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Everything posted by Skywatcher12

  1. This is a topic regarding connection problems on the official forum. There is also a link in there for the latest FSGRW version which apparently addresses some connection issues according to the thread. You might want to check other threads for anything that may give you some answers. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/fsgrw/connection-problem-with-build-043-t725.html Good luck! Hope you can get something working.
  2. It would be logical to assume mid range PC specs for MSFS will be a little above the new Xbox specs. A very high end PC should offer better performance. Depending what add-on developer scope is, may be 2030 before anyone can run it reasonably well with high end add-ons. I very much doubt add-on developers will have the same scope as previous versions of FS.
  3. Might be worth trying it again if it only didn't work over say one or two days. Might've just been particularly problematic during that period. I would rate it better for FS than FSrealWX so if you already have FSGRW, maybe worth giving it another try.
  4. You want to make sure your firewall is not blocking it. It likely isn't because I know your problem has been reported as a common occurrence with FSGRW for some users. I know from my own experience, it can have connection issues but not enough to stop it being completely usable. Best to check your firewall in your case to be certain the problem is not your end.
  5. Cannot think of a more community overated game in history. I'll be sticking with FS9 because it kills the new MSFS! My FS9 has performance, the clouds are not blurry, it has seasons, it has ATC, it has customizable AI, there's more, I'm just running off the top of my head...oh...my rainbows look less fake...oh...historic weather...oh...FS9 is fly away, no more to pay...lol The things people will sacrifice to see their own house. I want a flight sim! Google can show me my house. haha
  6. I didn't put Win 10 on my PC by choice I promise you! lol I had too because Win 7 isn't a realistic option with new hardware.
  7. 89 posts to determine vanilla is good is a worthwhile thread. :pilot:
  8. We will have to discuss ice cream flavors to maybe agree? Vanilla is good. Chocolate is bad. Regarding what I quoted, yes, you move your head IRL but you also move your eyes. When you look at the overhead IRL, your eyes and head move up. When you do it with TrackIR, your eyes stay focused on the screen, they are always focused on the screen, you just move your head. Not exactly "as in IRL" Take say the main panel as an example, IRL, it is there in front of you. Your eye moves to different areas you need to see. It's identical with a 2D panel, it's fixed and you move your eye to where you want to focus on. With a VC and TrackIR, you achieve this by moving your ahead around not your eyes, far less realistic imo. Try looking at your overhead in a real aircraft as you do in FS. Your eyes stay glued to your screen in front of you when you look at the overhead in FS so IRL, you must keep them glued on the panel in front of you to replicate how you use FS. Now IRL turn your head to the overhead. Ahhh...you ain't going to see the overhead! What you think of the new MSFS while we are going OT and no one is really complaining yet? Imo, it is going to come out half game, half flight sim with ridiculous performance/running issues at least on average PC's. The focus right now is on the masses, not just the simmers. That's why you have the pretty graphics and real world AI. The real world AI isn't going to be flexible in a flightsim for interacting with simulator aspects like ATC but it sure will be cool for the kid on his Xbox to say "Hey, that's exactly where the plane is in real life! WOW!" I haven't changed my opinion since day 1. I don't think it will sell enough, they are not fully committing to flight simmers nor to the casual crowd. Sales will be below expectation and it'll get canned.
  9. Only skimmed the thread but if language.dll isn't there, FS won't even open.
  10. Col, we are all being pushed off a cliff in software terms and our wallets ripped off us before we are pushed by Microsoft and Win 10. No one should be happy about it! lol Here is an example. There is an older crowd here, some may have an interest in golf games. There are 2 current golf games worth mentioning on the market, both still mediocre compared to golf titles past. Many for this reason, prefer to play the older golf titles that reigned supreme when golf games were incredibly popular on the PC. Under Windows 7, you could choose and run any of these classic titles: Links LS 2000 Links 2001 Links 2003 Golden Bear Challenge PGA 2000 Tiger Woods series (03-08. Total of 6 games) Then came Windows 10. Under Windows 10 some games broke for everyone and others broke for many depending on their hardware configuration as Win 10 is very fussy about hardware. From the list of the 11 titles above that worked on Win 7, we were now left with 3! Links 2003 Golden Bear Challenge PGA 2000 But wait! There's more! The PGA 2000 users were very happy! The game ran great under Windows 10! Long live PGA 2000! Then it came, "THE WIN 10 UPDATE" that killed any animation in the game! eg the golfer, golf ball, flags etc. PGA 2000 users were left with what I have shown below making the game useless! From the 11 games we could run on all previous operating systems, we are now down to 2. The question is, how long before "THE WIN 10 UPDATE" will kill the last 2 off as well??? FS is no different, it's not a matter of if we lose it, but when. Microsoft want us using and constantly buying new software. They want us buying new hardware. They want us to move along from the software and games we enjoy when they tell us too. Win 10 sux!
  11. Should add, this is the type of thing that is happening with Win 10. Right now we are awaiting the new MSFS. If we don't like it, we will stay with FS9 or FSX right? These are the types of choices being taken away. Games like FS9 and FSX can stop working on Win 10 with the very next update. Your choice then becomes, if you want to flight sim, you will either use MSFS, X-Plane or P3D, nothing else! "We are Microsoft and this is what we will allow you to use." Retired? Not loaded with funds? Need a new PC to continue to flight sim? Bad luck! Microsoft doesn't care. No flight simming for you then.
  12. When up to Windows 7 you could play games up to 40 years old, no, don't think it's expecting a bit much. Windows 10 is built to force you to stay current, force you to buy and use only the software Microsoft want you to use and for you to keep regularly filling Microsoft's pockets $$$. That's Windows 10. The other operating systems gave you choice and flexibility.
  13. Larry, we must continue this thread a little further imo. lol Now, I sat at a friends house for hours with his P3D and TrackIR while he tried to convince me to switch from my 2D panels and FS9. In real life, your eyes move with your head. When you sit there with eyes fixated on the screen in front of you while moving your head around, it just doesn't work for me. To save time, regarding the 2D v VC debate, here is what I posted a while ago in another thread. FS2004 with 2D panels, that's how you flight sim, everything else is no good. :):pilot:
  14. Larry, appreciate your opinion. It's good to have different views on a topic like this and civil discussion. Ultimately, we all use what we want to use. One other thing keeping myself to FS9 is that I only like using 2D panels. If I ever did use FSX, any aircraft with only a VC are of no interest so it tends to cut down the choices or attraction from an aircraft perspective considerably. FSX or FS9, they are both good sims. Maybe call the thread a draw? lol
  15. It's fine with FS9, haven't come across any real issues but not fine with many other older games.
  16. lol I got warnings, told half my posts have been a negative on the flight sim community, that my uploads are worthless and currently my posts are under moderator approval. Haven't posted there since, haven't posted anywhere really until a couple of hours ago. AVSIM are a joke.
  17. Apart from add-ons, what else makes FSX better than FS9??? There is virtually no difference. It's the add-ons that make both sims. You compare them with all their add-ons and then evaluate how they look and perform and pick the one that works best for you. Edit: To compare both, you need both with their settings maxed out. You can easily do this with FS9, most people can't with FSX. You don't have to turn FSX settings down a great deal before your visual advantage over FS9 is gone. There are many running FSX like this. They are putting up with all the FSX problems and don't realize their sim looks worse than a hassle free FS9 would on their system.
  18. This is exactly what was given, a fair comparison. Re-read the thread, it's been clearly stated. If you want to summarize the thread in a couple of lines: FSX is the visually better sim at the expense of low FPS, crashes (OOM's) and stutters. FS9 is "slightly" behind in visuals but does not suffer low FPS, crashes or stutters. Both sims are old, same generation. You can take the one with headaches and frustration but slightly better visuals or you can take the hassle free one and sacrifice a little on the visuals. Simply depends what you want. I happily sacrifice the little advantage FSX gives in visuals for the ability to just flight sim without restriction or hassle.
  19. Hi Robin! I have FS9 on Win 10 now. As before, I still say Win 10 is no good! :p
  20. It was interesting to read the P3D and X-Plane bash fest over at the other site. Of course the other site doesn't like anything that does not demonstrate the site and membership as being "A happy bunch of coconuts!" so the threads were soon deleted. Of particular interest, were the complaints that applied to those sims but did not apply to FS9. There were quite a few. What came out there was the plain old truth from P3D and X-Plane users as they are all convinced they will never need these sims again. The new MSFS will be their future. FS9 holds it's own. As has been mentioned in this thread, you need to compare a FS9 run today against FSX, not one that you might have left 12 years ago, never touched since and use that for comparison. I won't add any more to the discussion but in 10 years from now, I still think there may be a good possibility I'll be using FS9. As for the new MSFS, I'll be fascinated to see how many, and how quickly, people run back to their old sims.
  21. I like Kelly, at least she won't melt in the sun. I think it's better to look old than look wrong.
  22. I am leaving it open to go to FSX one day maybe. I'm just happy and content at this point in time, no rush to do anything. I still have a million things I want to do and get out of FS9. It's good there are several sims to choose from depending on wants and needs of individuals. Enjoy your FSX'ing!
  23. What team are you after? I have Penguins for iFly 737-700 which is a much better option for a 737-700 than the PMDG.
  24. Totally agree, each to their own. Should mention I have FSX, boxed and Steam and have had it installed since release. I choose FS9 over it. Nothing to do with system or anything else, FS9 is just better for me as I'm not prepared to deal with VAS. You can argue over add-ons but each has appealing add-ons you can't have in the other. Graphics, not a deal breaker at all in any type of game. I always go for gameplay and everything else over graphics.
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