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How to pause and resume long flights

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Hi there,


Someone knows how can we pause and resume long flights?


For example, a couple of days ago I started a flight which would take around 2:30 hours. I exported through MSFS some files (.SPB, .FLT and .PLN, I think).


But, when I load them, all I get is to "spawn" my plane in the middle of the flight without any navigation info. Even the MFD, by what I was able to see, is empty, with no flight plan.


Do you guys know if is that possible, please?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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In the keyboard settings you can assign P to toggle Pause ON, and Ctrl+P to toggle Pause OFF.

Tim Wright "The older I get, the better I was..."

Xbox Series X, Asus Prime H510M-K, Intel Core i5-11400F 4.40GHz, 16Gb DDR4 3200, 2TB WD Black NVME SSD, 1TB Samsung SATA SSD

NVidia RTX3060 Ti 8Gb, Logitech Flight Yoke System, CH Pro Pedals, Acer K272HL 27", Windows 11 Home x64

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Ah, that's only available on the Xbox version. Xbox has a feature called instant resume.

Tim Wright "The older I get, the better I was..."

Xbox Series X, Asus Prime H510M-K, Intel Core i5-11400F 4.40GHz, 16Gb DDR4 3200, 2TB WD Black NVME SSD, 1TB Samsung SATA SSD

NVidia RTX3060 Ti 8Gb, Logitech Flight Yoke System, CH Pro Pedals, Acer K272HL 27", Windows 11 Home x64

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh, Lordy… Another reason why I haven’t “upgraded”. from FSX.

Most of my flights are airliners, and I can either “speed things up” or Save the flight and resume later ….

This thread tells me that this is not possible in MS 2020 and thus has no attraction to me.

From what ( admittedly, little ) I know of MS 2020, I am at a loss as to why MS couldn’t have just given us FSX with the fantastic graphics of MS 2020.🙁

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1. You can speed up flights just as you can in FSX.

2. You can save a flight just as you can in FSX, but not every piece of data is saved just like in FSX.

3. Because FSX is old computer code and MSFS 2020 has been re-coded from the ground up. 

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10 hours ago, JSkorna said:

1. You can speed up flights just as you can in FSX.

2. You can save a flight just as you can in FSX, but not every piece of data is saved just like in FSX.

3. Because FSX is old computer code and MSFS 2020 has been re-coded from the ground up. 

Reference #3, yes , ok ,they have done that, but you saying they have done it that way doesn’t mean they had to do it that way.?

My question remains…..Why not FSX with the only change being  better graphics.

With computer processors now running at 5 ghz and over, then surely they would have been able to give us FSX maxed out. ?
They are clever people, just change the graphics , and off we go.😀

Good FPS on very fast computers, as they now are.





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6 hours ago, Cas141 said:

Reference #3, yes , ok ,they have done that, but you saying they have done it that way doesn’t mean they had to do it that way.?

My question remains…..Why not FSX with the only change being  better graphics.

With computer processors now running at 5 ghz and over, then surely they would have been able to give us FSX maxed out. ?
They are clever people, just change the graphics , and off we go.😀

Good FPS on very fast computers, as they now are.






FSX was developed with the understanding CPUs would be heading for 10GHz, which we are no where near, and likely won't be for a long time yet, if ever. Between improving multi-core support, moving to 64 bit processing, the streaming scenery support and other graphical improvements, as well bringing the sim to Xbox consoles, FSX with a new graphics engine wasn't an option.

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5 hours ago, loki said:


FSX was developed with the understanding CPUs would be heading for 10GHz, which we are no where near, and likely won't be for a long time yet, if ever. Between improving multi-core support, moving to 64 bit processing, the streaming scenery support and other graphical improvements, as well bringing the sim to Xbox consoles, FSX with a new graphics engine wasn't an option.

Wow,! 10Ghz… Now, that would be something. I didn’t  know that.                 I  take your points, but many are disappointed (I’ve read) with the apparent “arcading” of MS2020. I mean, as soon as you are flying with an X box, any pretence of a flight simulator is greatly diminished. 
And , Ok, there is the Market argument….that the  X box  function helps to achieve. Which is to sell more and make money.

I’ll wait to see with interest what  MS2024 brings .

Depending on my stamina I might then attend a flight sim club, which is some way away,  to see for myself what it exactly can do. Something I was able to do in the past, with FSX, and which I found to be an excellent way to find out about a sim’s capabilities - and my own😂



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I would suggest trying the sim for yourself before getting too far down in what you've read online. There are some valid criticisms of the sim, and then there are some overreactions to it as well. MSFS does have a new interface, and does do things differently (much like X-Plane does things its own way), however, it isn't an arcade sim. You can try MSFS for $1 by signing up for the Xbox Game Pass one month trial. If you do like the sim, you can either keep the subscription going (not worth it if you don't play any of the other games), or cancel the Game Pass and buy the sim outright.



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I have had reasonable success using the FSUIPC auto save function (has to be a paid registered copy).


Shut down your flight wherever you are, as usual. When next start up of MSFS 2020, and get to the global selection page, hit the shift key and go to the saved flight section and look for the auto save entries and choose the latest one; when FS starts go to PAUSE (mine is FSX style PAUSE which I have mapped to my keyboard - used P for pause on, then rightALT-P to unpause) and check out settings, then unpause and try to salvage the flight - I have usually been successful.



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19 hours ago, loki said:

I would suggest trying the sim for yourself before getting too far down in what you've read online. There are some valid criticisms of the sim, and then there are some overreactions to it as well. MSFS does have a new interface, and does do things differently (much like X-Plane does things its own way), however, it isn't an arcade sim. You can try MSFS for $1 by signing up for the Xbox Game Pass one month trial. If you do like the sim, you can either keep the subscription going (not worth it if you don't play any of the other games), or cancel the Game Pass and buy the sim outright.



So, hang on. Are you saying that a flight simmer , like me, using top joysticks etc flying it  as a “Study” sim and not a game, and who hasn’t been within 100 miles of an X Box, can get a trial of the sim in the manner that you suggest and I would be able to fly it, I.e. without an X box, ?
That is an academic question , by the way, because in order to use MS 2020, I would need (want) to buy a new top end computer, and other stuff,( exactly what I do not know.i.e what of my peripherals is compatible)

Because at present I fly FSX offline on a Windows XP computer.

So quite an investment would have to be made before I could play or trial the sim.

Hence the comments  re attending a flight sim club meeting😀





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3 hours ago, Cas141 said:

So, hang on. Are you saying that a flight simmer , like me, using top joysticks etc flying it  as a “Study” sim and not a game, and who hasn’t been within 100 miles of an X Box, can get a trial of the sim in the manner that you suggest and I would be able to fly it, I.e. without an X box, ?


Nope, no need for a console of any sort to fly the sim, though an Xbox console and peripherals (more and more do support the console these days) is a decent and cheaper option for doing so.






As for PC hardware, you only need a top of the line system if you're looking to run one or more 4k monitors at 60+ FPS or get into VR. Running lower resolution monitors at 30 FPS, or so, can be done with more moderate hardware, unlike FSX which struggled to run at all with even the best hardware available at launch. One of the big limits with MSFS, however, is that it does require an online connection for the best scenery.


Certainly find someone local to check out the sim with if your current system can't run it. Just be sure to approach it as a new sim, and not a continuation of FSX.

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