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Everything posted by Kirk

  1. This is a great idea, David! I'm doing something similar... going to each of the four corners of the continental US, starting and ending south of San Diego. I was going to do it all in a C172, but, in the Great Lakes area now, I've moved up to a 182 to get along just a little faster. :D I'm really looking forward to following your progress! Keep the photos coming. Safe flying.
  2. Fascinating. Maybe it's an Orbx thing. Did you or your friend ever try disabling your Orbx scenery to see if that was the culprit? I have tons of Orbx scenery and other stuff installed, both free and paid. Not long ago I decided to just go with "it is what it is". Maybe I'll just go back to simply accepting it. I know others, besides me, you, and your friend, have experienced the same thing. There are a few posts about it elsewhere on the Internets. But no solution, or even a confirmed culprit. I do like to hear you say "Using SSD, going to Win 10, sim "repair," reformatting and other such things won't fix that (don't waste your time and trouble)." I'm really not looking forward to doing any of those things. But still might if for no other reason than to clean up my computer. (Sometimes accepting a challenge like this -- finding the culprit -- can be fun too. LOL.)
  3. That affinity mask calculator looks very useful! Thanks for that. I tried the single monitor test yesterday, and that did nothing to help. I also doinked around with the V-Sync/Triple buffering settings, also without any change. I'm going to try the Advanced Configuration and Affinity Mask Calculator tonight. If none of that helps I'm going to end up reformatting my SSD, reinstalling Windows 10, and reinstalling everything from scratch. Probably on the SSD. I have a bunch of other games and stuff on this computer that shouldn't really be there... I bought it to use as my flight sim only, and over time I've used it for other stuff too. I want to go back to having it dedicated to just flight simming. Here's a short video showing exactly what I'm experiencing. (I don't know where the black flashes came from, I don't remember seeing them while recording this.) Right around :05 seconds in you'll notice the obvious freeze. And it's always in this same place (among others). I could fly around in circles for 300 miles and everything will be just peachy, but fly out over this area and I'm going to get that short freeze in the same spot every time.
  4. Yeah, usually around 80-85 kts, then between 500 and 700 feet per min.
  5. I'm thinking about buying the GTN 750 from either Reality XP or Flight 1 and I'm curious if anyone has any experience with either. I really have only one question: Do you know if either would work by "touch" if it were displayed on an iPad? I think it's a cool idea to have my iPad as a dedicated monitor for it and even cooler if it would work via the touch screen. I've tried instruments like the FSX default GPS500 and those included with other aircraft by A2A and Carenado, but the touch doesn't work. Not a big deal. I just thought I would ask here first.
  6. Thank you Jorgen. I'm going to apply some, maybe all, of those changes today and see how it goes. I'm also going to reduce my setup to one monitor as a test. I usually run a 3 monitor setup. Sometimes with my instruments on a fourth. I also noticed the following text in one of the optimization suggestions from that list: It looks like disk speed can be important. That's why I wondered about using an SSD. Anyway, I've got some work to do today to try and nail this down. Thanks again to everyone for your suggestions and encouragement.
  7. This has been kinda-sorta discussed elsewhere, but many of the threads are old or don't describe this exact problem that I'm experiencing. In P3dv4.5 (this also occurred in v4.4), I consistently run into screen freezes that last for up to 4 seconds. They are always in the same places as I'm flying and can happen every couple of minutes. They aren't stutters, but rather individual screen freezes. I know this isn't a new thing as I've read about others experiencing this. But I've yet to find a solution. I experienced the same kind of thing in a video game not long ago and the solution was to run the video game off of a SSD drive. I wonder if anyone thinks that might be a viable solution. My rig has a 500gb SSD that I use only for the OS. I run P3d off of a 2000TB 7200rpm regular HD that is also in my computer. But I think I have enough room on the SSD to reinstall P3d and all supporting stuff onto it... and will gladly do so if it will fix this screen freeze problem. Any thoughts? I'm running: i7 8700K @ 3.7GHz GTX 1080 Ti 16 GB DDR4-2400 SDRAM
  8. Thanks so much, guys, for the information and suggestions. Maybe I will look at the 182 again, not only because it's suggested here, but so far I don't care a lot for the 210 (it seems that when I have Active Sky running, with any weather besides clear skies all around, I can't get any thing remotely resembling stable flight... it's up and down and up and down. Don't know if it's my yoke or what). The C210 is from Carenado and I operate P3dv4.5. I know I bought the Carenado CT182T Skylane but it has the G1000 glass in it and I don't like that at all. But, I think I may have also bought the A2A 182 Skylane which has regular gages. I'll take a look when I get home. If I have the A2A I'll take a step back to their 182 and fly it for a while. If nothing else I'll stop crashing on landing for not lowering the gear.
  9. After about a year sim-flying a C172 I decided to move up to a C210 Centurion. I tried a C182 but it didn't seem like a big enough step. Anyway, it's been a whole new learning curve. After crashing following take off after take off I finally realized I have a control between the throttle and the mixture... "propeller". I assume it has to do with propeller angle. Turns out if you push this in about 80% of the way, you get enough power to stay in the air. LOL. That was quite the lesson learned. Now if I can just remember I have landing gear. I did three short flights tonight and remembered to put the gear down on only one of them.
  10. This is very true! :D What a great explanation! Thank you. I'm not going to worry about then. I'm seeing what I should be seeing.
  11. I'm sorry, Larry. I didn't word my post correctly. This is after I rotate during the initial climb.
  12. This is such a basic newbie question, I know, and I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but sitting in a Cessna 172 (in my sim) I can't see the ground during takeoff due to the pitch of the aircraft. Is this how it is IRL? I just want to make sure I don't need a couple of phone books to sit on. :)
  13. Thanks, vgbaron, for that info. I might give it another go then with the HiFi beta update.
  14. It's in beta though.
  15. I gave 4.5 a go before realizing that ActiveSky needs an update to work with it. I ended up going back to 4.4 until AS is updated. I did notice a slight FPS drop while using 4.5 but I also noticed that the major stutters I have in several areas near my home airport in 4.4 are not there in 4.5. So I'm certainly looking forward to being able to move on up.
  16. Thanks so much for the info, guys. I appreciate you sharing.
  17. I've been running v4.4 with bunches of Orbx scenery, several 3rd party GA, and Active Sky, and have no problems with it *knocks on wood*. I'm usually pretty good about installing software and OS updates... except when it comes to my flight sim stuff. From reading posts here and elsewhere online since picking up this hobby almost 6 months ago, flight sim stability seems to balance on a razor's edge and the thought of throwing mine all off kilter for a minor update scares the holy you-know-what out of me. I'm wondering if anyone has updated to 4.5 and what your experience has been?
  18. I'm just taking a stab in the dark, but do you have another computer you can plug it into? Maybe if the different computer recognizes it you'll know it's probably a driver/software thing and not the yoke itself.
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