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Posts posted by Stanley777

  1. Hi gxm149,


    I have now performed the experiment. I flew straight and level with the throttle at a moderate amount.


    Sure enough, as you said, the aircraft just stayed suspended in midair. Moreover, the time kept advancing. These developments pleased me.


    On the other hand, as a I released Active Pause, the plane nosedived. I don't know why. So, if I use Active Pause in the future, I need to be prepared to recover the plane right away.


    The Active Pause feature is nice, but I don't crucially depend upon it. However, the program developers should modify the feature so that users can just hit Active Pause without trying to level out their flight, and also so that the aircraft does not drop out of the sky upon ending Active Pause even if the flight is already leveled out. The fact that time keeps advancing is good -- this does not happen if you use Escape.


    But your message clarified the situation quite a lot.








  2. An interesting quirk that I have noticed is that this seems to also apply to your aircraft. The sim will take the state that your aircraft is in and extend it out to when you turn off the active pause. If you are accelerating when you hit active pause you will find your aircraft going faster and if you are slowing down you will be below stall speed and fall to the ground when you turn off the active pause.


    Hi gxm149,


    Thank you for this interesting message.


    I will try what you say -- stay on straight and level flight with about 60% throttle -- and see what happens.


    From what you say, the original time of 13:15 should advance to 13:20 if you are on Active Pause for five minutes.


    I have now done the experiment using Escape, and there I saw that time also stood still -- which I don't like -- so that the original time of 13:15 continued to be 13:15 when you resumed flight.



  3. Hi everyone,


    I have two questions, please, regarding Active Pause in FS2020:


    First, I am wondering if Active Pause in my system is working correctly. Let's say that I am flying without using autopilot, and then I hit Active Pause and leave my computer for a few minutes. Apparently, however, my plane is not suspended in mid-air, because when I return to the computer, my plane has crashed to the ground. So, is Active Pause not functioning properly on my computer, is there a known bug with Active Pause, or am I not understanding how to use it?


    Second, how is Active Pause supposed to work? Let's say that I am flying somewhere and the local time is, just to make up a number, 13:15. Then, let's say that I deploy Active Pause for five minutes. When I turn off Active Pause and return to flying, is the local time supposed to pick back up at 13:15 or would the local time now be 13:20?


    Thank you.



  4. Hi Tim,


    Good. My copy of FS2020 just updated today, so I am glad that this will be fixed.


    Now I need to get the instability issue of using heading on automatic pilot.


    Would you be so kind as to read my post on this matter. It is under the title "Heading on automatic pilot: Serious instability issue." You are so knowledgeable that I am curious as to what you think.


    Thank you for your consideration.



  5. I can't say that I have had this issue. What aircraft is this with? One in particular or all of them?


    Sent from my SM-T813 using Tapatalk


    Hi everyone,


    First, no, this problem has not occurred after having used Active Pause.


    Second, I have flown only a few aircraft, but it is happening with all of them that I have flown.


    Understand, please, this occurs when I am using the heading setting with AP. As I start to change my heading with CTRL-Delete and CTRL-Insert very fast, then this starts. But it even happens when I am being deliberately very slow and gradual changing my heading.



  6. Hi everyone,


    I am encountering a serious instability issue when using the heading on automatic pilot (AP).


    For a while, everything works fine. But as I am in a flight and I start to control my heading with the automatic heading on AP, the program goes haywire. The heading bug begins to rotate around and around, and I lose all FS2020 functionality. The keys stop working, I lose control of my mouse, and I have no choice but to shut down the program using the Task Manager.


    When I control the heading on AP, I use the handy keyboard commands of CTRL+Insert and CTRL+Delete. Especially if I start adjusting the heading rapidly -- but even if I make nice and slow heading changes -- all of a sudden this problem comes up.


    It is really annoying, and it should be fixed.


    I hope that the FS2020 developers address this serious instability issue.


    Thank you for listening.



  7. Hi everyone,


    I have now adjusted my settings so that the VFR map opens automatically right when the flight begins. Then I keep the VFR map open throughout the flight. When I don't want to see it, I minimize it -- but I don't close it.


    So far, that has solved the problem.


    But the code writers should address this instability issue.


    Soon, I am going to post a thread about another instability issue in FS2020 regarding the automatic heading.



  8. Hi christian2018,


    Thank you very much for your response.


    OK. I did what you said, and indeed a lot of frequencies came up.


    But I am confused. Maybe it is my lack of knowledge. I typed eddm ils into my Google search bar, and here is what came up:


    GS/ILS 109.50 08L

    GS/ILS 109.30 08R

    GS/ILS 108.30 26L

    GS/ILS 108.70 26R


    Not even one of these frequencies shows up in Skyvector, even proceeding as you say to do.


    Could you, or anyone, please explain what is going on.


    Thank you.



  9. Hi everyone,


    I am confused as to what instrument Garmin is referring.


    Let me elaborate. As we know, an electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) typically consists of a primary flight display (PFD), a multi-function display (MFD), and an engine-indicating and crew-alerting system (EICAS).


    In FS2020, for example, the Cessna C172 uses a Garmin G1000. To what does that refer -- the PFD, the MFD, the EICAS, or all three? Similarly, the TBM 930 uses a Garmin G3000. Does that refer to all aspects of the EFIS, or only some of them?


    Thank you.



  10. Hi everyone,


    I appreciate everyone's input.


    Nothing is fully solving the problem.


    However -- and this is important -- when I used to use FSX, all you had to do was click on the map for any airport in the world, and you would get all the communication and navigation frequencies in one, easy-to-use page. The page was called "facility information."


    This feature that existed in FSX should be incorporated into FS2020.



  11. Hi everyone,


    I am trying to learn about and use Skyvector.


    Maybe I am missing something, but here is my question, please. I cannot see where it shows the ILS frequencies, at least for non-US airports.


    For example, a quick Google search told me that Heathrow (EGLL) has these frequencies for the following runways:


      For Rwy 27R (LOC/ILS), the frequency is 110.30

      For Rwy 09L (GS/ILS), the frequency is 110.30

      For Rwy 09R (GS/ILS), the frequency is 109.50

      For Rwy 27L (GS/ILS), the frequency is 109.50


    But I don't see this information on Skyvector.


    Could someone please explain this.


    Thank you.



  12. Success!


    At first, it was indeed not working. I thought that I had done everything correct, because I closed the simulator, then put the code into the community folder, and restarted the simulator.


    Then the thought occurred to me to also log out of Steam and then log back in. I did that, and now I can enter a value into the NAV radio.


    I thank all of you so much who contributed to solving this vexing problem.



  13. Hi everyone,


    Well, it doesn't work.


    Here is what I did after closing FS2020. Originally, I installed FS2020 on a large (Terrabyte) external drive. Thus, I have easy access to my Community folder, which is right under appdata.


    Now, please confirm that this should be the file structure under Community:


    > Directly below Community is the folder workingtitle-aircraft-cjf. Directly below that are these four folders and two files:


    > Effects (a folder)

    > html_ui (a folder)

    > ModelBehaviorDefs (a folder)

    > SimObjects (a folder)

    > layout.json (a file)

    > manifest.json (a file)


    Is this correct, please?


    Thank you.



  14. Hi Tim,


    Thank you very much for your instructive reply.


    I am grateful to you for the information, but I am going to go on a slight rant regarding FS2020. I am not complaining about your fix -- I thank you for the information.


    But I don't want to go deep into my computer to do what you have advised. If I had easy access to the Community Folder, I would do it. But I don't like going into the Users folder.


    Honestly, I was so excited when I first heard about FS2020. But I now get the impression that this is a beta product, and it is not really ready for the general public. I know that any new system will have a few bugs, but this is one thing after the other.


    Remember, you were very kind to provide this information. But the bugs need to be worked out of FS2020.


    I wish that the Community Folder were easily accessible.



  15. Hi everyone,


    I am flying the Citation CJ4, and I am trying to enter a NAV frequency to do an ILS landing.


    My Autopilot is on, and then I hit the NAV button. Then on the radio, I hit TUN, I enter a valid approach frequency, and I press the third button down on the left where it says "NAV 1."


    But then I get the message "Invalid entry."


    Please, does anyone know why?


    Thank you.



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