stuff to delete, go for it. This includes old updates in your Download folder, old games you never want to play again, and other such things. Hope you can enjoy more time with the flight simulator! Pat
  15. Yes, you have to go to Content Manager and look for more updates. It is one of the hidden 'features' of the way that MS and Asobo are doing the changes. There usually are a couple of updates - or more - hiding in the Content manager. If I was to wish for one change to the whole software package it would be to allow me to decline an update, at least for a while, instead of making it a mandatory update. I would greatly prefer to wait until I see community reaction to an update before taking the update.
  16. It's like Herc said. The combination of aerial photos and AI processing can be interesting. If you looked at places on Google Earth in the first years it did some strange things with buildings and roads and bridges. Especially in the perspective view. I enjoy seeing the results now with MSFS. pretty amazing how it covers everywhere. While there are a few places I would like to see the high quality done to, I am a happy customer for the most part. Now about those enormous downloads.... Pat
  17. What are you using for controls? It's an important part of doing the sim to have a control setup that works for you. Some like it best with a full setup of controls, others get by with a few less parts. But you have to have more than just mouse and keyboard to have a decent feel for what is going on.
  18. I have got through the problem. I will try to describe here. A search got me to a reference here: https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016844080-Download-stuck-on-packages-Install-loop-Decompressing-issues It described the problem I was having. Tried the first step for "Disable Window Auto-tuning" and also Disable IPV6. The problem did not go away, no change in the issue of the downloads kept restarting. Then tried second step in their list - to get Netlimiter (a free utility) and reduce the download speed. Hated the idea of reducing download speed but I was tired of having the problem. This was succcessful! Note that the numbers get confusing because Microsoft was talking Mega Bits per sec but Netlimiter was talking Mega Bytes per sec. So 20 Mega Bits is equal to (divide by 8) 2.5 Mega Bytes. I set the download limit to 2.0 MBytes and restarted MSFS and the update. It cranked for a long time to get the 20 GB but it worked. Maybe this will help if any others are having the same problem. i don't know if the first 2 changes helped anything but using Netlimiter definitely got it fixed. By the way I raised the limit back up and then downloaded the content for France from the Marketplace after that. Seemed to go OK. Pat
  19. I tried to do that, but I could not get a result with folders or files in the 'Official' folder. I started a new thread to focus on just where I was with the update issue. Pat
  20. Problems with Update? I wanted to make this a new thread. The update to world update 1.4 will not complete for me. Whether this is a local problem or a server problem, I don't know. It gets to downloading a very large file called pc-fs-base-bigfiles. It gets to several % of the file download. Then it flickers on the screen - the message - and it starts over at 0%. This has happened multiple times. I started again 30 minutes ago after waiting since last night. Problem looks the same. I don't know any way to diagnose the issue. IK have looked at the performance in Task Manager performance tab while it was downloading. It show a CPU load of around 40%. The GPU load was pegged at 100%, occasionally dropping to 99. Why so much GPU load? Let me know if others are having issues, and if there is a way to get past this. I'm completely shut down on MSFS at this point.
  21. Problems with Update? It gets to downloading a very large file called pc-fs-base-bigfiles. It gets to 8 or 10% of the file download. Then it flickers on the screen - the message - and it starts over at 1%. This has happened several times.
  22. I am getting the update now. I believe one of my game settings was to limit data connection to 20Mb/sec. That was for gameplay I thought. But it looks like my download is capped at 20Mb/sec. Kind of sucks. It would be nice if they gave us a chance to say let it run - no limit! Pat
  23. I will give some advice based on my experience. My system was built to a budget and has enough for FS2020 but not anything extra. My rig I3-10100 on a new board. With an m.2 storage card 500GB. Nvidia GTX-1050. Display 22 " 1920x1080 ASUS. The GTX1050 is enough to run MSFS, but make sure you get at least 4GB on the video card. I am running at the Medium level of the graphics, with a few settings at High. I have checked the frame rate at it is in the 30 range. This works well enough for me. I can't see any freezing or stuttering. And the terrain looks good to me. If you want to run at High graphics settings, you have to move up more on the video card. And more video card like that probably means a bigger power supply that has to connect to the video card. Is the HP envy a laptop? That might be a problem with running at the CPU and GPU at high capacity and get enough cooling. Pat
  24. Much of the same capacity to view geography and locations, etc., is also available with Google Earth. It is amazing there too in what you can view remotely and be 'almost there'. In the high-res areas it has a 3D mode that is very similar to what MSFS will show. In the rural areas where they are using lower resolution, the 3D does not work. Even without the Streetview it has a lot of info. And the price is right, as long as you are willing to have Google apps on your PC. But it has no option where you can move along a course. Or at least I don't know if it has a way to do that.
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