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FS9 And 22 Inch Monitor - FS9 Interface Screen Is Too Small


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I recently got a 22 inch monitor ( DELL P2213 91680 x 1050 ) and the box on the FS9 opening screen that is used to select or setup a flight is too small, it is just in the upper-left quarter of the screen, making it very difficult to work with.




Also, when I do start a flight and I am using the whole screen, the menu along the top that has 'Flights \ Aircraft \ World, etc' is very narrow. I am using the recommended screen resolution of 1680 x 1050.




If anyone can help me with this problem, I would really appreciate it! Thanks! Mike B

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First things first. Is the screen resolution within Windows the same as within FS? Can you move the mouse over the whole screen area? If you try some app other than FS (eg, Paint, Notepad, a web browser) and click on the full screen square does it correctly fill the screen? If you draw a circle within Paint, is it actually round or ellipctical? In these other apps, when you go in and out of full screen, does the screen itself change?
Steve from Murwilllumbah.
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In the first pic, click your mouse where it says "Select a Flight" and drag it to the center of the screen. You may have to click around that area quite a bit before it will start moving. If that doesn't work, start flying, choose Aircraft/Select Aircraft and drag that window into the center of the screen. Click OK, then quit FS. The next time you start FS it should be in the middle of the screen.


From your screen shots, you are running FS in Windowed Mode. That means that it runs at the resolution of your Windows Desktop, so things like menus will indeed be rather small. The only way to get the resolution you set inside FS is to press Alt Enter to go to Full Screen Mode. You can press Alt Enter to go back to Windowed Mode when needed (but you can just tap the Alt key while in Full Screen Mode to access the menus).


You cannot make the initial screen larger via a setting within FS; it is only dependent on the screen resolution of your Windows Desktop. You would have to change the screen resolution to alter that.

Tom Gibson


CalClassic Propliner Page: http://www.calclassic.com

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Thanx for your reply! My monitor an Intel HD Graphics.0 22-inch screen (widescreen) 1680 x 1050 pixels is properly set at WIN7 1680 X 1050 (recommended). My FS9 Set To 1680 x 1050 x 16. Flight Simulator 9 \ Options \ Settings \ Display are set to

\ Scenery - ULTRA HIGH

\ Aircraft - ULTRA HIGH

\ Weather - ULTRA HIGH

\ Hardware - Intel HD Graphics.0

Render To Texture V

Transform and Lightning

MIP mapping quality: 8

Hardware-rendered lights: 8

Global max texture size: Massive

I am getting blurring of surfaces like grass that seem to flicker slightly. I can get full screen on my browser, Notepad and Paint and I can mouse over the entire screen. I can go in and out of Full Screen OK. Paint circle is OK too. I can go in and out of full screen without any problem also.


Maybe I can't change the size of this opening screen? Thanks! Mike B

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WOW! Thanks! That did it! Not only is the grass correct, but all of my scenery and aircraft seem sharper. Thank you! Mike B


You're welcome. But I haven't been able to come with any answers for your other issue though - sorry




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Tom, thank you! I decided to change the Windows 7 resolution to get a larger "Select Flight" box in FS9. It triggered the standard warning that it was not the recommended setting, but I can use it without any problem, as long as I remember that there may be some text or detail that is not displayed.

Actually the larger text helps me also. After I get my cataracts done, maybe I'll go back to the old setting! Thank You! Mike B

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