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Posts posted by cobalt

  1. The author has now updated his program so that it allows entire groups of files (e.g., geographical regions) to be activated or deactivated in the Community folder, enabling MSFS users to designate which areas they intend to fly in, in a particular session, and exclude the unneeded areas. This tremendously shortens MSFS loading time. A great tool that should find wide use I would think.

    Link to the new update: http://www.filedropper.com/addonlinkertestv1b

  2. Did you by any chance try flying along the Na Pali coast yourself? People seem to be getting a little distracted by the P3D shots and are ignoring the fact that there are areas in MSFS where the underlying satellite scenery is of lower quality. It isn't always an issue with atmospheric modelling.


    And NONE of the scenery in any other flight sim on the market comes close to the degree of realism and immersion one finds in MSFS. Nitpick, nitpick, nitpick ....

  3. It is actually easy to go into the Community folder, and safe -- this folder starts out empty when you install MSFS, and anything you put into it can easily be changed or removed without affecting the operation of the program. In Explorer, locate the Community folder (takes a little patience), open Properties, left-click on "create a shortcut", then drag the shortcut to your desktop. From then on, you can go directly to Community with one click on its desktop icon. To repeat: you cannot mess up the program by anything you do in the Community folder -- the worst that will happen if you do something incorrectly there, is that that particular item (scenery, plane, whatever), won't work until you get it right.

    I think the ability to manipulate files in the Community folder is really essential to getting the full benefit from this sim.

  4. Just to add my 2.77 cents worth (adjusted for inflation). I am also well into geezer-hood and agree with the OP of this thread and most of the responses he generated. I will just add a word of advice: be prepared to be dumped on for offending those who have made a cottage industry of trashing this sim as "garbage", "a ripoff", and other lovely terms. You will have your intelligence questioned and be described as a naive fool who has been duped by Microsoft. To be clear: I am not referring to those who have expressed legitimate complaints and are having problems of one kind or another with MSFS, which many are (as I myself have had at times). But the nasties are out there. Just be ready -- then ignore.
  5. Haha, I don't like commenting on anything MSFS as it appears one must say certain things.


    And here is another reason I HATE the route MSFS has taken for terrain rather than opt for more traditional graphics. Yes, that looks like garbage as does most photo-realistic anything used in flight sims.


    The scene was actually underexposed originally, why it looks like that and why it draws your concern in the final output, meaning MSFS.

    I understand your exact concern don't get me wrong but you can only work with what you have to work with. Unless they are going to meticulously and professionally adjust every part of the MSFS world, you're going to get many, many areas that simply look wrong.


    Majority of people don't have an eye for this and don't notice flaws. If they did, they wouldn't have been flattered by the MSFS promo videos nor any of the photo-realisitic stuff in previous sims.


    The biggest selling aspect of MSFS to most of the world (the terrain) is one of the biggest drawbacks for me.


    On your example, yes, I do agree with you, it ain't right but you can't expect it to be any better either.


    "Trolling, trolling, over the bounding main ..." Garbage? Well, there is some around, for sure.

  6. OK, an update. I removed the addon files from Community, removed the content.xml file, restarted MSFS, allowing it to rebuild a new content file, shut down MSFS, restored the addon files to Community, and restarted. The content.xml file now contains all the addons as it should.


    Why i was able earlier to see the addon scenery even when content.xml was not updating, I have no idea -- as I said, a mystery.

  7. OK, I have patiently endured these endless rants from dissatisfied customers, and try to sympathize with the difficulties and frustrations they have encountered. Like almost everyone, I have had my own share of problems including CTDs. What keeps me going is the incredibly immersive, lifelike feel of flying this sim, something I have never experienced in 39 years of flight simming going back to FS2, and for the last 14 years in FSX. Calling MSFS a "scam", "ripoff", etc. etc. is beyond ridiculous. This is a product offered for sale with full refund for those not satisfied. No scam, no ripoff! It is time for the terminally disgruntled to leave the premises and let those of us who think this sim is an incredible advance, go forward as the kinks are worked out. I realize this is itself a rant, and it felt good!
  8. Thanks... well i got the Cessna 172 flying but hard to control with the keyboard


    I am even older than you, have been flight simming since FS2 back in the early 80s, and thought I was fairly good at flying in FSX. But I have to tell you, MSFS is a whole new ball game in almost every respect. Learning my way around in this sim is a project, at times frustrating but the bottom line is, it is worth the effort! What it takes is patience and perseverance. The main difference from earlier sims is the level of realism in flight, which is huge, not only in the handling and coping with weather conditions but also in the fact that the cockpits and panels are modeled after the real ones -- no more 2d panels or short cuts -- which requires some effort to gain familiarity. You will need a controller or joystick to really master this thing -- doing it on a keyboard alone is not impossible, but certainly difficult.


    Good luck!

  9. havent downloaded any freeware scenery yet

    meaning that paying is out of the question.

    We have too much of eye candy in non populated areas.

    We need good planes, analogue, and Ai traffic with real airlines (which in turn are only possible with planes), bugs resolved, better real weather and seasons


    Just to understand what you are saying: Are you asking this and other flight sim websites to stop allowing uploads of scenery to their file libraries because you happen not to want them? If not that, what ARE you saying? One man's "eye candy" is another's essential stuff. You and I obviously differ in our priorities, but it would never occur to me to suggest that add-ons I am less interested in should not be available to others.

  10. Finally got my download to stabilise by carrying out the process referenced at Avsim:


    Run " netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal " in a Windows Command prompt and it seems to clear whatever is causing the patcher to fall over.


    However (IMHO) Asobo and MS really need to consider how future patches are delivered. I've had my PC tied up for several hours now trying to sort this and because Steam thinks I am already logged in and playing FS, I can't run any other Steam game while waiting for the thing to complete.


    Behemoth is the expression that comes to mind...


    Edit: Spoke too soon. It's choking again. What a load of old tripe.


    Just to add my own experience with this patch -- It downloaded about 23 G and then abruptly exited MSFS. I restarted the program. It reached the "looking for updates" stage, and then downloaded another 8 G or so of the patch, declared "installation complete" and then proceeded to continue restarting the sim. However, this time, getting past the "press any key to start" took awhile with repeated key starts by me, as the usual short videos kept repeating, but it finally let me in. Yikes. I sincerely hope the 31 G patch helps solve more problems than it seems to have created. After a month, I am a big fan of MS2020, but had no idea that just getting it to work well, coming to grips with how different it is from FSX in almost every respect, and dealing with patches like this latest one, would become a major project in my life. Good thing I'm retired, and good luck to those who aren't!

  11. Thanks for the recommendations.


    Yes I too know that Squirrel isn't the only person making great Youtube videos and it is always welcome to learn of others which are good as I have seen many so called tutorials some of which have NO vocals (terrible) and others which are not very 'fluid' suggesting the author isn't really familiar with what they are trying to do.


    Thanks again


    Yes, your last comment is very true (not that the others aren't!). I have been surprised a few times to see videos by folks who aren't all that sure what they are doing, so that viewers are being treated to a learning experience. Why videos like this are being posted is a bit hard to understand.

  12. I am waiting for a few more updates before I dive into the new MSFS. I might also wait to see if the 3rd Party developers start to develop for this simulator as that would be a very positive sign as to the shelf life of this product. I would like to see new addon sceneries, airports, etc, to improve on what Microsoft has built as stock MSFS2020. I think the 3rd party developers can do an excellent job of creating aircraft with better flight models. When they do, I will purchase this software. I can't wait for MSFS2020 to mature into the flight sim we are looking for.


    Well, at the moment the FlightSimCom file library contains 96 files of 3rd party MSFS addons. Just FYI.

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