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Everything posted by JohnnyJohnJohn

  1. A great day for flying in the North East, as I sit on the ramp, start up my Arrow and taxi to the active. Poised for take off on Runway 23, it is clearly going to be a thrilling day for a flight with this clear weather, bright sunshine, and unlimited visibility or though it seems. Taking off Runway 23 Passing Lincoln Greyhound Park, a sight that is littered with Political Biasedness for who gets what bids, etc. Pushing the Naragansett Indians hopes and dreams for a casino into oblivion. (sad when every other states tribes seems to get them) Turning towards the Capitol City of Providence Passing the City of Providence....cool looking ship on the harbor - lets go check it out! Diving down to the Sea Traffic, Gotta get a closer look! Tight squeeze, but not too tight thankfully! After performing a quick u-turn, come back around and up and out of the Narragansett Bay. This is rocketing out over the Harborside Campus of Johnson & Wales University Lining up to Land, Runway 23 On approach over the Lincoln Mall, which is a major VFR Landmark for the airport Lined up nicely for touchdown Runway 23. Great flight, great times, great music, and time to do it again in a while. Have a great night all.....
  2. Thanks Bill! Be sure to give it a "WHIRL!" You'll love it! Thanks Adam my friend! Glad you enjoyed it, amigo! :) Thanks Michael, good to have you along! Thanks John! Glad you enjoyed seeing them as much as I did creating them!
  3. Finally got the Airbus Helicopter running! Flies great, just gotta get better at landings. Take off, Honolulu International Flying up the coast along Honolulu Gotta love being this close and personal with the scenery Swinging back through on the way to Pearl Harbor to visit the Arizona Memorial Arizona Memorial Landing back at Honolulu Have a good day all!
  4. Thanks Adam, much appreciated! Thanks John. Isn't it great to visit places for once in MSFS and see them the way they SHOULD BE IN REAL LIFE and not just a representation with tiled landclass? Thanks Larry! Glad you enjoyed them Amigo!!!
  5. You can tell there's a difference. The proof is in the new MSFS
  6. Just adjust the camera height and settings in the General Menu under cameras. Not that hard to do to get the view you want. I think this was just a wanting to rant post. :/ SMH. As far as your 2D panel wishes, different sim, different programming, that is a thing of the past and was becoming obsolete with FSX. We'll have to get used to that.
  7. Had to stop this flight when a migraine got the best of me. Hope you enjoy the shots around Corpus Christie. Following the Nueces River to Corpus Christie with its oil refineries along the coast Nueces Bay in the background, Corpus Christi along the coast Turning back circling Corpus Christi Fly By Corpus Cristi Another angle of Corpus Christi Dusk at Corpus Christi Hope you all enjoyed the shots! And an extra touch, labeled land marks shot of Corpus Christi: Have a great night everyone!
  8. I don't know if Asobo does read this forum, but doubt it, and I know now they were ignored what were reported. Its a shame. I'll never beta test again for a game developer if all of them are like Asobo. Add ons are different, they seem to care what they put out, so I don't mind helping there.
  9. Nice set! I love flying other countries now too with the photorealistic satellite coverage world. You can't go wrong with that!
  10. Nice set Bill, and always nice to see the mountain out on great weather days. :) Well done on those as always!
  11. Gotta love the Connie. Great lines and a classic aircraft. One sexy beast!
  12. Thanks Rick! Much appreciated sir! Yeah, I like the subtle colors too. I prefer those compared to the reds/etc. Blues aren't bad but even sometimes those get a little too much Thanks Larry! Much appreciated amigo. Glad you guys enjoyed them as much as I did creating them Thank you! Glad to have you along! Thanks Adam. I haven't been in a while, but that's what happens when you have too many limitations like that on what people can post. You get tired of the same old same old and need to spread your wings (no pun intended) a while! :) :) Glad to have you back here!
  13. Touch and goes tonight at Paige, Arizona, and the Piper Arrow III were the choices of my flying therapy tonight. Can't wait with the stimulus, I'm replacing my Goflight Autopilot which is dying with a Logitech Panel, and then I am also getting a Real Sim Gear GNS530 GPS Unit with my stimulus. :) I'll post pics when they arrive. :) Tonight's scenery highlight is the Glenn (Quagmire?) Canyon Dam tonight, as it sits in the canyon with all its majestic glory in almost all of the screen shots, however, we can not forget the fantastic Arrow III by Just Flight. Such a wonderful bird. Musical Selection tonight was itunes Oldies stations, with legends performing the tunes as we soared the big blue. Take off Flying past Glenn Canyon Dam The town of Paige in view Full view of the town with Glenn Canyon Dam Lined up for approach, gear down, three green. Hope you all enjoyed the shots folks. Have a great evening!
  14. Nice shots Larry! Great looking Connie and great weather effects with the clouds. Well done on this post!
  15. I agree that Asobo did not listen on many things! I was a beta tester and I feel they wasted our time by not listening to what we reported that needed to be fixed! I'm apauled they did this as well, and feel as though they ignored the beta testing staff and went ahead for a quick release!
  16. So what'd you think of her Adam? Great little bird, isn't she?
  17. Thanks Rick! So glad you enjoyed them! Thanks! I really love they hyper realism of MSFS. Thanks John, Much appreciated! Thanks Larry, just can't get enough of the new sim around my area. :) Simply incredible!
  18. Cemetery on approach to Worcester Regional, that's a big one! Worcester Commercial District ahead Entering the Pattern Cleared to land, Runway 15 enter Left Traffic Lined up to land, Runway 15 Have a great night all!
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