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Everything posted by arpadpolan

  1. Version 1.0.0


    this contains simple instructions on how to fix the night cockpit window isuue in any of Edgar Guinart’s IL-8 airplanes with a 3D view arpad_p@hotmail.com
  2. Version 1.0.0


    THE LONG AWAITED IL-18 NIGHT COCKPIT WINDOW TRANSPARENCY FIX Fixes to Edgar Guinart’s port from the original model by NAVYNK included the following: - Making the plane flyable at night from the 3D panel - Adding VOR controls from Edgar Guinart’s ALBA IL-18X model - Fixing the broken VOR OBS control, now both course and direction indication works - Installing a more authentic autopilot panel (from AN12). The original autopilot is kept in one of the unused windows If someone prefers to install that one, even though its rather flaky and lacks full functionality. - Adding the engine start 2D panel from Edgar Guinart’s ALBA IL-18 model - Fixing the stuck mouse acceleration issue caused by one of the BI panel switches which made 1 degree increments impossible. To get times 10 click acceleration now use right mouse key clicks on the VOR and Autopilot panels. - Aligning engine smoke with the engine exhausts - Moving the Pilot panel to its traditional place. Use the standard F10 and F9 keys to select the 2D/3D cockpit views Read the included Word Doc please.
  3. flight dynamics is nice but there are no instruments to fly with, altimeter does not work, VOR radial cannot be set - these are such basics. And the cockpit panel is all generic in addition... sorry, flight dynamics means nothing if you cannot fly a plane properly, in my books anyway, Thank U for the great effort, it looks awsome
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