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Posts posted by longbreak754

  1. I also use Malwarebytes and have no issues with it...


    It should be remembered that Malwarebytes is not an AV product but a Malware detection product so it flags such things as Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUAs) and Potentially Unwanted Program (PUPs) - such programs are also often called Adware, Nagware and Crapware - and the suspicious actions that such programs do.


    Such programs varies from being a simple piece of code implanted as a cookie into your browser history that calls 'home' on a regular basis with bits of info and which may also prompt the home server to respond back, to a fully blown product nagging tool designed to entice you to buy a paid version.


    Such activities can cause Malwarebytes to flag reports as experienced by Charlie. Using the options, these can be turned off if one wishes and they can then be later reviewed via the activity log tool provided on the user interface GUI

  2. Hi Col,


    NVMe drives are just another design type of physical fixed data storage media. First there was Hard Drives (HDD), then Solid State Drives (SSD) and now there is Non-Volatile Memory Express drives (NVMe).


    The same progress has essentially been followed by removal storaage media - 5 1/2 inch floppy disc, 3 1/2 floppy disk, CD/DVD and now USB pen drives.


    See HERE and HERE for basic, easy to understand info on the NVMe format

  3. Hi,


    Sorry for the delayed response....


    First I should point out that the main class of stuff that I 'fly' is military so I have few payware airliner types in my 'hanger'. Those that I do have are predominantly from a more classic era. I don't own any of the Virtualcol products but included the reference having read reviews of some of the products - it appears from such reviews that they are FPS friendly and offer more realistic operating procedures than default models.


    WRT AFS-Design stuff - I only have a couple of their fighter packages but they are good on FPS and offer both simplistic and realistic procedural options.


    Of the Just Flight stuff that I have the VC10 and TriStar are both Pro versions and are at or near the same level of realism as the Level-D 767, although both still offer simplification of some areas of operation is one chooses.


    Also note that both products were originally released as 'standard' versions and then subsequently a Pro version was developed - the VC10 is now only available in the Pro version whereas the Tristar is still available in both standard and pro version. The standard version offers


    Both products offer realistic operational systems relevant to the what the aircraft carried including fuel management and navigational systems - for example the INS nav system on the VC-10 can only store 9 VOR/DME waypoints and needs to be updated as you fly the route with new waypoints (but there is also a GPS based nav system if one wishes to use it).


    The Just Flight A330/A340 product is actually called Airbus Collection: Long Haul and, as I stated in my last post, is more procedural than the default aircraft but is not as realistic as Level D.


    WRT to Luke's suggestion - I also have the Quality Wings 757 and can recommend that as to good product - good on FPS and a very high level of procedural requirements but probably not as high as the Level D 767

  4. Hi,


    It will depend on what level of 'realism' you want WRT the included cockpit, flight dynamics and procedures, such as start up, fuel management etc, but here are some companies that offer FPS friendly aircraft of the type that you seek are:


    Just Flight - this LINK take you to the Aircraft type landing page. I have several of their products (A330/A340, VC10, Tristar to name a few) and they are very FPS friendly. Some are also part of JFs' 'F-Lite' range which means they have been developed to be more procedural in their use than the default aircraft but, if the user chooses, not as realistic as some products such as those by PMDG or Aerosoft.


    Also available of the Just Flight website are Virtualcol products - many of these can also be considered as FPS friendly.


    Another option is models by AFS-Design - LINK - again most models offer good FPS.

  5. @ MikeJuliet


    I have helped others who have had similar problems with some addons and the problem is usually as a result of missing/corrupted 'essential application libraries - read on...


    @ FinnHarrier


    As this is a Win 10 related issue, it is possibly related to what versions of essential application 'libraries' you have installed. By default, Win 10 ships without some of the earlier versions of such 'libraries' that FSX (and other programs) relies on.


    For example FSX requires Direct X version 9, and although it is included on the installation disks, it is woefully out of date and incompatible with Win 10 (Win 10, depending on the build state source file, only ships with v10 or above).


    In some cases where Win 10 is installed as an update to an existing OS (i.e. 7 or 8) there have been reported problems as the Win 10 install overwrites certain system files with new Win 10 versions that are incompatible with some or more of the older files from the Win 7 install that are not replaced - again an known example of this is Direct X (DX)


    You can use Programs and Features to check if you have any of the following 'libraries' installed or, if you wish, simply download and install them - the installers will check for any previous install and will replace any missing/invalid/corrupt files or install the complete package as appropriate...….


    Visual C++ Runtime Redistributable packs - specifically version 2005 and 2008 but I also recommend installing 2010 as well. You can find download links for earlier versions HERE.


    You will need to download the relevant 'bit' version for your OS (i.e. 32 or 64 bit). Click on the required link and a standard download option box will appear - DO NOT run the installer from this but select the Save As option and save the file to temp location. To install, right click on the file and select the Run as Administrator option. Install each package separately, starting with the oldest version, and reboot using the RESTART option between each install. The reboot is essential to allow the windows registry and important system files to be updated.


    .NET Framework - specifically versions 3.5 and 4 - download from HERE and HERE - download and install using the same procedure for the C++ files.


    Direct X (DX) - Again I suggest that you download and install the DX Redistributable pack from HERE, again using the download/install procedure stated above. The pack includes versions 9, 10 and 11 and the install process will only install missing versions and/or replace missing/corrupted/incompatible files of the versions it finds installed.


    It is worth pointing out that you can have multiple versions of these 'libraries' installed. They are not just required by FSX but are used by many programs and apps. They will work happily along side each other and a program or app will automatically use the most compatible version.

  6. Tell me what airport this is happening at please.






    Based on the comments made, Jan has changed out the original (and faulty) AI model with the MAIW version and has resolved the issue.....


    A general comment WRT to the MAIW F-35 packages:


    A. There are SIX separate parts but only THREE are required for each sim version that they cover - Parts 1, 2 and 5 for FS2004 and 3, 4, and 6 for FSX/P3D.


    B. The FSX versions include updated FSX native scenery files to be used with previously released FS2004 base packages that covered aircraft types/squadrons that have subsequently converted to the F-35 - two examples of this is their F-16 based Hill and Luke AFB packages. The updated scenery files updates the parking arrangement and also includes other files to make it display better in FSX.


    You may also need to download and install the MAIW Global Scenery Objects Library for FSX as well.

  7. Hi gaftpee,


    What do you exactly mean regarding your comments about the interface?


    Does the interface tool:


    A. Open when you click on the icon or...

    B. Do you get an error message that says the shortcut is invalid or the target file is missing.


    If B. check you antivirus (AV) product to see if the file has been deleted or quarantined. It is a known common problem that some AV products will, based on the methods in which they scan files for threats, declare what is called a 'false-positive' and flag the GEX Interface .EXE file as being a threat. If you have downloaded GEX from a reputable source (i.e. directly from the Flight1 website) or installed directly from the original product DVDs then it is very unlikely that the file has a virus.


    Most AV products will allow you to restore the file from quarantine and then allow you to either 'flag' it as a safe/trusted file or exempt it from future scans. For piece of mind you can upload the file to Virus Total (via this LINK) - it will be checked against multiple AV products.


    If you want further info about activating GEX (and GEX in general) visit the Flight1 GEX support pages available via the main Flight 1 Software website at this LINK

  8. ….


    Also every time I verify game files on Steam there is always exactly 8034 files not verified and then it acquires the missing files.


    ….other than Orbx Global, North America, and Vector.



    As others have stated OOMs errors can be caused by a number of things and can frustrating to resolve. I suspect that, in this case, it is due to missing default scenery files AND is possible associated with the very basic set of addons that you have. Answering these Qs may give important pointers as to what the issue is.


    Q1. Are you able to ID what these files are and/or the location within FSX where they are stored?


    Q2. Are they the same files each time?


    Q3. Does this happen in all FSX regions or in only one specific region - North America for example - or is it in a more specific area of a region - XX miles North of a specific location?

  9. …


    Fsx (Microsoft product) will run best on a Nvidia card, which runs best on an Intel CPU.


    A classic statement and example of what I mean by people 'pushing' their opinions...


    As I have already stated, IMO it is a matter of personal opinion and preference. However, at risk of being accused of 'pushing' my own opinion, IME, many of the statements made regarding FSX running best on, for example, Intel/Nvidia based PCs do not hold true, even more so with todays technology.


    Claims that a certain game/piece of software will run better on a certain CPU/GPU were, and still are, often misleading and simply intended to gain 'sells' of particular products. This tried and tested sells technic has been around for decades, even before the advent of computers (for example car/tyre manufacturers tie-ups) and in many cases have no real relevance.


    Specific WRT CPU/GPU tie-ups - in todays level of technology it is all driven by hard coded instructions within the CPU/GPU and drivers. The only REAL tie-in to consider is what CPU type the motherboard is designed to use.


    All CPU/GPU processors have a set of coded instructions designed to get the best of the fitted CPU/GPU combo, and other motherboard capabilities, irrespective of the make. They also use coding in the drivers to provide further compatibility. Also, whilst irrelevant for FSX, many manufacturers often supply specific game tweaks via driver updates to remedy reported issues so that a game will run better.


    The reality is that FSX can run well, and for some users, better on other products. Personally, I have two rigs with FSX installed - one has an i5 based Intel CPU and a ATI Radeon GPU. the other has an i7 based Intel CPU and a NVidia GPU. BOTH run FSX with no issues using the same slider settings. I also have a number of friends who run FSX on fully AMD based rigs (i.e. with both a AMD CPU and GPU) with no issues.

  10. Glad to have been of help.....


    WRT whether or not a particular piece of hardware is good for FSX or not is, IMO, simply a matter of personal opinion and preference.


    There are threads here and at other FS community sites that are littered with comments where people 'push' their opinions on what are 'no-go' options to run FSX (and other sims) and, in many cases, you will see replies from others that clearly state that these 'no-go' options work fine with FSX.

  11. Two possible reasons for the 'poor' graphics are


    1. The selected resolution - Check that the FSX resolution is configured to be the same as the native resolution for your monitor. If may be that FSX is displaying at a lower default resolution of 1024×768. If the native resolution of the monitor is 1920×1080 then set the FSX settings to the same.


    2. Selected Graphics card - FSX should automatically pick up and select the Radeon but, if your motherboard has an inbuilt GPU (such as an Intel or similar) then FSX may be using that GPU instead.

  12. …..Johnost, your advise to use CCleaner to remove this registry entry is incorrect. CCleaner will do no such thing.


    He will have to use kb928080.


    This info is also incorrect.


    Tools like CCleaner checks the registry for invalid, corrupt and orphaned registry keys in all of the registry. It will therefore delete any orphaned FSX related keys left behind by the botched uninstall


    The KB is actually intended/designed to RESET a specific key to resolve a known issue - that relating to how many times FSX has been installed and/or failed attempts to install. It will only check for the associated key related to this.

  13. AFAIK they are the same model....


    A simple fix to the issue may be found in the aircraft.cfg entry for the repaints...


    Here's an example:



    title=Area 51 Sim C-5M Super Galaxy







    The entry in RED needs to be correct and point to the model that is being used on. Cross check the Alphasim and Virtavia aircraft.cfg files and see if there are different entries and amend accordingly.

  14. @ HopperFouga…


    If they still don't show after you have added the scenery give us info on the following plse:


    A. What sim you are using?

    B. What packages(s) are you trying to install?


    @ Enko...


    Just for info - the MAIW packages referred to by the OP come with dedicated flightplans for the included package. The packages include everything that is required to get them up and running - most packages include the AI models, flightplans (as a .bgl traffic file and the basic .txt files), scenery, voice packs and, where appropriate, effect files.


    As I (and Col) have stated, MAIW now offer packages for FS9, FSX and P3D. However, it is worth noting that many of the earlier packages are FS9 only and do require some basic work to get them to show in FSX/P3D. The main issue is the flightplans, they need to be converted for use in FSX/P3D using AIFP or TTtools.


    WRT to the traffic files - there is no need to use AIFP or TTtools to install them - the .bgl files are simply placed in an active scenery folder and that's it. You only need to use an AI tool if you want to convert them as indicated above.


    It is worth noting that recently MAIW have provided a number of FSX/P3D conversion packages for the AI models and flightplans, These packages can be used to update the earlier FS9 only packages. For example, they now have mod packs for all of the traffic files in one convenient download. The website also has many converted/updated scenery files for FSX/P3D that can be used to replace the original FS9 scenery.

  15. If you are using the inbuilt windows utility there are a number of reported issues with the tool, including permission issues due to User Account Control (UAC) restrictions (especially in Win10), reported issues with how it handles/opens large files and issues with the .ZIP file type not being recognised due to file assignment permissions and/or corrupted/missing OS files.


    Try downloading another tool such as 7-zip and see if that resolves the issue - see HERE

  16. As Col has pointed out MAIW now do many packages either as FS9, FSX and P3D. The files should go into specific locations for them to be viewed properly.


    If you are putting the files in the correct locations as specified in the included readme then the most likely reason for them not showing up could be a lack scenery that accepts the AI. Many airports in the sim, especially military locations and smaller GA airports, lack the appropriate coded parking spaces. Indeed, in many circumstances, they have no parking spaces or the taxiway infrastructure required for AI. If the airport has no parking spaces then there is nowhere for the AI to load and thus they don't show. This is the main reason why MAIW packages provide the scenery.


    Try adding the scenery and see what happens.

  17. Logon to your account and look at your order history. As well as a download link for the product there is usually a shortcut to a serial.txt file. This will contain the key. Also check carefully the purchase confirmation emails as the key is usually listed somewhere on the email...
  18. Hi Max


    On the tab where you can select a mode from the list, just above the drop down menu list is a box which will have a tick in it. Simply click on this box to remove the tick and then click Apply followed by OK to set it. This will remove any compatibility mode set for the product.

  19. Hi Max,


    Sorry to hear that. A final suggestion....


    Having taken a closer look at the file screen shots and re-reading of the thread I notice that you have changed the compatibility tab settings to Vista. As the stated min specs for the product on the PMDG website is Win 7, I suggest changing the settings to either Win 7 or disabling compatibility mode altogether and then retry the install.

  20. I have the same situation with my new computer I have my addon scenery on 2 TB hard drive. But do I need to do anything for the SSD that has FSX steam on it know to go to th HD for the addon scenery?


    First, look at the thread that you created to ask about placing scenery on another drive - there are a number of answers to your question that answer this one.


    But to answer this question in general terms - FSX knows where to find the scenery via the scenery activation process carried out using the FSX Scenery Settings page. Each action you take here is written into the Scenery.cfg file which is stored OUTSIDE of FSX at C:\ProgramData\Microsft\FSX.


    Each time you start FSX the file is read into memory so that FSX can then locate and load the appropriate scenery based on a number of other factors determ9ined in other files which include such things as the saved conditions of your last flight (location, time etc).

  21. There's no reason to add another round of complexity and slow FSX down even more.


    Actually, SCE's basic operation doesn't really add another round of complexity and neither does it slow down FSX (and, AFAIK, any of the other sims it is compatible with). The tool actually allows you to add new scenery to FSX without the sim started as it completely bypasses the need to use the FSX Scenery settings page. It also offers a number of other tools that some will find helpful, including simple fault finding and an inbuilt editor.


    @ Col (aka ColR1948)…


    Thanks for the shout out but you are just a capable of outlining the procedure as I have know you have used my advice on your own system....


    @ Mrmark501....


    The procedure is very easy - this is how I do it for my Bluesky stuff - I have stuff covering multiple states. You can make the folder structure as simple or as detailed as you wish. You can place all of the BlueSky scenery in one single folder or split it like I have....


    1. Create a root folder - for example D:\BlueSky Scenery\


    2. Depending on how you want to store it create the following subfolder(s)


    All lumped together - create a Scenery subfolder (e.g. D:\BlueSky Scenery\Scenery


    Separate folders for each area - create a Area subfolder followed by a Scenery subfolder (e.g. D:\BlueSky Scenery\California\Scenery


    3. Place the .bgl files into the Scenery subfolder.


    4. Activate the folder in FSX as normal - Simply navigate to the D:\ drive location.


    Another solution would be to move the scenery as is from the current location onto the HD and make a simple edit to its entry in the scenery.cfg to reflect the new location. This is a very simple operation once you understand the basics.


    Below is an edited example from my scenery.cfg to show what needs to change...as always I suggest making a backup copy of the file before editing:


    Original entry - shows an entry where the scenery is stored in a subfolder within the default FSX Addon Scenery folder (i.e. FSX\Addon Scenery\BlueSky Scenery\ - The item in RED is the part that needs to be changed.



    Local=Addon Scenery\BlueSky Scenery\Utah

    Title=Blue Sky Scenery - Utah





    New edited entry - shows the new entry pointing to the new scenery location based on the folder structure suggested above.



    Local=D:\BlueSky Scenery\Utah

    Title=Blue Sky Scenery - Utah




  22. Hi Max,


    Yes, your version is the regular version - either the Standard version or Deluxe version. The box should tell you what version it. In the Steam version there would be a 'Steam Edition' sub logo directly under the Flight Simulator X logo located at top left.


    WRT to the -400 issue - it is worth noting that PMDG actually says that only a minority (about 1% in their estimations) can't get it running under Win10. As I stated in post #17, its most likely down to individual PC setups.


    Another possible reason that it is failing to install may be due to 'un-registered' or 'incorrectly registered' OS related dynamic link library files. These files, which have a .dll extension, are accessed by many programs and basically they contain instructions that programs can call upon to do certain things.


    See HERE for more info. I know that the info is related to a different error message but it is still relevant as it is another 'Access Denied' variation. It may help you get the -400 installed.


    One thing I will say is that you may need to use Admin rights to run the process. If so, substitute the given procedure to access the Run cmd box with this one:


    1. Right Click on the Start Menu Icon.

    2. Select the Command Prompt (admin) option from the list.

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