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Posts posted by HoratioWondersocks

  1. Hi Andrew,

    as a reminder. In addition to backing up FS9 (FS2004) folder it seems a good idea to also back up the FS9 folder in the main PC drive (Windows C or so)/Users/Your Name/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/FS9 mainly if some parameters were changed there. (You need to unable view hidden files to see the AppData folder). Also I am backing up the Flight Simulator Files from Documents folder. Trivia? maybe but good to know. PS got all backed up 3 times:)




    Hello Peter

    i am not quite sure what you are saying,but i have my 'normal' installation of Fs9 in C:fs9.

    Today ,rather than going down the flash drive route i decided to buy an external SSD 500GB .

    The first thing i did was to make a backup of my C:Fs9 to the new SSD This appears to have gone smoothly.

    Another question if i may.

    The SSD is drive E.

    I clicked on the Fs9 exe ( in the backup drive E)and the sim starts and runs correctly.

    Is the version of FS9 running the backed up version or my normal C:drive version?

    Addons seem to function normally as well.

    Hope that makes some sense.

    PS what ever version is running ,the important thing is that FS9 backed up.

    PPS the software i use for backup is BESTSYNC 2019 freeware version (has always worked well)



    Cheers Andy

    PS Tim (Tiger1962)

    I hope the rains have stopped.

    It looks pretty bad in your neck of the woods and Wales as well.

  2. Hi Andrew, it'll work fine - I have a 2Tb usb memory stick for the same purpose and it cost about the same as the 128gb one you've found. Search on ebay uk for "2tb usb memory stick".


    Thanks Tim I'll probably go for the 128gb for now as RDyas is on my doorstep,but it's good to know that even larger capacity drives are available.

    It's a day for Fs9 maintenance IE backing up, as the weather is grim and set to be so for the rest of the day.

    Hope your ok in your part of the world I see that parts (if not all )of Yorkshire are particularly badly affected.


    Cheers Andrew.

  3. Hello All

    I have seen a 128gb usb stick drive (Robert Dyas UK)cost £14.99.

    Could I backup my Fs9 installation to it like any other drive?

    Fs installation 80 gb approx.

    At present I have a backed copy on an old 360gb external drive, but there is very little capacity left on that.

    I like the idea of a usb stick drive ,very neat and tidy and no new cable to add to the tangle of cables crawling across my living room floor.




  4. Just a few things about how Flight Simulator 2004 and FS Navigator work:


    1. FS2004 works scenery on a layers system. You do not need to de-activate default airports because an airport scenery at a higher level with over-ride it by all the features included in that level..
    2. FS2004 recognises 90% of the above just fine, but there are a few quirks that it doesn't - and additional ILSs are one of those. If an additional one has been added, it works and you can use it - but FS will never offer you an ILS approach unless you apply a crafty fix apparently available using Airport Design Editor - although I haven't actually tried it. It is on my "must do some time" list.
    3. Both FS2004 and FS Navigator can get confused if the airport's co-ordinates vary on the add-on scenery. It is worth opening both the original and the add-on up in AFX or whatever you use and comparing them - nothing will break if you change the add-on to match the original. Otherwise it is likely you will see both airport versions superimposed in FS Navigator.
    4. If by chance you have two add-ons, the layering principle should still work but beware that different co-ordinates will cause FS to crash when trying to load the AI traffic at the airport.
    5. FS Navigator will display any runways deleted by an add-on.
    6. If there is another file that provides airport facilities (some old sceneries have the taxiway signs in a separate file, for instance) FS Navigator might read that file and ignore the one that includes parking spots etc. This could be the problem at ULLI you are experiencing. You can check by hovering the mouse over the brown dot that represents the airport's co-ordinates and see what file it is reading. The best solution is to move the proper airport file to another level, higher that the add-on's one. I find this happens quite often, and keep a separate scenery layer specifically for airport layout files moved up a level or two.


    Getting the right result takes a bit of perseverence, but you can get the desired result in the end.




    Thanks John

    Very detailed reply.I will try to learn .

    As it stands at the moment (as suggested earlier )I actually uninstalled the ULLI airport and also the surrounding area (ULLI and ULLIlc)I redownloaded from Avsimrus and tried to reinstall from scratch , unfortunately I couldn't quite understand the Russian to English translation and got rather muddled so in the end I simply cut my losses and settled for the default Fs9 version but then started getting scenery area missing etc on Fs9 startup ,to cut a long story short I sorted that ,and have now got Fs9 running again with no error messages,but minus what was a terrific scenery.

    Just to let you know I have installed plenty of other freeware airports before ,most with no trouble at all.

    I may give ULLI another go again sometime,but don't want jeopardize the smooth running of my sim which has been absolutely stable for hundreds of years now :)

    Thanks again.

    PS I should have left well alone in the first place ,although no parking or gate areas were showing in FsNav ,I could still use the scenery and get directed to gates or parking it's just that they were new Russian invisigates.


    Thanks Andy

  5. Hello All

    Just a follow up thanking you all for trying to help with my LSZH and ULLI problems.

    I have some limited success. Concerning LSZH (by Freez)I removed and then reinstalled it ,I ran the DB creator within FsNav and now the runways that have ILS capabilities are now showing in FsNavigator ,but not in the Goto airport facility within Fs9 itself.(the runways are present, but show as non ILS)

    As for ULLI I did the same i.e.deactivated it ,reactivated it, ran the DB creator ,but no joy the scenery in FsNavigator still shows an airport devoid of gates ,parking etc however on landing there you can still request and be directed to gates or parking.As these issues are more an irritant than actually flight spoiling I will file under Fs9 mysteries that we all know and love. :)


    Thanks all.


  6. If you are running FSNav , and you add 3rd party airports you SHOULD run the FSNav database ,same as removing airports, this will put in the gates/parking etc into the navigator .


    I am sure I have done that before, but I will give it another go.


    Thanks for your suggestion.


    Cheers Andy

  7. Thanks to you both.

    The only reason I am asking is because iam noticing some strange things with certain add-on airports ,as an example I have a very good scenery for LSZH , but I notice that when adding weather via FSRealWX I will often be positioned at the wrong runway for the prevailing wind direction ,now with most stock airports this is not a problem as I simply re load the aircraft and eventually I will be positioned at the correct runway, this doesn't happen with some add-on airports ,and I usually have to position the aircraft myself even though I have requested the active runway (which is incorrect as per prevailing wind)

    Also when deciding to position the aircraft myself I notice that (in the case of my LSZH airport ) the runways listed should be ILS equipped but are not .

    There definitely feels that something ain't quite right .

    Another third party freeware airport ULLI also shows no gates or parking spaces in FsNavigator .

    These sceneries are very good by the way ,as are the others that I have ,but I do get these anomalies .

    I appreciate that my description of what is occurring maybe a bit confusing,but I hope you can get some idea of what is going on.


    Thanks Andrew

  8. Hello All

    I have many add on airports (freeware)

    My question..when adding a third party airport ,should you somehow disable the stock Fs9 airport it's replacing or will having both cause problems.


    Thanks Andrew

  9. Likewise, FSmetar stopped working for me a few months ago. Exactly the same symptoms. I could never get it to run again.


    I gave up trying and tried to uninstall it. Could not do that either! I removed the shortcut to it, but the application is still buried in the computer somewhere.




    I reached the same conclusion .I have tried everything to get this program to work (became rather obsessed actually 🙂), but with no joy).

    I will see if I have the same result as you when it comes to uninstalling it.

    I actually use FSRealWX pro (free) for weather .


    Cheers Andy.

  10. Why don't you try copying the server configurations from FSRealWX? I didn't ever try that, but it may work.


    Thanks Luis

    I thought of that myself,but could not find the server info within FSRealWX.




  11. Hello All

    I have been trying to get this program to work for a few days now, but with no joy.

    I think the version is 1.5.4

    The program starts and the interface loads, but I can't get it to download any current METARS from either of the three download locations i.e. AVSIM ,IVAO or NOAA.

    I can get the program to load a METARS sample that comes from within FSMETAR itself ,but no updates from the three locations mentioned above.

    Advice gladly accepted




  12. Hello

    It could be your aircraft textures are 32bit (highest quality but may cause the very problem you are experiencing especially on older or possibly lower spec pcs.

    I used to get the very same issue myself.

    The solution I found is a freeware program called 'convimx' this is a texture editing program that allows you convert 32bit textures to a lower quality DXT3 format.

    Don't be put of by my describing lower texture quality in dxt3 format.

    After converting textures from 32bit to dxt3 I don't really notice any discernible loss of quality to an aircrafts paint.....But the good news !you should see a big difference in the speed of texture redrawing and there should be no lag no grey textures before as you pan around.


    Hope this lot makes some sense.

    PS to check the type of textures your aircraft of choice is using ,simply locate its texture folder open it hover your mouse pointer on the individual texture files and it should display which texture format is in use .

    I might have made this whole process sound a lot more difficult than it actually is, but really isn't.

    PS there are other texture altering programs out there , but the beauty of Convimx is that it will alter all the aircrafts textures in one operation, some of the others will only do one file at a time which is rather a slow operation.


    Cheers hope this is of some use ,Convimx should significantly reduce ,or remove completely any lag issues that you describe in your post .



    Cheers Andy

  13. Hi Andy, yes you are right sorry.

    After I centered the screen, I zoomed in again, then I had to re-center then zoom again then re-center till I had the screen the right zoom level.




    Good stuff Sir!

  14. I have fathomed it now, got it working, it was me getting it wrong lol.


    Thanks though Andy for offering help, much appreciated.





    You are welcome, but don't leave us in suspence, what was the problem and how did you fix it?

    It may be of use to someone else experiencing the same thing.

    FsNavigator such a good utility.

    Would be great if the new SIM had something similar as standard .


    Cheers Andy

  15. Hello Col

    I am not quite sure what you are asking, but you say the little aircraft can sometimes disappear of the map. Have you tried the option that allows 'AIRCRAFT TO FOLLOW MAP' its the second to last choice on the bottom of all the options ie show ils ,vor,airports etc.This will at least stop the aircraft indicator disappearing.


    cheers Andy

  16. Thanks Andy, I downloaded Windows Update Manager and selected not to install in the options, had to reboot for it to take effect.




    I hope it proves useful for you.

    I have been using for many months now ,and so far has successfully blocked any update that I think may cause issues with my sim (Which of course is THE most important thing 🙂).There are other programs of this type ,but they mostly seem to block everything but WUMGR gives you choice.

    At this moment I haven't got the space on my modest capacity SSD so couldn't install any major w10 updates anyway.

    I may change that in the future , particularly if the new SIM requires it as I suspect it will.


    Cheers Andy

  17. Thanks Andy, I downloaded Windows Update Manager and selected not to install in the options, had to reboot for it to take effect.




    I hope it proves useful for you.

    I have been using for many months now ,and so far has successfully blocked any update that I think may cause issues with my sim (Which of course is THE most important thing 🙂).There are other programs of this type ,but they mostly seem to block everything but WUMGR gives you choice.

    At this moment I haven't got the space on my modest capacity SSD so couldn't install any major w10 updates anyway.

    I may change that in the future , particularly if the new SIM requires it as I suspect it will.


    Cheers Andy

  18. RE auto updates for W10.

    I use a program called WINDOWS UPDATE MANAGER (WUMP).This is a freeware program that effectively gives you back the choice of which updates you wish to install as per previous versions of Windows.

    I run it everyday usually before a sim session to see what's pending ,if it's for instance virus definitions I will use the option to download and install , If on the other hand it shows the latest major update to W10 I simply choose the option to 'hide' the update and it's not installed, what will happen is every six weeks or so that major update will once again show as ready to install and you simply 'hide ' it again.

    I am not saying that in the future I will not update W10 fully ,but at the moment my sim Fs9 runs trouble free and has done

    for many months and as I only have a 240GB SS drive with Fs9 and W10 on it I don't think I have enough space for any major 10 updates anyway.



    Anyways WUMP is the program and it works for me.


    Cheers Andy

  19. Hello Zip!

    It's getting close to flight time here in the UK, and will take a look at my PA cfgs and see if any alteration can be tried before takeoff time.

    By the way iam talking FS9 here ,I know this is an Fsx forum, but the OPs problem and mine seem to be the same ,hence posting here.

    By the way my IFDG Airbuses don't have this flap issue so i will take a look at the aircraft flap entries in there cfgs and maybe try them in my PAs.


    Cheers Zip


  20. Hello All

    Although I am an FS9 user I to have a similar problem to Prostock with my Project Airbuses IE select flaps down and a little visual indicator in my panel moves ,but the flaps indicator stays on 0 I have to select again and then the indicator moves to fifeteen degrees

    I will take a look my PA aircraft cfgs


    Cheers Andy

  21. Appearently from what I read there should be a dll file called language dll in my Flight Simulator Files folder for the flightplanner to work again. I have no back up for that dll. Can anyone who has this file plase send it to me at djteknobrat@rogers.com


    Im hoping this will repair my issues.






    I believe that Windows 10 will automatically download the language.dll if it detects a program that requires it ,so I would have thought that as Fs9 does require it ,10 would have done just that.

    Iam not great techno expert.

    Others may chip in to help you.


    Cheers Andy

  22. I tried re installing everything fresh on the C: Drive,

    deleted all the residual files in App Data, Roaming etc....

    And still I Cannot load or save my flights in the flight planner.

    Even on a fresh install without addons or running it in Windolws XP SP2 compability mode.

    I keep on getting the same error message show in the original screenshot of this thread.

    Anyone has an idea how I can fix the problem.



    Have you got two installations of Fs9 on the same pc by any chance?

    As I mentioned in an earlier post I had exactly the same problem as you, and that I believe was the cause .


    Take a look at this reply from longbreak 754 when he was trying to help me solve the same problem you are experiencing................













    Hi Andrew,


    I think the problem maybe related to having two installs that might be sharing the same default folders/data that is stored outside of the sim main folder. The fact that they are installed on the same drive is not the issue as for all intents and purposes they are individual BUT both installs would have written data into the same default areas mentioned below.


    By default, a number of files (like the logbook, saved flight plans etc) are stored outside of the sim in a number of locations......







    You may find that each of these areas may have TWO entries but I suspect that there is a conflict between them somewhere..............


    Longbreak 754 (Peter) really knows his stuff so if you could get in touch with him he maybe be able to help you further.


    Cheers Andy

  23. Hello

    I have a cheap and cheerful 10inch tablet.

    When I log into Fscom I find the window doesn't fit the display correctly .The window is always to large,and I have to tap the screen to get it to fit properly.

    This only happens with Flightsim.com, other sites fit correctly.

    While this is not really a big deal ,I have become somewhat obsessed with trying to fix it.

    My browser is Firefox beta .

    I have tried various settings within the browser,and also settings for the tablet itself ie font sizes display sizes etc .

    I also have Dolphin browser which displays correctly, but I have problems when using airsources flight and aircraft selection options which I don't get with Firefox.

    Anyway if that lot makes any sense I await your suggestions.


    Cheers Andy

  24. Since March 2019 I have not been able to load or save flight plans on my fs 2004

    or save flights as well.


    When I do I get an error saying I can only load or save it in my flight simulator files in documents.


    I do have those folders in the right locations I tried everything and cannot find any solution.


    I even copied those folders in the c: drive main directory and nothing.


    Its super frustrating and makes my FS9 obsolete if I cant make or save flights


    screenshot included


    can anyone give me tips on fixing this.



    Thanks in advance[ATTACH=CONFIG]211862[/ATTACH]





    I had this exact same problem myself about a year ago.

    I did solve it but simply can't remember how.

    However please check out this post of mine from some time ago that addressed this very same problem ,it may give you some clues as to solving it.

    I can assure you FS2004 runs perfectly well on Windows 10


    This is the link ,I hope it works .



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