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Everything posted by CTarana45

  1. What I find interesting is there is no cost to the public, going from C-130A to C-130J! :pilot: All Military purchases are like that! Christopher Tarana
  2. BOAC's brand new, Avro Lancasterian II over London! :pilot: Christopher Tarana
  3. Like a fine Swiss Rolex watch! :pilot: Still ticking! Christopher Tarana
  4. Mike Stone's Lockheed AC-130E over Bagram, Afghanistan! :pilot: Christopher Tarana
  5. Riva Aquarama departing Rome! :pilot: Hamas gets 7 stars for this model of an Italian Yacht. The Yacht Appeared in GoldenEye! Christopher Tarana
  6. The first picture looks like an R/C Plane! I'm flying Wolfgang Faber's model in Fs9! :pilot: Downloaded from SimOuthouse! Christopher Tarana
  7. A Cirrus SR-20 over Biloxi,MS! :pilot: Christopher Tarana
  8. 2020 Cirrus SR22 C/N 4911! :pilot: It's a 2 year old Cirrus SR-22 and it's currently registered! Christopher Tarana
  9. https://simviation.com/hjg/downloads.htm Their 737's are much better than others! Including iFly! Christopher Tarana
  10. Yes to the Default Aircraft, and to the Freeware Aircraft! With my History with Golden Wings, I'm definately a GA person! :pilot: Christopher Tarana
  11. 5 for Fs2004, 1 for Fs2002, 0 for Fs98 or Fs98 GW's :pilot: Christopher Tarana
  12. Mike Stone's Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar! :pilot: Christopher Tarana
  13. I have the Mike Stone Version with 13 Liveries! :pilot: Christopher Tarana
  14. Submarine - Submarine.Bmp=F2002 Texture Folder Part of CFs2 Demo Software. Some Copies of Fs2002 were released with a Demo for Combat Flight Simulator 2 and they shared a texture folder! This was pointed out by a Nice Gentleman at SimOutHouse! :cool: Christopher Tarana
  15. United Airlines Boeing Model 247 by Dee Waldron. I installed this bird last night in Fs2002! In Fs9, I have the JBK version. In Fs98 the Rick Boeminger version, and in Fs98 Golden Wings, the Bill Lyon's version! :pilot: Christopher Tarana
  16. The Royal Air Force Did operate the Boeing Model 247! :pilot: And so did the RCAF! Christopher Tarana
  17. At least he didn't see a Tornado! :pilot: There isn't a version of Flight Simulator that has Crappy Clouds, going all the way back to Fs3.0! Christopher Tarana
  18. I'm running the Maule 7 Package in Fs9! :pilot: Christopher Tarana
  19. I don't have enough room to replace the ships I moved to Fs2004, so I compromised and reinstalled The USS North Carolina into Fs2002! :pilot: Christopher Tarana
  20. I had Zero Issues, (None!) running Flight1 Software's Ryan NYP-1 Spirit of Louis for Fs2004 under Fs2002! That's why I Did Dutch Flats and Roosevelt Field! :pilot: Christopher Tarana
  21. His wresting name is Sasquatch! I believe he started in High School! :cool: Christopher Tarana
  22. I don't worry that bug! I was able make 7 scenery's for Fs2002 and post them here! :pilot: My Favorites were Dutch Flat's Cal and Roosevelt Field! My brother-in-law lives in Hazard, Kentucky, he's 7'2"! Christopher Tarana
  23. Birthday Present for my Son! We Bought it three month's prior to! I'm pretty sure the Professional Version Is on The Internet Archive for free! Just don't change the view options, instant CTD! :cool: Christopher Tarana
  24. The file is now in Fs98 Misc section! Jonesing With Indy.zip :pilot: Christopher Tarana
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