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Everything posted by nefrojas

  1. Anyone else seeing inverted animation for ailerons and rudder? Running Steam Edition here. By the way, thank you so much for this great plane. Gauges are great and all. Regards.
  2. Hi Duffy

    I flew this plane in FS9. Now in FSX SE I also lost my gauges. Unfortunately I have not been able to fix them because they are all based on 737-400 and 777-300. Those planes do not come with FSX anymore. If I find a way I will sure tell you about it.



  3. Ojo: Diferencias en nombres de carpetas. Un espacio antes de v3 y una S al final de Texture. Una vez de asegurarnos que los archivos fueron correctamente copiados y algunos reemplazados nada m%u00E1s cargar de nuevo el FSX y todo listo. EXCELENTE TRABAJO. GRACIAS. Funciona con Steam Edition.
  4. Thank you guys. Excellent update. Works with steam edition. Watch out for slight differences in folder names. A space before V3 and and S after texture. Once the files are in the right place just restart FSX and it is ready. Great job.
  5. If it does not work with your installer look for the newer version.
  6. I never get tired of flying this one. Such a good plane.
  7. Hmm. This file seems to be corrupted.
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