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Posts posted by mallcott

  1. Then i would suggest none are needed for this set of airfields. Ant does recommend having Vol4 with this pack so the ones in there are prob duplicated in vol6? Parts of his readme are copy and paste by looks so i wouldnt read too much into it im sure they would be in his download if required.

    You could always email him????

    BTW your question could be misconstrued as a statement, more info would of helped!


    Note that these sceneries have been designed to work best with the FTX AU ground textures - TEXT included with them.

    Why have you not got FTX AU ground ?


  2. Just so you know, this probably would fit better in the FS2004 forum. Though I don't know the answer you're after, since I rarely use turboprops in the sim and have never flown a real one, I can say that the flight models in the sim, especially the default ones, are often not as realistic as they might be. It's very difficult and time consuming to change aircraft behavior to duplicate real world performance, so they often settle for a rough approximation, sometimes VERY rough. And I know that all of my Carenado aircraft, though better than the default ones, still are far from real behavior in some areas.


    But in general, for initiating a real world descent if you need to slow down, you would ease back on the power in level flight, slowing to your desired descent speed, then adjust power to maintain EITHER the desired airspeed OR the desired descent rate OR just accept the rate of descent the new power setting gives you at the desired speed.


    But be advised that it's not unusual in the real world to just ease the nose down, accepting a higher speed ("trade altitude for airspeed") while adjusting the power to keep airspeed below the yellow arc in rougher air or below redline in smooth air, letting the descent rate take care of itself, unless ATC would specify something that you need to follow.


    One other thing you could do is to use ADE to modify the drag in that aircraft (maybe even in the aircraft.cfg file -- I no longer have FS2004 installed so I can't check) but that can cause other problems, so a lot of time, trial and error would be needed to properly accomplish that.


    `Go down` or `slow down` is par for the course for most turboprops. One can always try controlling the props - it doesn't work on most Carenado product because their ignorance is matched by their ego. In this case Go for ``slow down` first, then deploy flaps and gear at appropriate speeds.

    Try asking Carenado how their `real` pilots do it - Don't wait for their reply though.

  3. Hello!

    I recently purchased the Jardesign a320neo aircraft for xp11. I am unhappy with the default sounds, and I am not willing to pay any extra money because $20 seems a bit much for sounds to me. Anyway, I have mistakenly downloaded a320 sounds for p3d and not X-plane. Are these sounds compatible with X-plane 11, or not? Or is there at least a way to convert them? Thank you very much!


    I can't recommend your thinking. P3d is not - NOT - XP11.


    Try https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/category/169-custom-sounds/

  4. Yes MS definitely peaked freeware wise with FS2004.


    Disagree: FSX was much improved... incremental development may have achieved P3D but MSFS is DEFINITELY two steps back, and only 0.1 forward...

  5. Hello.


    I have incorporated the S-Tec 55x autopilot (which is supposed to work with MSFS) in a panel I created in Air Manager 4. Unfortunately, The VS function does not see to work at all. I must resort to change the VS rate of climb/descent on the VC cockpit which sort of defeats the purpose of having Air Manager. I use air Manager 4 with a DIY Knobster. Everything works as it should. Except the autopilot.


    Is there a trick to make this work as it should. The illustration of the S-Tec 55 even shows the VS rate so, it appears that this function is coded and should work. See attached picture. However, in my panel, when I click on the "VS" button, nothing happens. I fully expect this to be a user's error. Sorry for this was asked before. I searched the Forum but did not find an answer.






    The v/s only works when the ALT button is NOT in use. DO NOT set the a/p vertical function until you are AT the chosen altitude.

    Many real-world autopilots are like that!

  6. Go to the start screen, then Learning Center. Choose Autopilot. Lots of information there. Note that the Cessna autopilot cannot control your speed.


    While their, learn what controls you can choose for the Cessna, and what you cannot.

    You CAN control speed with pitch, but only by increasing or decreasing pitch angle... there are NO speed controls on the Cessna 172! The rest? The Learning Center is your source.

  7. It's the "as long as it dries properly" part that's make or break, i.e. putting it in front of a big fan for a week. I expect when the OP says he tried to clean it, he didn't wait long enough before turning it back on and ...


    Actually, I would recommend rice. Cheap and extremely effective.

    Never dry any electrical device in any kind of fan. You cannot control how thoroughly it dries throughout...

  8. So a beginner here. I'm playing MSFS2020 on Xbox SX and I experienced some weird behaviour. Once I land rudder and wheels start randomly moving on their own and plane starts turning left or right. When I try to counter steer in it goes straight in best case. I can not taxi to the assigned spot. It happens with different planes, in different airports. Any idea what's happening?


    Wind? Land into wind whenever possible. Crosswind can ruin your entire day!

  9. Hah, don’t overthink it cobalt!


    For context and clarification, I would use “cartoonish” as a descriptor for most sims starting with FS5 when textures began, all the way through FSX, and even maybe P3D to some extent. Another way of saying it would be easily distinguishable from what things look like from the cockpit in real life. In contrast, I would not describe MSFS that way as it looks incredibly close to real life IMO.


    Also please don’t interpret cartoonish as a criticism, as it is quite the opposite in this case :)


    Unless you have wiiiide experience, the whole world over, I would have to ask you how you know WHAT the ground should look like, from the air?

    I have hundreds of hours, VFR, in the UK and I declare no such experience in my view.

    Let me know how much air time you have in the real world in Europe, Africa, Asia, the USA and the ROTW... I will then be in a better position to assess your opinons.

  10. I am trying to fly theG36 and find my mouse does not control the flaps up or down. Also when trying to change the nav frequencies from 1 t2 to pressing on the button does nothing. any helo would be appreciated


    BeEch Bonanza G36 surely? You might want to read the instructions/Follow the rules!

    Usually no need to use flaps for take off, unless it's a short field. Press the lever for flap control.

  11. Regarding holding it back, it will be running FSX exclusively for a couple years at least. If I ever decide to go P3D, I’ll put a 10900K and 3090 in it once prices have come down. No desire to ever go beyond P3D.


    Then you should be good to go. Just don't think P3D will ever fly on that rig. But with options down low enough, it should work.

    Just ensure good power supply. I recommend at least 900 watts with such a setup

  12. What is Fsuipc??


    In simple terms FSUIPC allows external applications to access many of the Microsoft Flight Simulator internal variables from simple data like pitch, roll, altitude and heading right through to weather and acceleration values. Choose the version for your sim.

  13. Still attempting to install, Hhhuey! Cant get rid of the wall of water next and at the end of the runway. Went to LPPS which is an island nearby where the author suggests a short flight. Now that airport has square holes along the runway. Now I wondr if the formatt used in the file is for fs2002 (.Bgl) while FSX uses (.dds) and this is the reason why all this is haywire.


    I uninstalled to see if the holes dissapeared from LPPS, but no such luck, still there, What to do now? hope not a complete FSX reinstall.




    Have you tried FreeMesh? You need additional files, not reinstalled... This has been explained and addons suggested.

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