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Door settings ?

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Thanks for the L1011 settings all I need Are the DC-8's door settings


I'm sure Wim is working on them as I type this. He does good work and I have a list he did of the door exits for WOAI aircraft.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Here ya go...


//HTAI DC-8-12 
exit.0 = 0.40, 42.12, -5.17, 1.45, 0
exit.1 = 0.40, -46.00, 8.00, -2.50, 1 //Cargo - Not correct !!!

//HTAI DC-8-52 
exit.0 = 0.40, 42.14, -5.19, 1.41, 0
exit.1 = 0.40, -46.00, 8.00, -2.50, 1 //Cargo - Not correct !!!

//HTAI DC-8-61 
exit.0 = 0.40, 62.75, -5.41, 1.46, 0
exit.1 = 0.40, -46.00, 8.00, -2.50, 1 //Cargo - Not correct !!!

//HTAI DC-8-62
exit.0 = 0.40, 44.71, -5.41, 1.46, 0
exit.1 = 0.40, -46.00, 8.00, -2.50, 1 //Cargo - Not correct !!!

//HTAI DC-8-71
exit.0 = 0.40, 64.76, -5.41, 1.46, 0
exit.1 = 0.40, -46.00, 8.00, -2.50, 1 //Cargo - Not correct !!!

//HTAI L-1011
exit.0 = 0.40, 70.72, -8.91, 7.45, 0  //1st door, behind cockpit
exit.1 = 0.40, 21.80, -8.91, 7.45, 0  //2nd door, just before wing  
exit.2 = 0.40, -46.00, 8.00, -2.50, 1 //Not correct !!!


For the TriStar: if you want the jetway to connect to the 2nd door, exchange the values for exit.0 and exit.1.


Never tested anything with the cargo door. Never saw a luggage conveyor attaching to an AI plane IIRC.

And if anyone wonders... the figures after the decimal point are merely a show element to make it look more professional :cool:.



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For me Hypnos is calling ;).


You can try them for your yourself.

A good value to start is the eyepoint X,Y,Z values (that's where I start).

Subtract about 10 from X, 3 from Y and 2 from Z and start your testing.

Be careful with negative numbers, for example -1 minus 2 = -3


Assign a key to "Aircraft reload" to accelerate/facilitate testing.



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