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Hi, I've been a Microsoft FS user for as long as I can remember (I still am), but I feel the time has come to give X-Plane a try.
I'm somehow scared about the learning curve, but I trust you guys can give me some useful advice.
Plase take into account I'm only interested in GA (not airliners or military).
Here are some basic questions to start with:
Which X-Plane version should I go for?
Hardware requirements are higher, similar or lesser than MSFS?
Is X-Plane a sim you need to fly always on-line, like MSFS?
Is it updated often?
What's the scenery coverage: does it cover the whole World?
What's the detail level of scenery?
What's the flight realism level? Is it adjustable?
I assume you can buy extra aircraft to include in the sim. Same applies to scenery?
I think that's all for now.
Thanks in advance, best regards.
Windows 10 Home - Intel i7 9700 4.70GHz - 32Gb DDR4 RAM - GeForce GTX 1660 OC 6Gb - Kingston 512Gb SSD - Internet 1Gbps (test 600+ Mbps)
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I've used X-Plane 11 as well as all the Microsoft versions. My general feeling is that X-Plane is not all that different from MSFS. Ultimately, they are both trying to accomplish the same thing: recreate the entire world and let you realistically fly in it. When I first tried X-Plane I did not find the learning curve all that bad. Like MSFS, it has a series of menus that lets you set up things and create a flight with your chosen aircraft.


As for your specific questions, here are my opinions:


Which X-Plane version should I go for?


If you're going to do this, the only choice is the latest version as that's what the developer and community are supporting.

Hardware requirements are higher, similar or lesser than MSFS?


I'd recommend looking at the X-Plane web site for specifics. If by "MSFS" you mean  the 2020 version, if you can run that you should be able to run X-Plane.

Is X-Plane a sim you need to fly always on-line, like MSFS?



Is it updated often?


Yes. X-Plane is constantly in development, much like MSFS 2020 has been.

What's the scenery coverage: does it cover the whole World?



What's the detail level of scenery?


They don't have the technology that MSFS 2020 to use world-wide real-world imagery, but I'd say it's better than any earlier version of MSFS.

What's the flight realism level? Is it adjustable?


I don't recall...

I assume you can buy extra aircraft to include in the sim. Same applies to scenery?


X-Plane is well supported by developers. There are lots of add-ons available.

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13 hours ago, danbiosca said:

Which X-Plane version should I go for?


This can be a very difficult choice.

The best way to do this is download the free demos and try them out.

I've had / have all the XP versions since they first started and until the XP12 I never really had a problem making a choice and moving forward. XP12 is radically different, in the sense of new  features they are trying and they seem to have a difficult time betting something to work properly, to use as a tool, especially for GA acft. Dark cockpits, power hungry... no real value to a Real World pilot that wants a tool to practice with.

I can tell you for a fact that there is NO system (PC) out the can run XP12 maxed out in 4K resolution and with VR. There is something very odd about the far away mountains textures. tend to show like they have snow on top. certain time of the day, and many other issues.

Every RW pilot that I know is using XP11 some have the XP12, and not use it, some returned it... I have top of the lines systems and wrote many Scripts trying to get it to work properly but I still am not able to get it right.

If you need more details post here and search around for Dark cockpits, Ortho Scenery issues, Excessive Turbulence, Water ..



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22 hours ago, Nels_Anderson said:

Which X-Plane version should I go for?

If you're going to do this, the only choice is the latest version as that's what the developer and community are supporting.


Hi Nels, this is probably the only question I'm still unclear about.

Latest version is X-P12, but as flytv1 said, this one seems to be still in beta phase (much like MSFS 2020 for a couple years), and you can't compare the myriad of available add-ons for X-P11 to the relatively few XP12 community contributions so far. It's a situation I'm familiar with, in the racing car simulation community.

Both XP versions are available from Steam, but X-P11 is today much cheaper (obviously).

Anyhow, thanks to both for your advice.

Reflection period starting... ⏲️

Windows 10 Home - Intel i7 9700 4.70GHz - 32Gb DDR4 RAM - GeForce GTX 1660 OC 6Gb - Kingston 512Gb SSD - Internet 1Gbps (test 600+ Mbps)
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If you want to give MSFS a try, you can sign up for the Xbox PC Game Pass trial for $1 for 14 days. This will give you access to the base edition of the sim. If you decide to go with MSFS, you can cancel the subscription and buy the sim outright.




Note that while there is a boxed edition of MSFS, it doesn't remove the need for an online connection and will still require you to download every update since the discs were printed. Best to stick to the MS Store or Steam online stores.

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26 minutes ago, loki said:

If you want to give MSFS a try, you can sign up for the Xbox PC Game Pass trial for $1 for 14 days. This will give you access to the base edition of the sim. If you decide to go with MSFS, you can cancel the subscription and buy the sim outright.




Note that while there is a boxed edition of MSFS, it doesn't remove the need for an online connection and will still require you to download every update since the discs were printed. Best to stick to the MS Store or Steam online stores.

Hi loki, thanks but I'm afraid you may have misread my messages.

It's X-Plane what I'm wondering about,

As for MSFS 2020, I've been using it since minute 0 😅


Windows 10 Home - Intel i7 9700 4.70GHz - 32Gb DDR4 RAM - GeForce GTX 1660 OC 6Gb - Kingston 512Gb SSD - Internet 1Gbps (test 600+ Mbps)
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56 minutes ago, danbiosca said:

Hi loki, thanks but I'm afraid you may have misread my messages.

It's X-Plane what I'm wondering about,

As for MSFS 2020, I've been using it since minute 0 😅


Sorry, my apologies! Somehow hit reply to the wrong thread.

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4 hours ago, danbiosca said:

Reflection period starting...


I do not want to confuse you.


What Nels stated, about what is best for the future:

>If you're going to do this, the only choice is the latest version as that's what the developer and community are supporting.<<


My input is about the present, and somewhat disappointed with the approach that LR is taking. It would appear that GA in Not something they are very interested in, and they do not  understand that if any user cannot see the controls it renders the model useless. There are other issues with thC172 / GA acft., but this is is a show stopper for most users.


The process, to select what works  for you, is relatively simple.

I would Download both  Demos, they can coexist on the same Drive / PC without interference, and try them. If you can get past the Dark cockpit, and can get above 30FPS, in the default mode, XP12 would be my choice. They are around 25GB each, if I remember correctly.

To test for the Cockpit knobs view ability select a Rwy the points into the low Sun, Rise or Set and go inside the cpit. I run 4K, at 90FOV, you may want to use something else? Post here for more details / info.

It will likely default to 1080P, you need to make sure that you select the resolution you need, anything other than 4K has AA problems, slightly improve in 12.10b1 but still an issue.


That said that is only the start of your adventure, if you are like most RW pilots you will likely not like the lack of Ground references, Scenery (Limited / low visibility, hazy even when set to 100SM), C172SP: Ground handling with Xwind,  Turbulence exaggeration, exaggerated windshield reflections, horrible GPS dirty screens, Prop disc unrealistic, Flight model / dynamics, especially behind the Power curve...


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On 5/15/2024 at 8:02 AM, danbiosca said:
Hi, I've been a Microsoft FS user for as long as I can remember (I still am), but I feel the time has come to give X-Plane a try.
I'm somehow scared about the learning curve, but I trust you guys can give me some useful advice.
Plase take into account I'm only interested in GA (not airliners or military).
Here are some basic questions to start with:
Which X-Plane version should I go for?
Hardware requirements are higher, similar or lesser than MSFS?
Is X-Plane a sim you need to fly always on-line, like MSFS?
Is it updated often?
What's the scenery coverage: does it cover the whole World?
What's the detail level of scenery?
What's the flight realism level? Is it adjustable?
I assume you can buy extra aircraft to include in the sim. Same applies to scenery?
I think that's all for now.
Thanks in advance, best regards.

The advice I got when I started is still valid.  Go slow. Don't be like a kid in a candy store...the menus are difference the GUI is different....start simple otherwise like every sim one can be frustrated.  There can and is tons to learn.  Once you have become familiar with the planes, how to get to a particular airport, and starting point using the location map, tried real weather and much more, then move on to what might be the add-ons that would enhance the sim....just go on utube and ask that question, what are the 10 best addons, freeware available for X plane and there are some great ones, then move on to ortho scenery, which will totally blow your mind, there are tons of already available sources in this regard. 


Then look at payware, things like FS Realistic will take your sim to a whole new level, there is a version for MSFS2020 but the XP version gives you more control especially head latency.


I have both sims and use both for different reasons.  By far right now Xplane has much better forests and trees by default in XP12.  Also the flight sim dynamics are way more realistic in XP12 than in MSFS.  MSFS shines in terms of its whole of ortho scenery (except in some circumstances).  Every time I fly in MSFS and then fire up XP12+ I so like the feel better.

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11 hours ago, flytv1 said:

My input is about the present, and somewhat disappointed with the approach that LR is taking. It would appear that GA in Not something they are very interested in, and they do not  understand that if any user cannot see the controls it renders the model useless. There are other issues with thC172 / GA acft., but this is is a show stopper for most users.


Thanks for your clarifications.

This aspect (their neglecting GA) is something that might prevent me from taking the step.

As I said before, I'm not interested in airliners or military. I fly almost exclusively visual, low and slow. Taking this into account, shall I better stay in MSFS?


Windows 10 Home - Intel i7 9700 4.70GHz - 32Gb DDR4 RAM - GeForce GTX 1660 OC 6Gb - Kingston 512Gb SSD - Internet 1Gbps (test 600+ Mbps)
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17 hours ago, danbiosca said:

Latest version is X-P12, but as flytv1 said, this one seems to be still in beta phase (much like MSFS 2020 for a couple years),


X-Plane has been like that for as long as I can remember. It's never "finished", but is constantly being updated. Microsoft seems to have copied this scheme pretty much exactly with MSFS 2020.

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8 hours ago, danbiosca said:

As I said before, I'm not interested in airliners or military. I fly almost exclusively visual, low and slow. Taking this into account, shall I better stay in MSFS?


I am the same way. I am a II and looking for a TOOL that I can use, and to recommend to RW pilots that I interface with and they can use to stay current.


I would Not shelf MSFS, but if you are like most humans, curios, and always want to learn something, I would use up the couple of hours of my time and see what XP have to offer.

I am not sure what is going on at LR the lack of response to some of these problems, like the Dark cockpit,  5deg.  max bank on a  saved .SIT in AP mode....  can be easily fixed in many different ways to not affect the aftermarket developers, makes no sense to me. It's as if they are trying to commit suicide. Some pilots I know, and some are long time users like myself, have said they will never get an XPlane sim again. I am still with it and keep trying to see if there is something that changes and I can recommend it at some point.

As Nels said, LR is / will constantly make changes to the present version, until the full version XP13-14? will come out and one thing to remember is Always keep one version that you know it works, and one version that you want to keep updating until you make sure that the new update works. About 50-60 % of the new updates will Not work properly the first time out and you may not be able to get a previous / working version.


By the way if you want to Cycle through Time to find the the Dark cockpit problem, you can use the "K" and "L" to move Forward and Back in time. Post here if you have any questions.


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