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Posts posted by longbreak754

  1. Hi Steve,


    I concur with Loyd - although you state that you haven't tried to install accel yet, you must have at some stage because reno is new scenery that is not included in the deluxe version. Even more so if the other error messages point to those other areas highlighted in Loyd's screenshot

  2. Hi Steve,


    More details are required -


    What version of FSX - i.e. FSX boxed deluxe, FSX boxed Gold, Steam version etc


    Regarding the scenery areas - i.e. give an example of the error message and more importantly the Area XXX numbers would be helpful...


    Some possible solutions based on assumption of possible causes


    FSX versions -


    All versions should be installed anywhere OUTSIDE of the default suggested location as Win 10 security permission can cause issue for some - suggest a location such as C:\FSX (note: irrespective of where you install the main program some files will still be installed into default locations BUT they are locations not controlled by Win 10 security)


    If you have the Gold version - this is the Deluxe version plus the Acceleration addon....if you install both parts together you will get issues similar to what you have described


    You need to install the main Deluxe part first, start and activate it and conduct quick test flight. This will create a number of essential files that are only created when you first run the sim (for example the scenery.cfg file, the FSX.cfg file and the pilot logbook for example. Exit FSX and then install the Accel addon, start FSX and then activate the Accel addon - tihs process will then update a number of essential files including scenery.cfg and FSX.cfg


    A quick way that may sort out the missing scenery errors is to delete the current scenery.cfg file - which you will find at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX - start FSX and it will rebuild a new one.

  3. Hi Jim,


    It is worth noting that the FS9 non HD version will not be totally compatible with FSX hence the door issue. As I stated my non HD version is a JustFlight update to FSX that they did with the permission of CLS - CLS never marketed it and JustFlight dropped it when they updated it to the HD version. I assume that they did not include the KC version probably due to some copyright issue. I too had the original FS9 version when I was running FS9 prior to FSX.


    Once you have digested all the info and given it try, get back and let us know how if it works out or not.


    Yes it is a small world indeed. I'm ex military (Royal Air Force, Communications Specialist) and have visited the States on a number of occasions. I also took part in a what was called a Contingency Government Aid/Military exercise (CONGAMEX) in the Caymans in Sep 86 - spent most of the 2 week deployment living in a tent on the east side of Cayman Brac.


    CONGAMEXs were designed to test UK Government responses to disasters in British Overseas Territories. In the late 70s and 80s they were usually held bi-annually (I also took part in one on the Turks and Caicos Islands in 84) but from the beginning of the 90s they were scrapped.

  4. Hi,


    As pointed out by mallcott, there are a few essential libraries that FSX relies on but that are not included with Win 10.


    You can use Programs and Features to check if you have any of the following 'libraries' installed or, if you wish, simply download and install them - the installers will check for any previous install and will replace any missing/invalid/corrupt files or install the complete package as appropriate.


    Visual C++ Runtime Redistributable packs - specifically version 2005 and 2008 but I also recommend installing 2010 as well. You can find download links for earlier versions HERE.


    You will need to download the relevant 'bit' version for your OS (i.e. 32 or 64 bit). Click on the required link and a standard download option box will appear - DO NOT run the installer from this but select the Save As option and save the file to temp location. To install, right click on the file and select the Run as Administrator option. Install each package separately, starting with the oldest version, and reboot using the RESTART option between each install. The reboot is essential to allow the windows registry and important system files to be updated.


    .NET Framework - specifically versions 3.5 and 4 - download from HERE and HERE - download and install using the same procedure for the C++ files.


    Direct X (DX) - FSX requires version 9c, and although it is included on the installation disks, it is woefully out of date and incompatible with Win 10 (Win 10, depending on the build state source file, only ships with v10 or above). Again I suggest that you download and install the DX Redistributable pack from HERE, again using the download/install procedure stated above. The pack includes versions 9, 10 and 11 and the install process will only install missing versions and/or replace missing/corrupted/incompatible files of the versions it finds installed.


    It is worth pointing out that you can have multiple versions of these 'libraries' installed. They are not just required by FSX but are used by many programs and apps. They will work happily along side each other and a program or app will automatically use the most compatible version.

  5. Hi Jim,


    Interesting. The JustFlight and SimMarket (where the CLS webpage directs you to) product pages for the HD edition and the additional livery pack makes no mention of the KC. I have the original non HD product (brought from JustFlight) and the KCs were included in that package as it is (was) an FSX update of the original CLS 2004 package - I have not updated to the HD product because, other than the HD textures, it offered nothing new.


    Having checked my install of the original product, every single folder has both textures folders (note for some models there is only one) AND a aircraft.cfg file. In addition there are the usual folders and files that you would expect to find namely; a .air file, reference files, a Sound folder, Model Folder (in the case of the non HD product some have a single folder whist others have two) and crucially, for the model to display, a Panel folder. There are NINE folders in total for the various models namely:


    CLS_DC10_10, CLS_DC10_10F, CLS_DC10_15, CLS_DC10_30, CLS_DC10_30F, CLS_DC10_40, CLS_DC10_40F, CLS_KC10_Extender and CLS_KDC10.


    Note that these list is similar to yours albeit minus the _40B and _DX_ entries. I assume that the _DX_ entries are actually holders for the new HD textures - this could be why you have folders that only contain textures and others that only contain aircraft.cfg files. As there are no _DX- entries for the KCs I assume that there are no HD textures for them


    WRT the KC related folders - each KC folder only has ONE texture folder - the full folder/file list for both folders contents in mine are:


    Folders - DC-10_check_files, DC-10-10_ref_files, model, PANEL, sound and the relevant texture folder -Texture.USAF or Texture.RNAF

    Files - aircraft.cfg, DC-10_check.htm, DC-10-10_ref.htm. There is also a .air file for each named differently CLS-KC-10.air for the USAF version and CLS-KDC-10.air for the RNAF version


    NOTE -


    1. If your KC folders are missing any of these, especially the panel folder and model folder, then that is probably the cause of the problem.


    2. A basic cross check of the folders and files found in the KC folders and the base CLS_DC10_10 main folder show that:


    The Ref files and sound folder are the same as those found in the base CLS_DC10_10 main folder - so if missing from the KC folder they could simply be copied.


    The Panel folder for each KC is different - the one in the _Extender has only a panel.cfg file that points to the KDC folder. The one in the KDC folder has a number .bmp files and a panel.cfg file. However, these are exactly the same as those found in the base CLS_DC10_10 Panel folder.


    The Model folders have specify .mdl and model.cfg files for each model - they are not the same as any of the other models.


    The aircraft.cfg files appear to be the same bar a few entries concerning the fuel quantities and, of course, fltsim.xx entries.


    Have not been able to compare the .air files


    The contents of the KC folders will dictate the possible solutions that may resolve this issue. However, here are 2 possible solutions based on what info you have given so far:


    Solution 1 - a simple solution but a compromise - according to Wikipedia the USAF KC-10 is a new variant of the DC-10 based upon a modified version the -30F civilian model and the RNAF aircraft were converted from stock former civilian owned - 30Fs. The main difference is, of course, the addition of the refuelling boom - this solution will not show that. Make a backup copy of the aircraft.cfg file before editing. The examples use are based on adding the USAF Extender texture:


    1. Copy the KC texture folder into either the CLS_DC10_30F folder OR CLS_DX_DC10-30F folder - it needs to be place into whichever folder holds the aircraft.cfg file.


    2. Open the aircraft,cfg file and then copy/paste an existing fltsim.xx entry.


    3. Edit the fltsim entry as required - the important lines to change are the title= entry (as these must be different for each entry) and the texture= entry (as this tells the sim which texture to use) - for example.


    If the title entry reads title=Commercial Level Simulations - DC-10-30 Freighter 50C FDX change it to read title=Commercial Level Simulations - DC-10-30 Freighter USAF


    If the texture entry reads texture=FDX change it to read texture=USAF


    Note - the texture folder may be named texture.USAF but you only need to add what appears after the . character


    Other entries that you may want to edit to something more suitable:


    atc_airline=, atc_id=, atc_parking_types=, atc_parking_code=, ui_type=, ui_variation=


    Also remember to change the fltsim.xx number the next in sequence.


    Solution 2 - a more detailed solution but only viable if the KC folders have at least the Model folders and the CLS_DC10_10 folder has the ref files/folders, Panel and Sound folders you may be able to do a 'hack' job as follows:


    This example is for the KC10_extender folder but, which the exception of the differences noted in steps 3 and 4, the same procedure can be used on the RNAF folder...


    1. Copy and Paste the following items from the CLS_DC10_10 folder into the CLS_KC10_extender folder-


    the check folder (and its contents, the ref folder (and its contents), the Panel folder (and its contents), the Sound folder (and its contents) and the two .htm files.


    2. You now have a choice regarding which aircraft.cfg and .air file to use. I suspect that the .air file for all models is the same (just named differently) but the aircraft.cfg will have some different entries.

    You can either use those for the basic CLS_DC10_10 model or the CLS_DC10_30F model Copy and paste the selected items into the CLS_KC10_extender folder


    3. Edit the aircraft.cfg file as follows:


    a. Remove all bar the first fltsim.xx entries only.

    b. edit the remaining fltsim.xx entry as follows - change the title, sim and texture entries to those provided:





    Title=Commercial Level Simulations - KC-10 Extender







    FOR RNAF Model


    title=Commercial Level Simulations - KDC-10 Refueler







    4. rename the chosen .air file to reflect the appropriate model


    USAF model - CLS-KC-10.air

    RNAF model - CLS-KDC-10.air

  6. Hi,


    Are we talking about the original release or the later HD collection version. This is important as the original version is no longer marketed by CLS/JustFlight having been superceeded by the HD collection - the HD version does not included the KC models.....

  7. First off, such issues are usually caused by a single corrupt entry within the logbook file.


    Search here at FlgihtSim.com for the following file name - fsxlog11.zip.


    This is a old but good simple to use tool to help with the type of problem you have encountered.


    Install it as per the instructions and then run it. Once the tool loads click on the Analyse button. It will search your logbook.BIN file and provide you will details on any issues it finds. You can try to repair the logbook using the Recover option.


    Once you have got a good logbook you can use the Backup option to generates a local backup copy that the tool will use to allow you to restore the logbook back to the last backup date if you have any further problems.


    Get into the practice of running the backup option on a regular basis

  8. Hi Nk,


    What the message is telling you is that in the aircraft.cfg file located in the folder (simobjects\airplanes\Woa……….) there are duplicated title= entries assigned to [fltsim.xx] texture entries - an example of the subject entry is highlight in RED below



    title=EC-130H Hercules 41st ECS 73-1585

    sim=AI Lockheed C-130E


    texture=USAF 73-1585




    ui_manufacturer=Henry Tomkiewicz AI

    ui_type=Lockheed EC-130H Hercules

    ui_variation=41st ECS 73-1585


    description= \n


    In your case its the WoA_AIA_B7333v2_LogoLight_DLH_Luthansa_D-ABEL entry


    Each of these entries should be different so, as they use the same model, it should be simply a case of renaming a duplicate to reflect the correct registration details of the texture or a dummy reg- for example WoA_AIA_B7333v2_LogoLight_DLH_Luthansa_D-ZZZZ


    Use notepad to edit the entries and make a backup copy of the aircraft.cfg for safety prior to doing so.

  9. ….. just the creating of a new directory. Thanks again.


    If I read this correctly all you are after is info on how to create the new directory folder...


    It is very easy.


    Simply open the File Explorer view on the required drive (i.e. click on the drive icon so that it displays the list of folders located on the drive). Then you have two options of how to create the new folder depending on how your PC is set up.


    At the top of the File Explorer view there is by default, unless you have changed it, a toolbar that contains a number of tabs and associated icons. Ensure that the Home tab is selected and there will be an icon that looks like a folder and labelled New Folder. Click on this and a new folder will appear on the list of current folders - it will be highlighted ready for naming.


    The other option is to simply RIGHT click anywhere on the white are (i.e. not on an existing entry) and a menu list will appear - select New > Folder from the list and, as above, a new folder will be created

  10. T...I just added the "highmemthingy = 1" to my fsx.cfg and so far no crashing..


    The highmemfix=1 entry is one of the reasons why FSX-SE 'appears' to be more stable that a boxed version for some. It is because the Dovetail developers simply added a number of well documented and proven entries into the FSX.cfg file that would normally have to be manually added by the users of the box edition

  11. Hi Warwick,


    As you will know the install process for the product gives you two separate models - the VC and 2D versions:


    For both versions - Look at top of Page 23 - the description for the HUD buttons details how to set it to follow the GPS.


    If you use the VC version you will find the appropriate switch on the HUD panel located under the cockpit glare shield coaming.


    If you use the 2D version it will be on the HUD panel pop-up

  12. Yes...


    As HighByPass has suggested, you can use standard assigned key commands to achieve this not only for the chute but also the airbrakes and bomb bay doors.


    I seem remember that it is mentioned in the manual (can't check right now as away from the PC that I have the product installed on), but I also remembered that there is a statement on the products' Detailed Description page - have double checked the website and it states, under the AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS section the following:


    Airbrakes, bomb doors and brake-chute can be operated using standard control assignments for ease of use


    I.E - this implies that the standard FSX key assignments are already assigned

  13. Hi Peter,


    Check this location and see if there is a scenery.cfg file there.....


    C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX or C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX-SE


    This is the standard default for Win 7, 8 and now Win 10. The default location for XP and Vista is C:\Users\\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX.


    If the scenery.cfg file is present try and point the UTX setup to that location

  14. Hi Peter,


    Just a little bit of info that you may find useful...


    The SE version of FSX is essentially the same as the boxed version. The SE version contains a few common 'tweaks', via additions/amendments to the fsx.cfg file and the inclusion of a specific .dll file, that are known to improve how FSX runs. These 'tweaks' would normally have to be added by a user running the boxed edition.


    Regarding addons - MOST freeware and payware scenery and aicraft designed for FSX boxed will work in SE with no problems. The main issue is when an auto-installer is included as it will tend to look for the default FSX installation path by either looking for a valid registry entry or in a specific location (such as the issue you detailed regarding UT expecting to find the scenery.cfg at an incorrect location).


    The thing to remember about Steam is that it stores all download games (not just FSX) in a non-standard folder structure that most non steam specific game and FSX addons are not expecting. The same would be true if you install the boxed version of FSX in a location other than the MS recommend location.


    Another thing to consider is the location that you install addon scenery to. In most cases, including payware, you do not need to use the default FSX Addon Scenery folder, nor indeed, anywhere inside FSX itself. Scenery can be installed in a dedicated folder structure that you create yourself, either on the save drive as FSX, in another partition on the same drive or even on a second hard drive if fitted..


    If, after doing the process that you are going to do, you still have issues with installing addon scenery directly into FSX, try creating a folder for it outside of FSX and point the installer to that location. You can make the folder structure as simply or as complex as you wish to meet your need. You can then use the FSX scenery settings page as normal to activate the scenery. The only hard rule that you must follow so that scenery displays correctly is this:


    Scenery files (i.e. those with a .bgl extension) must be placed in a sub-folder called Scenery and Texture files (.bmp, .dds, .agn) must be placed in a sub-folder called Texture - e.g.


    C:\MyAddonScenery\<.bgl files> WILL NOT DISPLAY

    C:\MyAddonScenery\Scenery\<.bgl files> WILL DISPLAY


    C:\MyAddonScenery\UTUSA\<.bgl files> WILL NOT DISPLAY

    C:\MyAddonScenery\UTUSA\Scenery\<.bgl files> WILL DISPLAY


    C:\UTUSA\<.bgl files> WILL NOT DISPLAY

    C:\UTUSA\Scenery\<.bgl files> WILL DISPLAY

  15. As Chuck has pointed you would be better posting your Q in another suitable forum - I suggest the

    PC Hardware, Video And Audio Help forum - found HERE


    That said my personal choose is the Logitech 3D Pro - see HERE for info. I have been using it for many years in both FS9 (using Win 7) and FSX (initially Win7 and now Win 10).


    Although the specs say it only supports Win Vista\7\8 it runs fine on Win 10. I use it with a generic windows driver that Win 10 installed when I first connected the stick. I have had no trouble in assigning button functions for FSX and have never installed the bundled Logitech Gaming software - this software has pre-set profile settings for a number of games.


    However, specific Win 10 drivers are available if required - they will be required if you intend to use the Logitech Gaming software - and they can be found HERE - two links on the page - one for 64 bit OS and one for 32 bit OS.

  16. Hi Peter,


    First, my apologies but I missed some important info out in my original post regarding the location of the scenery.cfg file that you need to amend if you choose to follow my instructions. I meant to include the correct path for it - it should be at, depending on the circumstances under which you installed SE, either C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX or C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX-SE


    If you installed the boxed version first and then installed SE along side it, it will be at C:….\FSX-SE


    If you installed the boxed version and then fully uninstalled before installing SE it will be at C:\.....\FSX


    If you installed the boxed version and but did notfully OR incorrectly uninstall it before installing SE it will be at C:\.....\FSX-SE


    If you have never installed the box version it will be at C:\.....\FSX


    Having further thought about the UT problem and its inability to find the scenery.cfg file at a specific location - namely C:\Users\Peter Bootes\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\SCENERY.CFG


    Its been a long time since I have had FS2004 installed but IIRC the scenery.cfg for it was stored in C:\Users\\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\FS2004\ or C:\.....\FS9\


    I don't use UT so can't be sure but it could simply be that the installer is 'hard programmed' (i.e. coded) to install into a set default location and all you need to do is point the installer to the correct FSX location.

  17. Hi Peter,


    A number of options to try....


    Option 1 - with regards to the scenery.cfg entry you highlighted in post #13. I am assuming that you have installed the UT stuff into the default FSX Addon Scenery folder. Try ONE of the following as appropriate to where you have stored the scenery:


    If installed at Addon Scenery\UTUSA:



    Title=Ultimate Terrain - USA

    Local=Addon Scenery\UTUSA





    OR If installed at Addon Scenery\Scenery\UTUSA:



    Title=Ultimate Terrain - USA






    NOTE: that in both cases the Remote= entry has been delete - there should only be either a Local OR Remote entry. Also note that you will need to change the [Area.XX] AND Layer= entries to the next in number in sequence.


    Option 2 - Do a 'soft' reboot of the scenery and scenery.cfg file. This will take you back to only FSX default scenery without uninstalling the addon stuff:


    A. Rename the scenery.cfg file to scenery.cfg.bak.


    B. Start FSX - this will force FSX to create a new scenery.cfg file that only contains entries for the default scenery.


    C. Fly a quick flight (2 mins or so) - I suggest somewhere in the States so you can see if the tree problem has been resolved.


    D. Exit FSX. Make a copy of the new scenery.cfg for use as a backup file and possible use later.


    E. As the JF FSceneX appears to have installed correctly open both the scenery.cfg and scenery.cfg.bak files for editing. In the .cfg.bak file locate the FSceneX entry. Copy the entry and paste it into the ,cfg fiile. Change the [Area.XX] AND the Layer= entries to the next in sequence and then Save and Close the .cfg file.


    F. Restart FSX and test. Again I suggest an area in the USA (bear in mind that FSceneX covers the whole world) first to check to see if the tree problem exist and then try another area to check if everything is OK.


    G. Exit the flight but leave FSX running. Go to the Scenery settings page and add the UTUSA scenery as normal. Start another flight and test as in F. above.


    If all good you can then add the other UT stuff.


    If problems exist you may need to do a 'hard' reboot of the scenery by uninstalling the addons and then reinstalling them.


    A (few) final general thoughts about adding scenery in general -


    Regarding the tree issue. Both the FSceneX and UT products are Terrain replacement scenery and, therefore, consideration must be made as to where they appear in the FSX scenery priority list. As FSceneX covers the WHOLE world (i.e. including the USA) it must be placed lower than the UT product so that the UT scenery can properly 'override' the FSceneX scenery. BOTH must be listed above the default FSX scenery. E.G like this


    001 - UTUSA

    002 - FSceneX

    003 - FSX default Area xxx

    004 - FSX default Area xxx


    A tool you might find useful is the Scenery Confg Tool -See HERE for info on it and HERE to download it. It allows you to add new scenery without running FSX but for this particular issue that you have, it can identify problem entries in the scenery.cfg file and has a built-in text editor that opens on the select entry.

  18. If your talking about crew announcements such as when boarding, during flight etc there is a payware addition called FS Cabin Crew - see HERE - that might do what you want....there is a link to a restricted use demo version on the website. I don't own the product but I believe that you can use a tool that comes with the product to add your own crew, etc
  19. Or alternatively...


    Do a search here at flightsim.com


    In the 'search for text' field enter the following search criteria


    Colin Thwaites


    This will return several options...including ones that appear on the sites that are referenced in a google search

  20. Some observations on the issue...


    First - The first area that the OP is stating is causing the error (Area.102) is, unless the user has changed the priority listing, a default FSX scenery location. The further statement that 'Many of these scenery area numbers come up and have to click OK several times before I can 'go flying' would suggest that some or all of the remaining areas are also corrupt. I assume that this may include the remaining default areas (Area.103 to Area.121) and, possibly any other areas that the OP has added


    Second - As this the steam version I would first run the steam file validation tool to check that integrity of the install.


    Third - IME the REMOTE entry only occurs when installing scenery from an external source (i.e direct from a download source) or a media source (i.e. CD/DVD, external HDD, USB etc) due to bad/corrupted files, scratches on disks or USB power related problems such as spikes/loss problems


    Forth - An invaluable tool that makes reviewing/editing the scenery,cfg file easy is a tool called Scenery Config Editor (SCE) - see HERE to download and HERE for info and instructions on its use.

  21. Do you think it is only because there were issues and they lost the site automatically?


    No - they have failed to renew the domain name license agreement when it was due for renewal OR choose not to renew and call it a day. I suspect the second option seeing as there has be reports of they failing to pay product authors money due from selling the products for some time now.


    Website domain names are controlled and have to be registered to be used. A company can either 'rent' the domain name for set periods or they register and pay to 'own' the full rights to the domain name so that they can trademark it as their property and/or brand.


    In the first case, the website is usually hosted on servers belonging to the service provider. In the second case it is usually for the company to host the website on its own servers or via a third party that specialises in such activity.

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