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Irfan Ahmed

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Everything posted by Irfan Ahmed

  1. Just a short video of me trying to hand fly the A319 :)
  2. Just a short training video :)
  3. Thank you. I think I saw a certain flight simmer do that sector on YT and it has been on my list of flights to do.
  4. Glad you liked it. Download link for the scenery is in the video description. You will also have to add some Nav data yourself to the apt.dat file. This has been discussed in the x-plane.org forums (also linked in the video description). It got the livery from: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/161060-zibo-331-compatible-liveries-737-and-739-lists-available/
  5. So I decided to fly this mission again after quite a few years. Enjoy :)
  6. Don't know what is this loud beeping sound that I hear twice. Also what does "LDG INHIBIT" in magenta colour stand for?
  7. So had to cut this one down and play some music as it was a really bad takeoff and a hard, bouncy landing at Innsbruck (LOWI).
  8. It's just like an airbase runway. Lets you takeoff with any config as long as you're in position 6 that is :)
  9. A short video about the DCS A-4E-C community mod. Skyhawk going up against a two-ship Mig-19P:cool:
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