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Can I get my shiny colour back, please?


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Hi all,

So I finally took the step from my ol' faithfull FS9 to FSX SE. Now I must say that I feel somewhat guilty, like a guy who is cheating on his wife, with some younger (and better looking!!) woman. But that's not the problem here.

It really looks well, runs smooth, purrs like a kitten.

As I have been looking around for FSX versions of some of my favourite planes I had before (low and slow, which is also my general attitude since I'm retired), I could not find the Polikarpov 2 ("polikpo2.zip" from Ralf Kreibich) for FSX.

So I tried the FS9 version, and, as expected, it works fine. The only thing is, the model has lost it's beautifull bright from FS9. It looks a bit sad, and dull.

I would like to know if there's some workaround possible, and if yes, how could it be done?

I'm not a big specialist, I have been tinkering a bit with DXTBMP, in earlier days.


Maybe a few pics, to see the difference:



If there is no cure for that, sure I can live with it.

Thanks for your help.


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Thanks for your answer.

Yes, I know about this one, but I must say, I'm not much attracted to the rather military looking liveries (green, brown, camo, etc...). I really love the ones in my pics, and specially the yellow and the grey ones. The question is, can I have in FSX SE,the brightness they had in FS9. This is (for now) the only model that seems to have this problem.



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