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Xp1206b7 deja vu all over again.


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Hi everyone.

Another release that does not fail to disappoint. I am embarrassed for these guys, I cannot remember them ever being so disorganized before.

Can Not be loaded, lost o few FPS, C172 is still crippled flight dynamic / flight model, in the low / behind the power curve regime, the AP max bank angle is 5 degrees, the turbulence is still out of this World with just some wind added....

To fix the loading, in most cases,  Re / Move  ...\Output\preferences "X-Plane.prf" file and Start New flight, trying to load an existing .sit does not work and it's very likely that you have to regenerate all of them, at least in the case where you use Ortho.

To fix the 5 deg. bank Reload the Aircraft, in the Menu >Developer. You will have to do that every time after you load a Saved ? load .sit, it does not do it if you just staer a new Flight and just loads c172 for the first time.

To improve the riding horse feature and other things you may want to change, try the Script / Datarefs below, if you go to change anything in the Weather section you will have to reload this script or the crazy horse will restart. To stop / disable the .lua script just add .dis after .lua (....lua.dis).

You can create different Scripts by using only some of the Datarefs in any one file. They are all independent, or just add a -- in the first char. line position as you see some marked below.

Good luck, and don't shoot / impale, if you are from Transylvania, the messenger.


--Experimental Refs, copy some of the refs from within the brackets to the top and if
--the -- are the first chars in that line remove them to enable that ref / function.
--Copy lines below to text file named AnyName.lua and place in
-- ...\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts

--Clouds /rain
set("sim/private/controls/new_clouds/density", 200)  --125 default 0-1000 1000 too light
--set("sim/private/controls/clouds/kill_render", 1)
--set("sim/private/controls/clouds/kill_onscreen_render", 1)
--set("sim/private/controls/clouds/kill_offscreen_blit", 1)
--set("sim/private/controls/new_clouds/limit_coverage", 0.1)  -- not in v06
set("sim/private/controls/new_clouds/lighting_mode", 4)
set("sim/private/controls/clouds/cloud_shadow_lighten_ratio", 0.9)
set("sim/private/controls/new_clouds/kill_shadow_render", 1)
set("sim/private/controls/rain/kill_3d_rain", 1)

--HazeReduce.lua Place in ...Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts
--Try different values
-- Haze / Light
set("sim/private/controls/scattering/override_turbidity_t", 1.2)
set("sim/private/controls/scattering/multi_rat", 0.5)  --0 to 10 use 0.4,1.0, 0.7 was 2.5 big is bright more haze
set("sim/private/controls/scattering/single_rat", 1.2)  --0 to19 10 use 0.7,1.0, 0.9 was 2.5 big is bright more haze
set("sim/private/controls/photometric/K", 8.0)  --3.0 large value brighter10.0
set("sim/private/controls/autoexposure/null_lo", 0)  -- ? 0 or1 hi =0 bright low part use 0 to see G1K knobs

set("sim/private/controls/tonemap/hdr_mid", 1)
--set("sim/private/controls/hdr/msaa_hw", 1)   --use hdr/fsaa_ratio_x 1 hdr/fsaa_ratio_y 1 hdr/use_post_aa 1
                --hdr/msaa_hw 1 , was 0 can only be set in ../resources/Settings.txt 5FPS loss
set("sim/weather/turbulence[0]",-1)    --If you change Wx relaod LUA Scripts

set("sim/private/controls/debug/kill_ssr",1)  --Kills reflections

set("sim/private/stats/skyc/fog/near_dis_clip", 0.1)    -- 0 to 1
set("sim/private/controls/photometric/light_storage_scale", 1.09)  --1 to 10
set("sim/private/controls/photometric/speed", 130)  --13
set("sim/private/controls/autoexposure/bins",1)  ---must be 1
set("sim/private/controls/autoexposure/gain_hi",0.1)  -- 0 to 1 hi nr use0.35
set("sim/private/controls/autoexposure/gain_lo",0.9)  -- 0 to 1 hi nr use 1.0
set("sim/private/controls/autoexposure/null_hi",0)  -- 0 or1 hi no change use 0
set("sim/private/controls/autoexposure/trim_hi",0)  -- 0 or1 hi use 1: 0 is dark
set("sim/private/controls/autoexposure/trim_lo",0)  -- 0 or1 hi use 1


set("sim/private/controls/terrain/kill_vegetation_3d", 1.0)
set("sim/private/controls/terrain/kill_vegetation_billboard", 1)
set("sim/private/controls/terrain/kill_vegetation_legacy", 1)
--Cars / Objects / Other
set("sim/private/controls/cars/lod_min",2000) --Distance at which road traffic is visible.
set("sim/private/controls/reno/draw_cars_05", 2.0) -- default 3, 0 disables
set("sim/private/controls/reno/draw_objs_06", 2.0) --3D Object Density. 0 (None) to 6 (Extreme)
set("sim/private/controls/reno/LOD_bias_rat", 5.00)  --Object (OBJ) Bias LOD. 5Low, 1 is Hi
set("sim/private/controls/reno/draw_vecs_03",1)  --Road Density. 0 (None) to 3 (Extreme)
set("sim/private/controls/reno/draw_objs_06", 2.0) --3D Object Density. 0 (None) to 6 (Extreme)
set("sim/private/controls/reno/LOD_bias_rat", 5.00)  --Object (OBJ) Bias LOD. 5Low, 1 is Hi

--set("sim/graphics/misc/red_flashlight_on",1)  -- it is enabled in AirpLghtsOn to see 172 knobs


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Hi @flytv1 Sorry to hear of your disappointment. I am having good luck with the latest beta, v12.06b7. I think it would be good to remember that our job (as simmers using XP12) is to report the bugs on their website. I have put the link below in case you need it. It is easy to file a report but don't wait around for the fix. Your knowledge of the C172 flight characteristics may be valuable to LR, you never know.

I use FWL scripts to modify the art here too, and I get occasional crashes out of the blue that say the art has been modified. It has been my experience that using Zink with plugins, or scripts modifying art, are the only two types of crashes I see on my system. I have stripped my scripts to stop changing environment variables except for fiddling the MSAA discrete.

I use several plugins (some old with data ref issues) and SimHeaven + AutoOrtho. Pretty stable here.


*** Stay Thursday, my friend. ***
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