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Everything posted by transcontinental

  1. Hi Everyone, Some of you have asked me to put up a video showing the lights from the side. I can't fly from the wing view... best I can do is give you the F/O side view. Hope this answers any questions you may have had, and again suggestions are welcomed!!!!!
  2. Hi Everybody, I released version 1.3.0 a few minutes ago. Tonight we are in Florida performing a final run on the night lighting editing package. I managed to get the camera in front of the F/O seat where it doesn't interfere with the dual yoke. This will give you a better view of the lighting effects I get to see at night. Just wish I could film and upload in 4K! Maybe some day. Link shown in you tube video description.
  3. Hi Everybody, Worked on the night lighting effects from bed again today, got up just to do some quick testing on the changes I made. 1.3.0 is looking nice... I think it still needs some work, but I'll get to that later. Right now I need a breathing treatment and some rest. What do you guys and gals think... Too much of something or not enough of something else. I can't decide if there is too much color and/or too much orange lighting. I'll keep thinking about it while I'm resting...
  4. Hi Everyone, My night lighting effects work continues as seen in the above video of version 1.3.0. I've already reduced the taxi edgeway lighting in prior releases and I've now reduced the taxi center lighting as well, they are no longer brightly visible for tens of miles out. I am also working on city glow effects as shown at the end of the video... from 10,000' on down, with a landing at Dallas (KDAL) airport. You'll also get a closeup view of the taxi edgeway and center lighting with and without taxi lights on/off. Since I've made so mane changes and if I stay with these settings, I'll have to reduce the landing and taxi lights again. As stated in the video, this will just about require a complete reinstall of my lights.
  5. Hi Everyone, In between adjusting my night lighting, I must try and find some time for fun. Tonight we start from the checkerboard on down into KAI TAK.
  6. Hi Everyone, Landing in Dallas, night lighting work continues. Version 1.3.0. Now that I have all the lights redrawn, set and sized the way I want them... now it's time to get that city glow right. Still have some tint adjustments to make as well.
  7. Hi Everyone, Short hop over NYC to test my latest night lighting edits.
  8. Hey Everyone, Since I'm not recording in the background the sim runs as it should. You'll notice the stutters that appeared in yesterday's video flying around Boston are now gone. I've also made a few edits to the lighting effects since yesterdays video as well. This is version 1.2.9 that will be uploaded to xplane.org as soon as it's done. Another day, maybe two tops. Didn't expect to have issues with my recording equipment today. Still have to work out the halo issue around the moon and I think that's it for this round.
  9. Hi Everyone, I wasn't going to upload this video due to some of the stutters, I didn't realize I was also recording (you can see the little green dot in the lower right hand corner) on the video. Between video recording, reshade and running XP11... It was a bit too much for the 1080TI and I7-7700 to handle, hence the stutters. But, the video gives a good idea where the next update stands. With any luck the latest edit with be released within a day or two.... Unless I find another issue I missed in the past. Still want to check my go to places.... KLAX and KJFK areas. As a side note, I made many changes to the lights.txt file to correct number alignment. It makes it MUCH easier to make changes to the file!
  10. Hi Everyone, Landing at Seattle (KSEA). Night lighting edit work continues.
  11. Hi everyone, Short Hop from Kansas City to St. Louis. (KMCI-KSTL). Still have a couple issues with the A/T not staying locked.
  12. Hi Everyone, In between working on my night lighting effects I decided to go for a short hop. This very early morning flight... we go from Chicago's O'Hare to Indianapolis International airport.
  13. Hi Everyone, Departing KMSP, the night lighting edit is looking real nice now!
  14. Hi Everyone, My latest night lighting edits without using MaxxFX, this view is now 100% achievable via freeware.
  15. Hi, Thanks... My wife was cracking up when I showed her the intro.
  16. Hi Everyone, With two versions of night lighting effects complete, some of you have asked for a set that really illuminates the big cities but didn't get oversaturated with bloom. Work in progress, :
  17. Hi Everyone, Just taking in the night lighting at San Juan.
  18. Hi, Glad you like them and hope you find them useful. Thanks
  19. Hi Everyone, A closer look at my night lighting edits. I swapped out the ultra-wide lens for my Sony lens. Was told by someone I respect in the community that knows about night lighting edits that my lights are causing stutters while banking the aircraft. I have tried myself to reproduce the effect, but I am unable to accomplish this. Only times I notice texture load momentary pauses is in heavy FPS areas like New York. Chicago, LA. I don't notice these stutters, but my FPS never drop below 30. These latest lights edit (in the video) are almost ready for release, have a few issues left to work out. Is there anyone out there using my night lights edit, can you confirm stutters. Thanks
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