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Posts posted by JohnFoz

  1. Has anyone had issues with binding keyboard keys for cockpit camera views to any of the default aircraft?


    The only aircraft where I have succeeded in doing this is the TBM. Using the same workflow for the Citation doesn’t work. I am trying to set up the numeric keypad keys to select custom cockpit views.


    Even using default keys such as = and – for cockpit zoom/unzoom are inoperative except for the TBM.


    It does seem as though setting bindings for cockpit views is almost unusable?


    This has been the case for some time, so I don’t think it relates to MSFS updates


    Has anyone else suffered this annoyance?

  2. Still not working!

    Deleted the FBW Airbus from the Community folder after which I attempted to bind the cameras to the NUM keys with no success to the default Airbus, which would seem to indicate the mod wasn’t the fault?

    Then tried setting up the Robin from scratch with no success

    Went back to the original TBM mappings and that is still working fine.

    I’ve no idea what I should do next, and I conclude that an MSFS update could be the culprit? Also Windows update keeps trying to install an update without success, trying “Try Again” doesn’t work on the update.

    Any help anyone?

  3. Having previously succeeded in binding all my NUM keys to various cockpit camera views in the TBM, I followed the same procedure for the FlyByWire Airbus mod, but have failed to bind any (with the exception of NUM 8 for some strange reason)


    Thinking it was perhaps an issue with the FlyByWire mod, I tried again with the default Airbus, but the result was the same.


    With the TBM I successfully used the “save” (CTRL ALT No (where No is from the main keyboard not the numeric keypad)) and “Load” using NUM No. Unfortunately this same procedure does not work apparently on the modified Airbus?


    Am I missing something? Any ideas anyone?

  4. I'm sorry folks but I'm still not able to figure this out for FS20202.

    I appreciate it's still a work in progress, but can anyone help me with:-

    1) Load Scenery Library? Where is the scenery config file?

    2) Tools - Flight Sim Connection? 2 options are connect to XPlane or remote flight sim via Little Navconnect? (Hostname and port required)

    3) Weather? Weather source? Wind source?

    4) WEb Server? Document root directory? Port Number? I can start the web server which then says where it is running and the IP address.

    Used to like this on XPLane and would appreciate help!

  5. I use Little Navmap and Little Navconnect with MSFS. Little Navmap is on a remote computer and Little Navconnect on the flight sim computer.


    Has been working since I first installed the new sim. I did not have to make any changes.


    I am on version 2.4.5. Are you trying to use it remote, or on the same computer?



    I am on 2.4.5 also. Using the same computer with LNM on a second screen. Also had some trouble with finding the correct path to connect with MSFS?

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