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Areas transparent that shouldn't be!


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I wondered if anyone might be able to assist me with a little bitmap editing. The cockpit that we use for our Boeing 737 200's has a large central window post, that obscures the view as you come into land on visual approach. I have opened the bitmap up in Paint and can easily make the post thinner, so the view is better and fill the area i have erased with black 0,0,0 so that it is transparent. But now the other areas that are black, that were previously opaque, are now transparent, giving patches along the top of the cockpit dash that are see through.

Could anyone possibly tell me where i am going wrong and how to fix this.

Thanks in advance


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I don't have an answer for you but I would also like to know a fix. I tried using a B717 with panel that also has the central post right smack in the pilot's view. If there is a way to move or make the post transparent I would like to know also. For now I have stopped flying this plane.
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I assume we are talking about the 2D panel background bitmap and not the VC?


What tools did you use to edit the bitmap?


What format is the bitmap?


I have fixed this in the past with Photoshop by...


First converting the image to RGB Color mode so I can add layers.


Convert the background to a layer by double clicking on "background" on the Layers palette.


Adding a layer behind the background that is filled with almost black, 2,2,2 RGB.


Using the Magic Wand with "Tolerance" set to zero and no check in "Contiguous" and "Sample all layers", click on a known 0,0,0 area like the windows.


This should select all pixels that are 0,0,0. Now change the Magic Wand to "Subtract from selection" mode and check "Contiguous", then click on the windows. This should leave the stray 0,0,0 pixels selected.


Delete them, allowing the 2,2,2 layer to show through, flatten the image and save as a 24 bit bitmap.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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If you saved it in Paint, did you save it as 256 colours? If so, that could be the problem. The blacks that previously may have been (EXAMPLE ONLY) 1,1,1 may now have turned into 0,0,0 (due to the decrease in the number of colours), and are hence transparent. Solution: in Paint, redefine one of the colours as 1,1,1, paint the wanted-black that colour, and resave.
Steve from Murwilllumbah.
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