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Posts posted by Cavulife

  1. Is it normal for the 2 different panels to show wind direction in a different way?


    For example, if you're flying north and the wind is FROM the south the PFD will show the arrow pointing UP meaning a tail wind. The MFD will show the arrow pointing down which is showing the direction the wind is coming from.


    This seems odd to me. Is that how it would be on the panels in a real plane? Today I'm flying the Longitude, but I've seen it in all the planes with PFD/MFD.

  2. It just occurred to me that many of the small prop planes don't have a steerable nose wheel. The Cessnas are steerable, but if you check the Cirrus, Diamond-40 etc. you'll see that the nose wheel doesn't turn with the rudder.


    For the SR22, the rudder pedals actually operate the differential braking for you. The DA-40 is a castering nosewheel only and you have to apply the differentail braking for yourself to turn at low speed.

  3. There are so many posts with various CTD issues, files missing etc. Then there are posts from others who say, "I've got no problems" (I'm one of those). I'm wondering if it would be useful to note when you post whether you got the sim from Steam or the MS Store.


    A week or so before the sim came out I saw some YouTube comments about people preferring Steam to the MS Store, so that's where I got mine. The download & install went great and I've had no CTD issues.



  4. Here is my test in the glass 172:

    Pause with AutoPilot on and straight and level: clock keeps ticking, other traffic moves. No problems.


    Active Pause with AutoPilot on and straight and level: clock keeps ticking, other traffic moves. After about 30 seconds you’ll see airspeed start dropping. Autopilot starts trimming up to maintain altitude. About to become a lawn dart.


    Without AutoPilot both Pause and Active Pause worked fine, no lawn dart.

  5. When FS2020 came out I started on a journey from Miami and out to the Caribbean, mostly in 172 or Caravan. The islands are nice and there is always a runway an hour away so you can fly for a while and takeoff again the next day.


    I’m now at the tip of South America and the scenery and clouds are beautiful. Today’s flight was from SCCI to SAWC at 2500 feet in the Caravan. It takes some planning with SKYVector because of the mountains, but it was a great flight. Glaciers, clouds, mountains and Flamingos near SAWC.


    Continuing to head north tomorrow.

  6. No. MSFS doesn’t even use let’s say such deliberately out of focus clouds as you suggest because it also uses sharp/defined clouds. The clouds closer to the aircraft from what I recall were out of focus but the clouds in the distance are not. These are all the same types of clouds and should all be represented the same but they are not. That’s because it’s a flaw.


    If all real life clouds were in perfect focus there’s wouldn’t be so many real life VFR pilots flying into them by accident and ending up in a heap. I did that once (without the heap fortunately) after looking at the clouds ahead and aiming to be outside the left (west) edge of the clouds. Then poof! IMC.

  7. It appears that the Caravan has spoilers, but I cant see a lever in the cockpit and when I look externally I don’t see anything pop up.


    When I use the joystick switch that I have set for Spoilers it certainly has an effect on airspeed. It would sure be nice if there was a way to confirm they were on somewhere because Now I have to keep my finger on that switch so I don’t forget I’ve got them deployed.


    Anybody else notice this?



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