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Posts posted by zswobbie1

  1. I'd go for Milton's. They are great, & include ski. float & amphibian versions. Dont forget his AT-11 as well.

    I have all of them, as well as the Simtech versions, but because of the wide range of textures, I'm inclined to go for Milton's especially when I fly in Alaska.


    Try them all!

  2. Well, if Asobo call it Microsoft Flight Simulator, & the Microsoft Team, themselves on their own site call it MSFS, & as Aerosoft have also stated that there is no 2020 in the title....

    and the other sims are known as FSX & FS9/FS2004, maybe, we should not be confused? We, mostly have been simming for ages, & should know the difference? This is http://www.flightsim.com, not that other site!

  3. I really appreciate your comments. I fly with a yoke, pedals & a joystick, with the appropriate aircraft.. flying a Cessna with a joystick is not really taking simming seriously (in my humble opinion).


    I'm off to create a small flight with an AN-2 (with skis) with Russian Antarctic scenery & camps.


    So yes, I do fly reasonably seriously, with a decent aircraft, that does not make me a lesser simmer just beacause I'm just not that 'into' MSFS & prefer non GA slightly older aircraft.

  4. LOL,

    I dont do jets, luckily, so I have not come across your issues..

    & why not?


    I've been simming for many years, since pre FS2000 days, & I got bored with the usual point to point flyings (as in jets & auto piloting). I cane across Garry's Ford Tri-Motor Project site, set up a 2nd install, & the rest is history. I also have an Alaska Bush flying install, a Golden Wings, Heritage, a Space install, with Carl Reddin's scenery & a couple of other themed installs. Hence my move away from jets. Yes, in the good old XP days, I probably flew a bunch of them, nothing now.


    Now, off to set up an AN-2 to fly in Russian Arctic scenery...

  5. No probs, all good. At least on this site they allow threads to continue on long enough for the issues between people to sort themselves out. Hope some of you AVSIM mods are here reading and paying attention! lol


    Happy you're enjoying it, that's all we want from our flight sims. As I've said, graphics aren't big for me. I fly jets, the most impressive visuals I take notice of and see are the airports. The high end airports in FS9 still look good and keep me happy.


    I'm always open to a new sim, it just has to offer me enough. I can't see myself ever leaving FS9 but having a second sim to go along with it, that's a possibility.


    We do have a lot of common ground with FS9, Mark, (even if mine is not supposed to work as well as it does... BUT that story has been put to sleep!)


    Anyway.. I was very excited to hear about a new sim, & have obviously been following the release journey of MSFS since day 1! ( a pet peeve of mine is also the thumb-sucked names given to the sim - No debate please!!


    My thoughts are as follows, & I really do not want to get into any debate! I feel that if you take away the scenery bling, you end up with a mediocre, at this stage, sim with a bunch of mediocre GA planes.. Also, as I do not fly any tubes, no comment about that. It also seems to be painful to set up with controllers as well.


    This is NOT sim bashing by any means. OK, so you can fly over your house.. Seriously???

    But can you do it with a DC-3? or a glider or a LZ-127 (Graf Zeppelin)? or even an Avro Shackleton?

    Thats our VA's favourite aircraft , as we have the only flyable one left i n the world.

    Mark, PM me in that regard!!


    FSX... I've tried, really tried to get into FSX.. I've ended up regarding FSX as the Windows Vista of sims.. Meh! I just gave it up.


    So, what can I really get out of MSFS? (apart from scenery, & bandwith hog?)


    The late great Garry Smith, of Ford Tri-Motor fame (I was a beta tester for him, for an unreleased Death Star Project) & who gave us sloping runways & ramps in FS2004, always said that simming is all about Fun, Facts & Fiction..


    So, there we go...

  6. And a 64bit OS, with 8GB RAM helps. OOM's are long gone.

    My Alaska install, with UT-Canada, UT-USA, all the LAGO Georender sceneries, Misty Moorings, Emma Field, Orcas, Tongass, LAGO FSE, EZ-Landmark, Digital Aviation Do-27, & Aerosoft collection, amongst others, should have fallen over ages ago.. That install is only 49GB.


    There again, it just works, 70-80+ FPS, depending on complexity. No OOMs, no memory leaks, no crashes.


    I'm still not sure as to what issues I should look out for.. "Shug'!

  7. Rubbish again.. Here we go..rom Microsoft..

    fRunning MS Flight Simulator 2004 on Windows 10 PC.

    Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Community. I understand the issue that you are facing currently, and we in Community will try to resolve your issue the best way we can.


    I would suggest you to install the MS Flight Simulator in a compatibility mode and check if it helps. Compatibility mode runs the program using settings from a previous version of Windows.


    Follow these steps to install the game in compatibility mode and check if that helps.


    a. Download the game from the website.


    b. Right-click on the setup file and click on ‘properties’.


    c. Click on the ‘compatibility’ tab and check the box ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for’ and select Windows 8/8.1 operating system from the drop down menu and proceed with the installation.

    (I chose XP mode, & it obviously works)


    d. Once this is done, restart the computer and check if the issue persists.

    (I did not need to restart the PC, it worked straight away)


    I answered you in post #15

  8. I'm not suggesting, I am stating that Windows 10 works perfectly with FS2004!

    Good luck with unsupported obsolete software..


    What rubbish.. your comment with regard to running FS2004 in compatibilty mode!

    Even Microsoft recommends it!



    Very irresponsible for you to post comments such as that!

    Anyhow.. enough of this nonsensical debate. If Microsoft can also recommend using compatibility mode. thats good enough for me, and the thousands of others that are using that mode.


    You have made unsubstantiated statements of how 'bad' things can get by using FS2004 in Windows 10. Many forums & sites say otherwise.

    It's pointless carrying on this debate any further.

  9. Mark, I have to admit that for me, and my 8 installs of FS2004, Windows 10 is perfect. As I do not use the older payware aircraft that you use, ALL my older pre Windows 7 add-ons work without any issues. Mea Culpa, if a developer does not update his payware. As I said, your older jet planes that you prefer, do not interest me, & if they did, I still would prefer an updated version.


    Anyhow, you seem to prefer the older & obsolete add-ons & operating systems. Good luck.!

    Still not too sure how I can admit that Windows 10 is no good for FS2004 when I have no issues, I'm also usingWindows 10 with FS2004 in 3 sims that I've built up, with a payware aircraft & freeware Aeroworx scenery. It just works!

  10. My AI Smooth works, & I'm more of a classic simmer & prefer the props, so I do not do the Boeings, 'Bus's & other payware tubeliner 'engine burning' type planes.

    All my other payware stuff, even the older LAGO stuff works So I tip my hat to you if you prefer holding on to the older add-ons.

    Myself, I'd rather move away from obsolete add-ons & look for newer updated aircraft, if i wanted to fly any particular model from the 'old days'.

  11. Nope, not an issue. It's done once, never again, & takes less time to do than to type this sentence.

    It's actually 7 mouse clicks. I'd rather do 7 mouse clicks once, than use an obsolete operating system.

    Once that's done, it never has to be done again, ever. (dunno how 7 mouse clicks are a major issue, but anyway!)


    Ok, that's issue 1 done.. next?


    You brought up your major issues, I'm sure the community would be interested in your sharing them?

  12. Mark, you continually talk about having issues with Windows 10.


    Please tell us what they are? Also, what add-ons are not working with Windows 10?


    We know that Windows XP is almost 20 years old, & Windows 7 about 11 years old. Obviously, these obsolete operating systems are not optimised to work at their peak with modern hardware. Personally, I would rather use an updated & modern operating system, that is well supported.


    We know that both of those operating systems have reached end of life support, including security updates. This is not covered by any anti-virus system used, as it is an operating system core issue.


    I have my 8 different versions of FS2004 working perfectly, in fact, smoother than any previous operating system I've had before, with no issues at all. If, on the odd chance, I do have an exe install that will not work, I just run it in compatibility mode, & it installs perfectly.


    As I asked, please share your issues with us. As you say, the more you do with FS9 in Windows 10, the more issues you are getting, please share with us, as it will be usefull for us to be aware of your bad experiences.


    Why would XP be the best operating system for FS9? I've had FS9 running in XP, Windows 7, 8 & even 8.1, with no issues at all.


    By the way, I'm using a ASUS laptop, i5 8GB ram, obviously Windows 10 Home 64bit edition.

    In all probability, I will be doing a 9th FS9 install, possibly with only Russian &/or Argentinian scenery, both pre 1950's with suitable aircraft. I prefer to keep my installs smallish & themed, thus preventing any scenery conflicts.

  13. Sticking to the FS2004 theme, I dont have an issue with VC's at all.

    As far as head tracking goes, I'm going to start playing with OpenTrack, a free headtracking app that seems to be able to use your mobile as a tracking device. Could be interesting..

  14. Nothing wrong with fake planes at all.

    Please do not marginalize or try to police those simmers who want to have fun. We do not need to be policed about what we want to fly. Many other Flight Sims have cars, boats, a bus or 2, racing cars, aircraft carriers & battleships.

    Please do not tell mus that only REAL planes count, & those that do not abide by your thoughts, are somehow lesser simmers.


    A REAL sim developer said that simming as all about Fact, Fun & Fiction.. That what we, real simmers want..

  15. The term "MS Flight Simulator" can apply to anything from FS5 or FS98 up to FSX. You might be talking about the version that is new in 2020, but it still doesn't make sense to me.



    The term Microsoft Flight Simulator & MSFS is actually used by both Microsoft & Asobo, as the name of the new sim. Aerosoft have stated, that there is no 2020 in the name at all. So, using thumbsucked names such as FS2020 (Aerofly's sim name, FS20-Farm Simulator 20) really makes no sense either.


    So, the complaint, probably written in haste, should actually make sense as which sim the OP is talking about.

  16. LOL, Mark, they are all games, made by a Gaming Studio. Anyway, end of discussion about that.


    Ive tried them all, and always end up going back to my now 8 installs of FS2004.


    I've always regarded FSX as the Vista of flight sims, and just dont have energy to get is as smooth as Fs2004. And FS2004 has far moew, for me, aircraft & scenery.

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