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Posts posted by Luke

  1. I believe the reason is that Win10 is a 64-bit operating system whereas CH Control Manager is 32-bit. It works about 50% of the time and the other 50% would simply freeze up.


    If it was a bit-width problem, it wouldn't work at all.


    FWIW I've had CH products for almost 20 years - never used the Control Manager at all. Didn't miss it.



  2. The 4GB patch in my humble opinion excluding the problem you and I have experienced is a bit of a toss up. Having used it before, I can't say it either hurts or enhances the performance of fs9.


    It does nothing for performance. It just allows the FS9 process to access an extra gig of memory, preventing OOM errors. Given the lower relative complexity of FS9 scenery relative to FSX, it's not a common occurrence. It won't hurt, but it won't do much either. :)



  3. Do you think there are old UK2000 pages with downloadable sceneries available in Web-Archive?


    If they were publicly available, maybe, but trying to get FS2002 running over two decades later seems like an exercise in frustration. If you want a retrosim, FS9 content seems to be much more readily available.





  4. Not quite sure what you've got there, but the url is "wrong" … there shouldn't be a ".80" after the UK2000.COM and there's other spelling mistakes as well … may well be some sort of rogue "clone"!


    The URL is not wrong. The :80 on the end is the port, which for HTTP is the default.



  5. Sorry i don't really understand the question. If MSFS looked like FS9, why would i use MSFS?


    It's sort of like saying if FS9 looked like FS95, would you use FS9? Of course not - what drives new sim adoption is the quality of the experience, as well as add-on products and their complexity.


    It's incredibly difficult if not impossible to return to FS9 and its 2D cockpits after getting used to P3D, never mind MSFS.




    If code tries to access an invalid memory location you will get an access violation error. Out of Memory can be caused either by exceeding the 2/3/4GB process limit through too detailed textures or a bug that causes a memory leak.



  7. By and large, .NET 2.0 apps (and 4.0 apps) will run on the 4.5+ runtimes. You don't need to install 2.0.


    Getting back to the original poster, he hasn't said what ACARS package or what VA or even what specific problem he is encountering. And I have no idea why he installed SimConnect when he is using FS9.





  8. I did try wiping the FSUIPC settings and calibrating using the windows cal tool.At first I got erratic readings,but after a half a dozen tries they stabilized, though not at settings required for correct operation.


    If the device is reporting erratic or incorrect data to Windows, that's your problem right there. There's little to nothing you can do at a software level to fix misbehaving hardware.





  9. It's funny how people mix/confuse 'update' of 'driver' and 'latest version' of 'driver'. If you bought your video card in 2015 then you need specific 'drivers' (a ('correct') version of driver(s)) for that card (for that year). You can't just download the 'latest driver' IF THERE is NO 'UPDATE' for 2015 drivers. ... Example: GTX 1080 bought in 2017 will not work with drivers released 2018 - 2021. This is a 'Windows' (especially Win 10) problem and not a Nvidia problem.


    I have a 1070 that runs just fine with the most current drivers - 472.12. If you mean "newer drivers likely won't make a difference for your card" I'd agree, but your statement as written is nonsense.

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