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The 2024 Australian Air Rally - The FBO


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Thanks Defaid, I forgot to factor in the effect of altitude, thanks for explaining the extra Kts. (usually obvious when flying at high altitude). I got lazy and thought the difference would be insignificant at 7500' also thought I could ignore the 7Kts wind on a leg of only 107 nm. Lack of attention to detail punished me with a 10 min variance on a leg of only 107 nm.


PP, as for scenery, just FS9 plus VOZ 1.8. and a few others (all freeware) except Perth Intl. by MFSG. But none cover Adelaide or Melbourne so basically just VOZ.

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12 minutes ago, ScottishMike said:

just FS9 plus VOZ 1.8


I use OZx 3.5, but it didn't cover any of the race airports.

I'll have to see if VOZ will work in FSX, probably not, but worth the try.

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

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Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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19 minutes ago, TomPenDragon said:

My work computer's new wallpaper:

I'm really enjoying all the fresh repaints, scenery additions, and narratives that are making this race quite and adventure.


When the race is finished, each of you should consider uploading your paints/scenery to FlightSim for others to enjoy, and to highlight/memorialize this event.


I'll be uploading the FSX default Bell-206 Australian Army repaint, and the fictional scenery for Caiguna.

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Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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The Daily Update

(Cue “She Sells Sanctuary”)


EP: “Hello and welcome to the Update for the 5th of February, 2024. I’m Elias Pacheco for Radio Chachapoya, once again in the right seat as Claus Ullrich pilots us toward Melbourne. We’ve just left Warrnambool, and it’s a nice day for flying. Claudine has Sara cruising along at 3,500’. We completed the run from Adelaide to YWBL with better than half tanks yesterday, so that’s what we’re on today. The fuel computer says that, running lean-of-peak as we have been ever since Claus showed me how, we could finish the ‘76 route with a comfortable margin. There’s nothing like flying with someone who has her Doctorate in Aeronautical Engineering, is there?


“So, to start our fourth week of racing – we’re at the halfway point, folks! - let’s run down our Leaderboard, because there has been movement:




“Melo965 is still leading with a 0 CV, at Forrest, waiting for just the right day to fly the longest leg of the course, to Ceduna.


“defaid and dj made the four-leg run from Adelaide to Melbourne, arriving a minute early for each. Their -4 for the entire run had the effect of flipping their previous +2 to a -2. They remain in second place, with 11 legs now completed. Superb running, you two!.


“ViperPilot2 is still holding onto third place, with a -2 after 5 legs.


“We had a lovely dinner with the Bosss yesterday evening. The Sealand’s repairs are not difficult, except for finding parts for the aging aircraft. He hopes to be back in the air next week. He is now in fourth, with a -5 after 10 legs.


“The PhrogPhlyers have now moved up to fifth place with their +7.


“MAD1 is now in sixth, with his -8 in Katanning.


“JSMR is now in seventh, with a +9 after 5 legs.


“ScottishMike now rounds out the field in eighth. He has a new passenger on board, Dr. Craig Allardice, who is helping him figure out the mystery of the cairns. They made the run from Adelaide to Melbourne. A 10-minute early arrival at Renmark proved insurmountable. They were 1 minute early coming into Naracoorte, had a perfect arrival at Warrnambool, and made up 5 minutes on their last leg, to Moorabbin. They now have a -10 CV after 11 legs.


“And we’re now in Melbourne, so I’ll bring this Daily Update to a close. I’m Elias Pacheco, for Claus Ullrich and the Radio Chachapoya crew, signing off. Have a great flying day, folks!”

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Picking up from last time, where I was  sitting at Ballina with 59 gallons of fuel, next stop Coolangatta.  Off we go.



Again just follow the coast



to YBCG, Coolangatta



A mere 50 miles, 18 minutes



Another crosswind takeoff, a bit much to ask of an inexperienced pilot;  doesn't this side of the continent ever have calm skies.



And there's Brisbane ...with ILS!



That's leading me off to who knows where, so I kill the AP



And land the old fashioned way;  63 miles in 24 minutes.  And time to refuel.



Holding up traffic at Brisbane while I fiddle with the radios



And head for Rockhanpton





Cruising along, enjoying different scenery



Passing over YGAY, Gayndah, 227 miles from Brisbane.  Adminstrative town of the district and centre of Queensland's citrus growing region, population around 2000.  Bad headwinds, only making 165kt GS on this leg.



Descending to Rockhampton





YBRK final



YBRK, Rockhampton;  335 miles in 1hr 45min



As usual I'm in the way



Apparently this Piper pilot was a bit impatient (his shadow passed over me as I sat on the runway)



Off to Mackay



Leaving that Piper in the dust



Mackay, YBMK



230 miles in 1hr 10 minutes, about half that over water



Nearing the end, next stop Townsville



180 miles north we pass YAYR;  Ayr, a town of about 8000 people, is the administrative center of the Burdekin Shire, and a major sugarcane growing area.



And there is Townsville, YBTL;  215 miles in 1hr 9mintownsville.jpg.7ddad8e750b337d16cda9eb0ea80b2ae.jpg


Where I seek the fuel stand, having only 28 gallons remaining and Cairns is over 150mi away





Last leg, destination Cairns International.



Almost there



Down in the valley



Which lines you up perfectly



With one small problem





Cairns, YBCS, 180 miles in 56 min





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Forrest(YFRT) to Ceduna (YCDU)



Engine started at Forrest and ready to taxi.


For this leg I plan on a cruise speed of 115 kts at 4,000 ft.  Skyvector predicts 2 hours and 53 minutes for the 297 mile flight.  My Active Sky flightplan predicts 2 hours and 53 minutes as well.


There are some right to left crosswinds this time, but I decided to go with the numbers above.  Might be a good omen that they agree.  Predicted arrival = 2 hours and 53 minutes.


Advancing throttle for takeoff.


Climbing out on course, leaving Forrest behind.


Some clouds at my altitude.



Another view of the clouds.


One fourth of the way there.  A little ahead of schedule so decreasing throttle a bit.



Half way there.  Clouds look more intense ahead.  I am a bit behind schedule now so increase throttle slightly.



Flight path takes me over the ocean for a while.



Going "Feet Dry" in military lingo.



70% of the way there.  Still a bit behind so increasing throttle again.



Lots of lakes below.  Avoiding the dark clouds so far.  Increased the throttle again at 80% of the way there.  These variable winds keep pushing this light weight Chippie around.


A rare spot of greenery below.



90% of the way there.  Finally getting back to pretty close to predicted time.  Holding the throttle steady. 



Another aircraft is landing at the airport ahead.


At 95% of the way there, disengaged the autopilot and cut the throttle to dive down to pattern altitude.  The extra speed available on the descent helps me stay close to my predicted time table.  Extra power available if I am a bit behind where I think I should be.



Runway in sight ahead.  4 minutes to go on the timer.



On long and low straight in final.  2 minutes to go on the timer.



Over the numbers.



On time touchdown.



Parked at Ceduna.



Strange to see an airliner parked on the grass instead of the pavement.



Happy to arrive at Ceduna airport exactly on time.  Whew!  🙂



It was a 30 minute walk into town for dinner and a well earned rest at the East West Motel.


On to Port Augusta next.  I will be up early and plan to leave around dawn.

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1 hour ago, jgf said:

With one small problem

Quite an interesting day with traffic. 

Don't they know air race participants always have priority handing?

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Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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12 minutes ago, Melo965 said:

Happy to arrive at Ceduna airport exactly on time.  Whew!

Nicely done.

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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1 hour ago, jgf said:


Great moment in the sky. Every flight should be this perfect.

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Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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23 minutes ago, taoftedal said:

that traditional canopy is just right

This is the Chippie at her best.

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Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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FWIW, from leaving KCMH, Columbus OH, til landing at YBCS , Cairns Australia, my old Beech has flown 17,193 miles with a total of 85 flight hours;  an average of 202mph or 175kt.

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Am a bit frustrated, damned RW is getting in the way of my hobby! Just done a heap of very interesting reading of everyone's exploits. That gaggle is well and truly gaggling, with one already at Cairns and finished! Will have to catch up my reading tomorrow, bedtime now.


Re 'Dunnings', no, you misread the sign on the side of the building, it's 'Bunnings', a national chain of very large hardware stores, all the same colour which I recognised in your pic https://www.bunnings.com.au. (We have one locally in Lismore, YLIS, and there's another in Ballina. BTW, the Ballina 'big thing', the 'Big Prawn' (aka shrimp) was moved to beside the Bunnings Warehouse. You can easily see the Big Prawn from the air.)


Thanks for all the answers and comments to my questions. I'll check out IVAO https://ivao.aero once that damned RW thing would leave me alone ('world, please go away so I can just fly with my buddies ...'). Am surprised, expected that most of you guys would have been into everything and across everything sim-wise for decades. So I don't feel so intimidated by your presence so much now.


Speaking of RW, and Murphy's Law, last week when I went back to the sim to copy pics to a memory stick so I could post them, the damn laptop wouldn't start, said it couldn't. Had (luckily, as I got it out of my neighbours rubbish bin, Win Vista Home Edition, it had set up on it restore points) to restore to a point dated 2014! Luckily, Windows did start up, but, of course, my FS2002 wasn't there. Sigh, give up, so now I'll have to reinstall from the 3 CDs. But, I do want to do more legs. (Katanning is a nice, little, country town, but I don't want to live the rest of my life here! Whether I finish the timed part, or simply opt out and do a bit of 'local flying' e.g. two legs Ballina, Coolangatta, Brisbane, that'd do me, have enjoyed 'just being in it'. Goodnight gagglers, 'et ardua ad astra'!


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47 minutes ago, MAD1 said:

Re 'Dunnings', no, you misread the sign on the side of the building, it's 'Bunnings', a national chain of very large hardware stores, all the same colour which I recognised in your pic https://www.bunnings.com.au.


Thank you. Against the FS9 background, even the muted green is eyecatching. Reading back, I see the logo is a bit more obvious in Mike's screenshot.


48 minutes ago, MAD1 said:

Luckily, Windows did start up, but, of course, my FS2002 wasn't there. Sigh, give up, so now I'll have to reinstall from the 3 CDs. But, I do want to do more legs.


Don't quit: we have to have someone local on the spot, if only to tell us what we're flying over, else we're just a loutish bunch of Yanks & Poms taking advantage of an extra summer.


As far as being serious simmers is concerned, well, I may be wrong but I think most of us do it for entertainment rather than obsession. In any case, 1. my approach to any question about which I know *something* is to Google the rest and hope that someone else has already done the work for me and 2. simmimg is not to be taken seriously: we found it to be much more fun with a (large) glass of wine. The four grey lines at Moorabbin might have been eight.



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3 minutes ago, defaid said:

Don't quit: we have to have someone local on the spot, if only to tell us what we're flying over, else we're just a loutish bunch of Yanks & Poms taking advantage of an extra summer.

Funny and true!


4 minutes ago, defaid said:

As far as being serious simmers is concerned, well, I may be wrong but I think most of us do it for entertainment rather than obsession. In any case, 1. my approach to any question about which I know *something* is to Google the rest and hope that someone else has already done the work for me and 2. simmimg is not to be taken seriously: we found it to be much more fun with a (large) glass of wine. The four grey lines at Moorabbin might have been eight.

Never for get to "Have Fun!"

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Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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1 hour ago, MAD1 said:

Whether I finish the timed part, or simply opt out and do a bit of 'local flying' e.g. two legs Ballina, Coolangatta, Brisbane, that'd do me, have enjoyed 'just being in it'. Goodnight gagglers, 'et ardua ad astra'!

Every little bit helps, glad you're here!

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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@jgf your screenshots have me looking forward to AB1's east coast route. Hills and forests. I just let out a very Homer-like Mmmm. I don't think I'll be timing it so I may try some more interesting weather.


@TomPenDragon as you are the de facto keeper of the code, how does my changing plane for the east route sit with you?


@Melo965 I see by your short final into Ceduna that we're all getting good at crabbing 🙂 . We have our work cut out too, to beat a string of V = 0.

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3 minutes ago, defaid said:


@TomPenDragon as you are the de facto keeper of the code, how does my changing plane for the east route sit with you?


If you're going to be free-flying the Eastern Route, feel free to light up the skies with whatever you've got in the hangar.  If you wish to time the Eastern Route, you can also switch aircraft, free-fly to YCFS, and run the Eastern Route as a separate Challenge.  If you want to set a time for the Combined Route, however, it all has to be done in the same aircraft.


This raises a broader question: Time-wise, we're halfway through the Rally.  How many of you are planning to do the Combined or time the Eastern Route?



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1 hour ago, MAD1 said:

Katanning is a nice, little, country town, but I don't want to live the rest of my life here!

Might I suggest the following:

  • Switch to Free Flying - take the pressure off.  Finish when you finish.  Take some good screenies; write some great stories.
  • Fly home to Lismore from Katanning.  Follow the route if you wish, or plan your own.
  • Focus on the following:
    • You've stepped up from a Cessna 172 to a 182RG - from a simple trainer to a complex, medium-high performance single.  This is a big step for RW pilots.  Learn how to manage power, remember to raise/lower the gear, etc.
    • Get familiar with SkyVector and flight planning.  Your 8 minutes off on the run to YKNG was a really great start.  Work on it and you'll be setting 0's consistently by the time you reach Ballina.  Do that and by the time the next rally rolls around, I'm going to regret ever suggesting this to you.
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1 hour ago, defaid said:

I may be wrong but I think most of us do it for entertainment rather than obsession.

Nah, it's an obsession for me.  Has been for 40 years.  Gonna have to bury me with my hand still around the joystick...

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1 hour ago, defaid said:

your screenshots have me looking forward to AB1's east coast route


Don't forget to switch to the SE then the NE VOZ scenery as you go.

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