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The 2024 Australian Air Rally - The FBO


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21 hours ago, Rupert said:

Sadly, I can't find them yet. 


On occasion my editors do this, saving somewhere besides where I wanted.  Simplest way to find them is to open that editor, paste any image into it and select save, note where it is saving, go there and look for your previous files.

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2 hours ago, TomPenDragon said:

How is the new thread structure working out for everybody?


Could we please keep comments on the stories over here in the FBO, please?


These two go together.  I'm not sure where to post my flight summaries (I'm starting over, if that's allowed).

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Just now, jgf said:

These two go together.  I'm not sure where to post my flight summaries (I'm starting over, if that's allowed).

You haven't posted a time yet, jgf, so you certainly may start over.  Such a gorgeous repaint of such a classic aircraft deserves some 0's.

A brief time reporting would go here; a more elaborate narrative with screenies would go over with the Stories.

Let me re-phrase my earlier question: What would each of you feel about moving everything from the Stories thread over here (if I can get the administrators to do that for us), getting rid of that thread, and only having the Official information broken out into a reference thread (keeping everything here, in other words)?

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I think each event should have its own thread.  First post would be event data, maps, rules, etc.;  and all posts pertaining to that event go there.

There should be an "administrative" thread.

Perhaps a thread collating all proposed flights so people could peruse them easily.



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40 minutes ago, TomPenDragon said:

What would each of you feel about moving everything from the Stories thread over here (if I can get the administrators to do that for us), getting rid of that thread ...


May be a good idea if you can pull it off.  The new format (multi-threads) may be somewhat cumbersome for some.  We've gotten pretty used to the running dialog regardless of the X+ pages.  That said input from the FlightSim.com folks and accommodating any concerns they have would be good (hope they don't tell us to take our dog and pony show and find another stage).  The 'Official' thread for rules ... etc. ... makes sense to me.  Thanks again TomP ... 

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We're all in this to help each other out when needed. Give out encouragement. Pipe up when something's amiss.


Just trying our best...

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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Let's start with this (I'll post the officious-sounding update to the Official thread): I still prefer receiving your timings by PM, mainly because I get an e-mail telling me that something's come in, and I don't erase the mail until I have entered your scores, but as an option you can either:

  • Post here in the FBO, with the same format I ask for in the PM's, or
  • Include your timings in your stories, at the very beginning.

Should I miss your timings in the Daily Update, the best way to get my attention is still via PM but, from here forward, a first PM with your times is optional.  The format is still the same, however - please don't give me start and end times and expect me to do the math; you won't like the result (my in-laws can vouch for my absolute inability to calculate times).

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1 hour ago, jgf said:

I think each event should have its own thread.  First post would be event data, maps, rules, etc.;  and all posts pertaining to that event go there.

There should be an "administrative" thread.

Perhaps a thread collating all proposed flights so people could peruse them easily.


Would this apply only to future events, or the current one as well?

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2 minutes ago, TomPenDragon said:


Would this apply only to future events, or the current one as well?


I'm attempting to set the Club up that way, but I'm trying to figure out how to post a new Thread inside the particular Section.

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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How willing would those who have already posted in Stories to re-post what is already there over here?  I could copy and paste everything into the FBO myself, but then it would have my name as poster, not yours.  In case the site administrators can't help us...

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2 minutes ago, ViperPilot2 said:

I'm attempting to set the Club up that way, but I'm trying to figure out how to post a new Thread inside the particular Section.

Ran into that same thing when I was testing it.  I thought that perhaps you would have better luck being the creator of the club.

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35 minutes ago, TomPenDragon said:

Let's start with this (I'll post the officious-sounding update to the Official thread): I still prefer receiving your timings by PM, mainly because I get an e-mail telling me that something's come in, and I don't erase the mail until I have entered your scores, but as an option you can either:

  • Post here in the FBO, with the same format I ask for in the PM's, or
  • Include your timings in your stories, at the very beginning.

Should I miss your timings in the Daily Update, the best way to get my attention is still via PM but, from here forward, a first PM with your times is optional.  The format is still the same, however - please don't give me start and end times and expect me to do the math; you won't like the result (my in-laws can vouch for my absolute inability to calculate times).

Update now posted to the Rules.

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33 minutes ago, TomPenDragon said:

How willing would those who have already posted in Stories to re-post what is already there over here?  I could copy and paste everything into the FBO myself, but then it would have my name as poster, not yours.  In case the site administrators can't help us...


If problematic ... I would suggest shutting down the 'FBO' and using the 'Stories' for all but the 'Official' thread.  That way the story sequence would remain in the proper order ... 

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I'm currently awaiting a response from the admins (sent via the, "Contact us" link at the very bottom of the page - if anyone has a username or other shareable contact info for one of the admins, please let me know).  If I don't get a favorable response in a reasonable time - and transferring the Stories has to include respecting the timestamps of the original postings, else it's a dealbreaker - your suggestion, taoftedal, is another way to go.  What do the folks who've posted in the FBO so far feel about losing/having to re-create what they've done so far?


Something else that just crossed my mind is, what about double-posting stories to both the FBO and the Stories threads?  How big of a PITA is that for everyone?  That way, the FBO would be exactly what the single event thread has always been, plus we'll have the stories-only thread as our "novel" and still keep Official as a reference.

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I have to say I like the separation of noticeboard, narrative report and chat but commenting (chat...) on narrative reports (stories) is a fundamental part of the group's interaction and difficult with the current structure. Double posting may not be ideal. To me it seems redundant and with so many screenies it fills up the server too.


I don't mind reposting. I don't mind double posting. I don't mind adding my times to my narrative. "I knew his father. I knew his grandfather. I knew his uncle, the arch-deacon.." But I do think the noticeboard and the bare times in a PM are a very good idea and probably ought to continue. It's very easy to miss stuff in a 24-page thread. Just consider how many times we've asked about something posted 20-odd pages back...


When all's said and done though, I'll go along with everyone else.



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2 hours ago, TomPenDragon said:

Would this apply only to future events, or the current one as well?


Being insufferably lazy, my response is, "whatever is easiest".


We are still in the early stages of this endeavor, making it up as we go.  A prime concern should be not too much "work" for anyone, lest they lose interest.   The KISS principle.   Clearly defined threads and whoever does the "bookkeeping" decides how reports will be handled.  No doubt we'll have to fine tune as we progress.

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On 1/18/2024 at 8:29 PM, taoftedal said:


If problematic ... I would suggest shutting down the 'FBO' and using the 'Stories' for all but the 'Official' thread.  That way the story sequence would remain in the proper order ... 


Next time I suggest not to open such many threads for one and the same thing… just leave the basic thread open and post in there all the things… 


To be honest, with that many threads opened at one time, i've been loosing the overview, and with that, the interest to read all threads. 

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The Daily Update

(Cue “She Sells Sanctuary”)


EP: “Hello and welcome to the Daily Update for today, 18 January, 2024. I’m Elias Pacheco for Radio Chachapoya, on a rather quiet race day. Let’s run down today’s Leaderboard, shall we:




“defaid is still in the lead both in Cum.V – heh heh – at -2, and on the course, at last report still at Forrest whale-watching.


“Bossspecops had an outstanding run to Caiguna, shaving four minutes off of his previous 8 and moving into second place. As we always do, we await his PIREP with baited breath.


“ViperPilot2 and ScottishMike round out the field of starters in third and fourth respectively, both still at last report in Katanning.


“Today saw a major change in the Rules, which have been updated on the Official thread. To summarize, participants now have three ways to report their times: via PM, as originally outlined, in the FBO thread, or at the beginning of a story. You can find the detail in the Rules post in the Official thread, section IV.3, complete.


“There is currently a discussion going on about the appropriate thread structure. I’m just a reporter; I don’t get a vote. But if I had anything to say in the matter, I’d say let’s leave it the way it is, be a little flexible in the Stories thread for limited comments but keep most of it in the FBO.


“And on that note – I hope I still have a job tomorrow – this concludes today’s Daily Update. Elias Pacheco, at the moment for Radio Chachapoya, signing off. Adiós."

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My 10 cents worth! Guys, guys, you're making it all too complex! 'Bureaucracy gone mad' (I'm a government worker, a 'public servant' in Australian language, 'civil servant' in UK language, this reminds me of my government department! Oh sorrow!). A little whinge, why wasn't all this thought and set up months ago? And, what the hell does FBO stand for (newby question), nobody has stated what the acronym stands for? (All above is tongue-in-cheek, so don't get upset.) On a serious note, am happy with whatever the bosses decide. (PS: I hope to do my 1st leg to Katanning today, failing that, tomorrow. I want to take the time to properly plan it before I start engine, and to enjoy the whole experience. Have been so far. Just gotta get rid of the pesky RW intrusions, now I put a piece of wire into the ride-on mower tire/tyre and have to take it off, take it to town and get it fixed. Drat!)

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12 minutes ago, MAD1 said:

set up months ago


Lol, our first event was an impromptu race in November (I flew a P-38);  then the Route 66 event (I flew a '47 Bonanza).  This is our third outing, improvising as we go.


BTW, I've done time as a bungling bureaucrat also;  once worked at a university where we bought supplies with our own money because it was easier, and quicker, to get reimbursed from petty cash than go through channels and get purchase orders.

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I know it's buried in one of the planning threads, but does someone have a listing of the Southern and Eastern route waypoint names they could post?

My planners only show the waypoint ICAO 4-letter designations.

And if I've asked before, just chalk this up to age.


Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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Uhhh guys?  It's been done!  Everything from Stories has been copied over here with its original timestamps, so everything's in sequence and the Stories thread is no more (as far as I can tell).  I was just asking if it was possible, but now it's done and we've got our old "Thread about everything" back.


Thank you Adrian K!!!!!


All the best,



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