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FSX runway/taxi roll and bump sounds

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I've been watching a few FSX videos on YouTube, moslty those with a wing camera on the Aerosoft A318-321 packs, a sort of passenger view, and I notice a large variety have some excellent sounds, including bumps and rattles down the taxiway and bombing down the runway with the wheels crunching over the bumps and ground lights, but I dont get this on the Aerosoft Airbus, so I must be custom sounds. As I say there a lot of videos with this sound effect, are they all personalised though or is there a ground sound effect 3rd party paware package with improved sounds?


I'd like to get one if there was, but the only thing I could see on Goole was JustFlights Sim Physics X, but the promo video had music on it so I couldn't hear what the improvement was like, if there is an improvement that is?


Any help is much appreciated :)




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Be aware that for some people and some aircraft, Accufeel may make the model unflyable. This seems to be a product which in the hands of the wrong people is a ticking bomb.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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Ahh that's probably why there are sounds and effects on the videos, thanks for that shall have to look into that!


pvarn - Do you have any idea on what it's like on the advance paware stuff? PMDG models, Airbus 318-321, Majestic's Q400 etc?

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