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Posts posted by Elvensmith

  1. Went to run FSX after a fairly long absence and presented with this message when trying to run the game:




    Not physically changed anything with the install since last running the game, other than any official Steam updates.

    I initally verified file integrity through Steam, no change then did a complete uninstall (including deletion of all subsidiary folders) followed by reinstall but getting the same result.

    Any guidance on fixing this greatly appreciated.


    Edit: Fixed. For some reason there was a multicore entry in the Steam launch parameters, which I don't remember putting there. Deleted and now running okay.

  2. Just watched this latest Gerard Butler action movie and despite the efforts of the producers to give some credence with semi authentic flight deck speak, kind of fell flat on its face technically.


    The aircraft depicted looks like a MD80 or possibly MD82 which has a flight range of just over 2000 NM.

    Trailblazer Flight 119 was flying from Singapore to Honolulu via Tokyo.

    Distance from Singapore to Tokyo is around 3000 NM.

    Distance from Tokyo to Honolulu is around 3800 NM.


    Even if the the aircraft hadn't flown dead bang through an electrical storm and incurred a highly unlikely complete electrical failure (though the engines were still running), it would have been coming down somewhat short anyway...


    Good old Hollywood.

  3. But an MS product and store nonetheless - Steam exist purely as an alternative means of purchase and copy protection jacket.


    However I have since had it confirmed by the Helpdesk it is indeed correct, for the Steam version the only way is to purchase Flight Sim Credit with funds from Steam. You can't even use a debit or credit card directly. It's almost as if the two versions are divorced from each other, or at least living apart. If I was M$, money is money and once in the Marketplace you should be able to buy with whatever legitimate means you have available.


    Oh well, the money I now had earmarked towards the PMDG 737 will now get spent on buying something else from the MS store, maybe Farming Simulator 22 if it goes on sale at a discount at some point.

  4. Postscript to the above... Have some funds in my XBox account, but when I go into the Marketplace to select and buy an item it's redirecting me to Steam to use that to purchase Flight Sim credit. So how on earth do I get the Steam version to recognise I have credit on my MS/Xbox account and use that instead?


    Or is it possible to go in externally via the MS store rather than from in game and will any add-ons purchased that way work on the Steam version?

  5. Thanks Tim. If my wife was to see what I might spend outright on some of the DLC (like the PMDG titles), I'd be getting my marching orders to a mobile home (or tent)... Sneak a gift card or three on the account and that brings the price down to a level where she's less likely to exclaim, "You paid how much?!" I've been doing it with Steam for TSW stuff for a while now and it's quite handy having a bit of credit on there especially at sale time or when DTG drop a new route that takes my fancy.

  6. Same way as one can buy physical Steam gift cards in various UK shops and add these to your Wallet after scratching to reveal the code, wondered if it's possible to do likewise with either MS or XBox gift cards to your MS account and use the credit when buying from the store.


    It's a way of saving up for the bigger purchases or a possible gift idea for relatives at birthdays and Christmas.


    So just wondered if anyone has succeeded in doing this?

  7. Bumping this, as it's the last reference to the issue I can find on a search. Just to say thanks, yes it works however you must run the Command prompt as Administrator otherwise you get the red flag still.


    How the plane performs in FSX-SE under Win 10 will be another matter but I paid a lot of money for this add on at the time and was gutted that I might no longer be able to use it.

  8. Thanks @flytv1 . Played with the demo bit more but I'm not sure I like the adaptive lighting effect. It's similar to what Dovetail have done with their new content in TSW3, adaptive "eye" means everything you see through the cab window is bleached and washed out and emerging from tunnels, dark into light you get a flash like you would encounter on a filmed scene. As I already own XP11, I'll get a few more miles out of that, maybe consider XP12 if/when it starts getting a discount in Steam seasonal sales, £30/$40 or less. 


    MSFS also reinstalling as I type this...

  9. Having a quick play around with the demo, currently 50/50 on whether to part with £50 for this. One thing I’ve come across is blurry cockpit textures particularly text. Any suggestions to improve this (running at full 4K resolution)?

  10. In line with the general musings above, this seems to be the place to drop in a few observations/feedback on the state of FSX.


    After an absence of quite some months if not a year or two I finally fired it up again last night, hoping to gain some air miles in the much loved Level D 767. The first thing that hits you on a 4K screen is the opening screen is tiny due to the fixed fonts. Various fixes on the internet change this once off, but next time you start the sim it's back to the tiny, tiny window. The same affects the in flight menus and toolbars so to compromise you have to drop the graphics to 1440p.


    As I may have mentioned previously, FSX (both original and SE) now seem to struggle on modern O/S to save complex aircraft. I reloaded my flight later in the evening, to find the flight plan I meticulously loaded in the LVD 767 FMS had completely vanished, not even the origin and destination airports shown. This also seems to afflict other aircraft that rely on FMS rather than default GPS nav, but it never used to be an issue back in the day. Did something change from Windows 7 onwards (I'm running Win 10) to cause this?


    Finally when you sit in the flight deck the default view angles down such that you can see very little in front of the plane. Raising the eye height doesn't really help, it's the angle that's the issue. Again not just the 767 but various other third party aircraft now do this.


    So it was with some sadness I again hit uninstall for FSX and have started to tidy my HD's to make way once more for the bloatware which is MSFS(2020).

  11. Asked this on Avsim but no reply so far. With both FSX and MSFS now having issues not reloading the flight plan etc. into the FMS/FMC on resuming a save game (even the beloved Level D 767), was wondering how XP12 fares in this respect? Don’t really want to pay out £50 when my interest is primarily long haul heavy iron flights. Otherwise the new sim looks very intriguing.

  12. In the FSX forum the OP is asking for help installing FSX because his copy fails to install.

    The score at half-time is:

    MSFS - 1

    FSX - 0


    I was about to post something to this effect then saw this.


    Even with the Steam edition, FSX is getting very tricky and temperamental to run. Menu fonts are tiny trying to run at HD resolution and it doesn't quite have the same life feel to it. Comparing with the train sims, FSX is like MSTS to Train Sim World, a different league and generation ago.


    Not that MSFS is perfect, I'm just finishing a reinstall (taking the opportunity to move from my congested C Drive to the more capacious E Drive) after an earlier rage uninstall. But it appears to be moving in the right direction. Over at Avsim (not sure if duplicated here) apparently we are getting a free A310 at the end of the year as part of the official content. Nice.


    Of course it still needs a DC10 and Tristar (amongst others) which is probably just about the only thing that stops me recycling FSX off the HD and reclaiming the space.

  13. Finally able to download. The license agreement is pretty draconian - almost afraid to use it. Might be my last product from them.


    Can you elaborate?


    I'm truly on the fence about this. The initial price is not as bad as first thought but still going to have issues getting that by the wife. Then there's the whole save/load game issues still plaguing MSFS which make long flights unpredictable.


    Might wait and see if it turns up in the Marketplace or via Steam as in the case of the latter I can buy a couple of £20 gift cards from my cash stash and the missus will never know!

  14. Sadly unless they fix this rather fundamental feature, it makes one reluctant to invest in any expensive add ons knowing you won't be able to reliably resume a long flight. A problem not confined to FS, of course. X-Plane 11 has a similar issue as does Train Sim World 2. Seems the more complex our games get, the harder it is for the programmers to write a reliable save game algorithm.
  15. Popping my head round the door of MSFS (again), I see there are a few jetliner add-ons from Captain Sim available to purchase - 767, 777 etc. Just wondering if these are any good, information and reviews seem to be very scant. Not expecting Level D or PMDG standards but are they sufficiently different to fly or are they just bits and bobs bolted together with the flight model and sounds of the default 747?


    Any information appreciated.

  16. Must admit I haven't got round to reinstalling FSX SE yet after my unscheduled Windows Reset nuked most of my Steam programs. I have put MSFS back on but, typically, have spent most of the time thus far trying to get it configured and updating all the rather large file downloads.


    The big problem as I see it and what will no doubt lead me to wrestle once again with FSX, is that add on development so far as passenger jet aircraft is stagnant. There's the Frankenstein 737, the lovely A320 FBW and the no doubt very expensive PMDG 737 still WIP, but if I want to fly a DC10, MD11, Tristar or any of the older Boeings seems there will be a very long wait, if such aircraft ever appear at all. By now you would have though even something basic from Just Flight might have appeared but, nada.


    So FSX will live on, so long as the hardware and OS etc. can run it, for those of us wishing to fly the classic tubeliners.

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