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Posts posted by Stanley777

  1. Hi everyone,


    This has happened to me on numerous occasions. When I hit 'V' to turn on the VFR map, FS2020 often crashes -- it just shuts down, and then I have to restart the program.


    If this keeps going on, I am thinking of not using the program anymore.


    Maybe I was better off with FSX.


    Does anyone please have any ideas?


    Thank you.



  2. Hi Cavu,


    Thank you for the message.


    I am confused. I have what I believe is a complete list of keyboard commands for FS2020, and I don't see that choice -- "Toggle autopilot Heading Hold."


    I guess I need to do more than look for an existing command. I need to set one. And I guess I set it by going into Controls for the keyboard.


    But I don't know what that means. How do I go into controls?


    I am sorry to be so dense on this.



  3. Hi learpilot,


    I am in the News area, and all I see is a message reading "Welcome to Microsoft Flight Simulator!" It then goes on to say "Welcome aboard and thank you for being part of this incredible adventure...." The message continues with "The Sky is Calling," and "Be sure to stay up to date with all the latest news ..."


    I do not see the words zen desk anywhere. I am sorry to be so dense, and I am trying to do as you suggest, but I don't see it.



  4. Hi plainsman,


    Thank you for your reply.


    The problem is that the ICON A5 does not have an autopilot screen inside its cockpit. I am using all the autopilot commands just with the keyboard. That is fine with me, and indeed that is how I want to do it. However, the problem then is that I don't know how to put the autopilot into heading mode.


    Do you know or does anyone else know how to do this, please?


    Thank you.



  5. Hi everyone,


    I like to fly aircraft changing the heading with keyboard commands. In particular, I want to fly the ICON A5 because of its amphibious nature, and I want to steer it using keyboard commands.


    Now, the you can increase and decrease the Heading Bug by using CTRL+Insert and CTRL+DEL, respectively. The problem is I cannot seem to find a command to activate the heading bug. I can see the heading bug move on the external compass, but I cannot get the aircraft to accept the heading command because I cannot activate the heading bug.


    To summarize, therefore, how do you activate the heading bug? I would have thought that the Select Heading Bug command (Shift+CTRL+H) would do the trick, but it does not.


    Thank you.



  6. Hi everyone,


    I am learning to fly the Daher TBM 930, which uses the Garmin G3000.


    I need instruction on using this avionics system. However, the guide and instructions need to be written down, so that I can follow the instructions step by step.


    At this point does something like this exist? Could someone please direct me to something.


    Thank you.



  7. Hi everyone,


    I know this is not the place to post this question, but I don't know where to post it.


    I just purchased FS2020 from Steam, with which I have an account. I have always found them helpful and responsive, but I have not purchased anything from them for a few years (I purchased FSX).


    While I am waiting for them to respond to my question, however, perhaps one of you nice people can solve the problem.


    Here is the message I just sent them:



    I just purchased Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 from Steam.

    I want the program, but I don't know how to download it. When I click on my library, I get this message:

    https://help.steampowered.com wants to open a steam link

    I don't know what to do at this point.


    So, please, what is the steam link that I need?


    Thank you.



  8. Hi everyone,


    First, thank you to everyone who chimed in to address my question.


    I now have the definite answer. I was concerned that I didn't have sufficient RAM to run MSFS 2020, so I went to my local computer repair shop to see what I had. I asked them to see if I had 16 GB of RAM and an 8 GB video card. And while I was there, I also requested that, if I had less than 16 GB of RAM, to upgrade to 16 GB of RAM and also, while I was at it, to tell me what it would cost to go all the way to 32 GB of RAM.


    So this repair shop confirmed to me that I did indeed have 16 GB of RAM and an 8 GB video card. Moreover, the price that they quoted to upgrade my RAM was reasonable, so I did that.


    Thus, I now have my same 8 GB video card and 32 GB of RAM.


    My computer specifications are shown in my updated signature.


    Once again, I do appreciate all the feedback.


    Within a few weeks, I hope to be purchasing the basic version of MSFS 2020 from Steam.



  9. Hi Stanley! Looks to me like you have GPU memory of 8GB and 8GB of system RAM. Total graphics memory available is 16GB - 8GB dedicated GPU memory plus 8GB shared memory (RAM). You will need at least 16GB of RAM for MSFS 2020


    Hi johnost,


    Thank you for your reply.


    Well, that is disappointing news. But I am glad to know. So I had better increase my RAM before I install MSFS 2020.



  10. Hi everyone,


    I used to do FSX until about 2017. I have done very little flight simulation since then, but I plan to buy MSFS 2020 around Thanksgiving.


    I mainly enjoy flying around to study geography. Thus, while I have learned a great deal about aviation from MS Flight Simulator, I don't want to devote a lot of time to manually controlling the aircraft and learning the controls for each kind of plane. I prefer to rely upon autopilot and have a standardized control mechanism.


    I found a great autopilot and control mechanism from some FSX aircraft, but I don't remember which one it was. I am posting a photograph of a virtual flight that I took near Keflavik, Iceland. Please observe the control on the left side of the image, just above the instrumentation.




    I figured out how to download that instrument to any aircraft that I flew, and I used it regularly so that I would not have to learn the controls of individual planes.


    So here is my question, please. Once I install MSFS 2020, will I be able to acquire this control or a similar control to use with all my planes?


    Thank you.



  11. Hi Mr Zippy,


    This is not directly related to the post that I sent yesterday and to which you kindly replied.


    I have not used this site for some time, and I am now planning to resume my flight simulation activities. I used to have the settings so that I would receive an e-mail notification when I received a reply to a post. But I did not receive a reply to the post that I sent. Could you please tell me how to change the setting so that I do receive a reply. I could not find it in my profile.


    Thank you.


    Disregard this message. I think that I found my answer.



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