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Lost buildings


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I have lost all buildings in and around Sydney Harbour, Australia. Someone advised me to repair my FSX using that facility on disk 1 but that only made my whole installation unusable and it took a lot to get it going again. I have a lot of add-ons including ORBX, Acceleration, etc, and that may be a problem.

Does anyone know the file that contains the info I need to replace the lost buildings?

I could load a basic FSX on another computer and transfer the needed file.:confused:

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I have lost all buildings in and around Sydney Harbour, Australia. Someone advised me to repair my FSX using that facility on disk 1 but that only made my whole installation unusable and it took a lot to get it going again. I have a lot of add-ons including ORBX, Acceleration, etc, and that may be a problem.

Does anyone know the file that contains the info I need to replace the lost buildings?

I could load a basic FSX on another computer and transfer the needed file.:confused:

I have tried that Sir, to no avail.

Have even tries 'slight tapping' with a big hammer.

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I had this, and in my case it was pretty easy to solve.


Go in to FTX Central and switch zones back and forth a few times. See if that resets the autogen markers for scenery.


If it doesnt, its likely you file is corrupted. I suggest downloading something like the autogen compatability mod. That gives you a clean file with merged data for scenery packages. Just drop that in to the correct folder and again swithc zones in FTX and it should all pop back in again.

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Thanks for the input but it did not work.

It is difficult to see how the individual, unique looking towers and buildings could come under the category of autogen.

I forgot to mention that all this happened after I installed FlyTampa-Sydney.

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Hi, this could be caused by incompatible or corrupt entries in the autogen config files. Check the /autogen/ subfolder in FSX if default.xml looks funny or files are missing or updated. You should have 5 ".SPB" files in there, dating 04.09.2006 if you are on default FSX.



- Install FSX a second time on a different computer and move the contents of the autogen folder over to you main installation. BUT you may lose other stuff (in the addons) when doing this.


- There was a fixing kit for autogen from EarthSimulations, unfortunately they (the company) do not exist anymore. But the files are still there:


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It is difficult to see how the individual, unique looking towers and buildings could come under the category of autogen.


This is not necessarily about the custom 3D objects, but rather the "plain" stuff. They want that your density slider still has an effect. If they forced their custom placed houses or trees on you 100%, your system might suffer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to make sure: did you install something else for this area, apart from ORBX? Some piece of photoreal scenery for Sydney for example? Autogen does not show on photoreal most of the time. You could try deactivating one scenery at a time to make sure there are no conflicts. Do the buildings work when you switch the ORBX thing to Default/Global?


But if you are missing the ORBX buidlings, this can also happen when you have the updated ORBX libraries but they are in the wrong place in your scenery library (try putting them on top of all ORBX scenery or below, just not somewhere in the middle)


I have missing buildings with ORBX too sometimes, and the problem always was the position of the libraries.

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I had this problem once. I moved the sliders all the way to the left then ran FSX. I then restarted computer reset the sliders and everything was fine. Hope this helps.

GPU: GeForce GTX 1080

CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K CPU@4.2GHz

Memory: 16.00GB Ram

Resolution: 3840 x 2160, 30Hz Seiki 39†Monitor

Operating System: Windows 10 Home Edition

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