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If I may I would like to ask any member that would like to answer.


What is the most difficult to the easiest big iron for you to land?


For me the most difficult Is the MD-11,because of its hot approach speed and the angle has to be just right for a smooth landing.


The easiest is the 747,it seems to just float to the runway.

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I'm not sure of the actual difficulty in real life, but at least in the sim I find POSKY/TDS's 737s and PAFS's A32Xs the easiest to land (even easier if you have the altitude callout gauges installed). I find Concorde the hardest.


TseTse i5-9600K @ 3.7~4.5GHz | RTX2060 Super 8GB | 32GB DDR4-3200 | 1TB Samsung 840EVO | Z390 Chipset | Windows 10 x64

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Easiest for me is the default Cessna 172...but I really like it and love flying it when I am exploring new areas to fly in....the more difficult are the payware aircraft which I usually only fly on my flights that I do for the record...but I keep flying and getting better with more hours in the cockpit and experience...I am a payware believer and really am into the PMDG planes like the 737 and 777.... again that is what I do....al v
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No big iron, but a very hot one: I find the SimSkunkWorks F-104 Starfighter the hardest to land. 220-240kn without flaps... and she has blown flaps, so the instant you pull the throttle back below a certain point, she just falls out of the sky below 220 kn. Pretty hard to keep the 250kn constraint in that one, even when pulling her right up vertically...


For the airliners... IMO a lot depends on the quality of your controller. Here is my experience with this: Landing them nicely with a joystick or Saitek yoke is difficult, with a CH yoke it gets better, but it is a dream to fly and land them with a PFC.

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to me it is up to the software and not the airplane. Good software like PMDG is the easiest to manage because everything works great, no matter MD-11 or J-41. Simple software like QW 757 is way harder because things are not simulated properly or fully.


Another thing is Aerosoft Airbus-X, well programmed but hard to hand-land, something they've done intentionally to the air file and it is very hard to align with the runway and land, poor response to directional inputs. Difficult to taxi too (already wanted to bring this up). PMDGs are easy to feel and steer in contrary to Airbus-X.

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Flying difficulty depends on what settings we're using on the screen below, I usually have the sliders set about halfway, and tick 'Detect crashes and damage'




I agree with alexzar somewhat on how flaky some airports and scenery can be. So when "exploring" I usually tick ignore crashes. It's a pain to crash because of something not being coded in correctly!


However, when comfortable about things I can't control being correct, I usually tick Detect and causes damage. However when doing that I also tick allow collisions with other aircraft too. Hey if we're going real, let's go real. :cool:

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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