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Posts posted by Elvensmith

  1. I have the 0.4.0 installed and the A320 is working as well as it, well ever does.


    Without teaching granny about eggs, the FD must be switched on for the AP and AT to work and that is particularly key when loading a saved flight and everything is off. I am well into a 4 hour flight from Nairobi to Cape Town and the AP and AT are functioning as they should, it even kept my fllghtplan in the FMC for two loaded games now (probably won't be so lucky in a minute...).


    As regards starting the engines, well you don't really have to go through the entire checklist - batteries, APU, fuel pumps, ignition on (which works for me) then put the engine switches in. Or just Ctrl-E it as a last resort. :)

  2. This happened big time after the 1830 patch. Asobo have pretty much stonewalled on the issue but consensus seems to be if your download speed in game is set to anything other than unlimited you will get this problem. The established solution was to download a utility called Net Limiter and set your Flight Sim download speed to no more than 500KB/s. Hopefully that still works just makes the process very slow and tedious.
  3. Just tried a quick flight in the 747. Reached cruising altitude and not only is it still "hunting" left to right trying to follow the flight vector it is also now porpoising up and down through a range of about 1000 feet. I left it about 10 minutes to see if it might settle down and stabilise, but negatory.


    Anyone else found this, before I put in a Zendesk ticket?

  4. Took a quick flight with the A320 in Africa last night after the patch installed fairly seamlessly.


    Slightest bit of cloud still triggering Jurassic Park level thunder and lightning.


    The A320 FMC still doesn't retain even a simple flight plan on reloading a saved game with, of course, the autopilot being off and your plane effectively floating along at 29k feet while you frantically try and set things back up.


    Could not get the flight to "end" after taxiing to the gate, parking brake on, shut off engines and switch batteries off.


    Log did not record the fact I landed the A320 at Nairobi.


    Haven't tried the 747 yet to see if it still hunts from left to right following a flightpath vector.


    I just have a horrible feeling we are already getting into tangled spaghetti code with this title (given it is probably built on FSX or FSW anyway) and this is why what would on the surface seem to be simple fixes to basic problems are not going to be rapidly forthcoming.

  5. I did a textbook ILS landing at Nairobi last night after a post patch test flight with the A320. Taxied to the terminal, parking brake set, engines off, batteries tripped out. I didn't get the end of flight screen nor when I checked the log had it recorded the fact I landed.


    Yet the previous evening when I did a Harrison Ford and put the C172 down on the grass somewhat to the side of the runway at Wick on a Neofly run, it credited me as having landed...


    Go figure...

  6. Further to above, after a slight red misting once more in FS20, thought I would fire up one of my JF (CLS) DC10's in FSX for a quick spin. The experience was literally like stepping back 12 years, for one the exterior of the plane was all white as they never fixed the texture for the FSX port. Crude "Acme" panel, the airport flat as a pancake (I love the undulating runways in '20).


    So off that and back to '20, decided to give the Neofly mod a little try with a "UPS" delivery run up the NE Scottish coast from Inverness to Wick - great fun!


    Later today I think FSX might well be getting the coup de grace and culled from the HD...

  7. Main reason I got into computers was to run flight sims. Started with the Amiga which, in the early to mid 90's seemed to have a new combat flight sim every couple of weeks. Remember the excitement when I bought Thalion Airbus A320 which just about ran on the A600 - huge box complete with foldout airway maps and a book of approach plates. It didn't matter there was no exterior view, the flight area was completely flat and the airports had no buildings - the imagination did the rest. It was just such a magnificent feeling to be flying one of these machines!
  8. I could really start to explore and enjoy what this potentially awesome sim has to offer if they would just make these airliners behave. As "lite" as they were, at least the default aircraft in FSX did what they were supposed to do without all the drama. These default airliners are really beautiful inside and out, and I think the sounds and effects are top-shelf. But you can't fly them without autopilot and avionics that do the basics properly.


    No fun for me in this sim until they fix it. P3D with all my awesome study level liners is where I'll be until they get this sorted.


    Well the modded A320 ain't bad - I'm currently seeing if I can squeeze it across the pond from KJFK to EGLL - but it is still heavily dependant on Asobo sorting out core issues. That includes an AP that stays on and a FMC that remembers your flight plan reloading a saved game, the APP mode not suddenly deciding to fly you direct to the destination airport not to mention (the latest bug) not having to fly solo without any other aircraft in the sky to avoid the camera/CTD glitch.


    Otherwise apart from the nice scenery, in flying terms we might as well be back in A320 by Thalion.

  9. Well I experienced my first CTD since Day 1 last night.


    Decided it was time to check out the area around Skardu (airport for the K2 Base Camp), so set up a flight with the A320 (Modded). Taxied out to the runway. Attempt No.1, on takeoff roll I found the engine power was fluctuating slightly, put it down to the altitude (7320 ASL). Unfortunately flight ended prematurely as I accidentally put the 'bus into the side of the Karakorum foothills. Attempt No. 2, I loaded my save immediately prior to the takeoff roll, throttle forward to TO/GA the plane jerked forward, screen froze, spinning wheel at bottom RHS of screen then CTD.


    Obviously there are known areas of instability in the current world (e.g. Keflavik) but before notifying Zendesk, as a control I just wanted to check in and see if anyone else has had issues at this remote, but from a flight sim POV very popular, area.

  10. Frankly the more I use MSFS/FS20, the harder it is to go back to FSX or even X-Plane. Earlier this evening I had a fantastic night time take off from Hong Kong, after bringing the modded A320 up from cold and dark. Never really got that vibe in the other sims.


    Earlier again I had the ad for the Perfect Flight MD11 for FSX show up on the forum sidebar. Now my finger was poised but then I thought, "What's the Point?" I would probably fly it once or twice then never look at it again. In fact my main sensation was one of vague disappointment that it wasn't a surprise announcement the aircraft was now in FS20!

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