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Everything posted by DAVIDSTRAKA

  1. I thought I could grab a nice shot with #7. Thanks! BTW: the 737-800 default AIR file doesn’t work with the 737-200 model I have
  2. Just had to take the Wolf out for a spin. Denver to New Orleans. Enjoy! PART 1 Please see PART 2
  3. Well done. I know someone that really likes bare metal! :pilot: Ain't that right Rick? :)
  4. Great shots. I bet it's a lot to learn. Looking forward to it myself. :pilot:
  5. Thanks Larry. Do you think the air file from the default 737 in FSX will work?
  6. Fairly uneventful flight. This model has an issue with holding the glide slope on an ILS approach using autopilot. It likes to dive under the GS. Take a lot of attention and coaxing to keep it from slamming into the ground. :mad: PART 1 Please see PART 2
  7. Great flight and you are right about the fog. Very nice effect :pilot:
  8. Very odd. Just looks like cockpit night lighting. :confused:
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