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How Is The Save Game?


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Asked this on Avsim but no reply so far. With both FSX and MSFS now having issues not reloading the flight plan etc. into the FMS/FMC on resuming a save game (even the beloved Level D 767), was wondering how XP12 fares in this respect? Don’t really want to pay out £50 when my interest is primarily long haul heavy iron flights. Otherwise the new sim looks very intriguing.

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Having a quick play around with the demo, currently 50/50 on whether to part with £50 for this. One thing I’ve come across is blurry cockpit textures particularly text. Any suggestions to improve this (running at full 4K resolution)?

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I will be honest at this point XP12 is not something anyone should buy, especially if you do not have a very powerful system, Nvidia 3090, and a CPU 5.0GHz, anything less is just a compromise and head ache.

If XPlane is something that you want to get into I would suggest XP11 maybe the Steam that was selling around $30.00. It's what I recommend to everyone I interface with at this point. I suggested in the past to some to get XP12 and now that I see that they will not be fixing some of the issues I would not and there are actually some users, a couple of students, that want to get a refund.

You will not likely get good results in 4K, or VR with anything less.

Some things you can try is to reduce your Texture>Quality, SSAO>None, FSR > Quality, AA>2X, AF>Max no 3D trees, Clouds> Low, Shadow> Acft only, Rendering>High, Objects>Low, Vegetation >Minimal. If that works for you you can try to increase some sliders, if not try reducing Textures, Rendering, AA...

Post your systems specs here and I will try give a you / post here, some LUA Scripts that may help.

If you have your MSFS stay with it, unless you have a lot of time on your hands. XP12 Is Not a real Flight sim at this point, not even a good scenery sim in my opinion.



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Thanks @flytv1 . Played with the demo bit more but I'm not sure I like the adaptive lighting effect. It's similar to what Dovetail have done with their new content in TSW3, adaptive "eye" means everything you see through the cab window is bleached and washed out and emerging from tunnels, dark into light you get a flash like you would encounter on a filmed scene. As I already own XP11, I'll get a few more miles out of that, maybe consider XP12 if/when it starts getting a discount in Steam seasonal sales, £30/$40 or less. 


MSFS also reinstalling as I type this...

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7 hours ago, Elvensmith said:

As I already own XP11, I'll get a few more miles out of that, maybe consider XP12 if/when it starts getting a discount in Steam seasonal sales, £30/$40 or less. 




I think that is the right decission.

I do not know if you are a Real World (RW) but if you you are and looking for a good setup for low and slow and want to see ground references, 2D only / flat, you can use Ortho4XP app.

Or dload ortho scenery which I consider a required addition for RW pilots, but this typicality is lower resolution Zoom Level (ZL) 16-16, but if you get do it you can get ZL 18-19, large files / a lot of storage, that looks very close to 3D and you need no trees, nor a lot of buildings... that can increase you FPS (Frame rate).

If you are a high and heavy flyer the default scenery / setup.


Yes, it's too bad that LR has decided to prioritize eye candy and neglect the Flight (model) portion of the the simulator in XP12, they had a good base in XP11 but someone there dicide to try and compete with Adobo rather than do what they are good at.

Post here if you need more info.

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  • 3 months later...
On 3/6/2023 at 7:12 AM, Elvensmith said:

Asked this on Avsim but no reply so far. With both FSX and MSFS now having issues not reloading the flight plan etc. into the FMS/FMC on resuming a save game (even the beloved Level D 767), was wondering how XP12 fares in this respect? Don’t really want to pay out £50 when my interest is primarily long haul heavy iron flights. Otherwise the new sim looks very intriguing.

It will not allow you to load flight plans. It says that the one you are trying to load "was saved with a different version" but you saved it a couple of hours before with the same version you are using.

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