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As FS9 and FSX is now getting long in the tooth, now is a good time

start reviewing your downloads. The great sites of HJG and CalClassic are up and running

but for how long? These sites could shut down as so many before them.

Go to CalClassic and HJG and download aircraft from these two superb sites.

I hope they stay viable but remeber Posky, Preimier, and Project Airbus have all


Thank you

The great sites of HJG and CalClassic are up and running

but for how long?


HJG is what it "is" .... and will "remain so". No plans to disappear/close up .... unless it's sponsorship's withdrawn for any reason. Think HJG and CAL CLASSICS may be "the last" of the FS originals by now. HJG's about to hit 23 years of service this year.... and Tom's CAL CLASSICS has been operating even longer.



Can't remember the last time I downloaded anything for FS9. Stocked up many years ago and maybe picked up a download here or there since. Should probably look through more recent files.
Mark Daniels
A well-intentioned advice. But who still uses these planes from those times? Unfortunately, it cannot be overlooked that the interest in vintage and classic eras is becoming smaller and smaller. Also in terms of the environment. That is very pity.


In the future there will no longer be a flight simulation that implements the aviation of the Fifties and Sixties like CalClassic does. So who cares?




Curious- this is the 2004 forum, and many folks still use that sim (as well as a lot with FSX) so it may be quite a long time before that "future" arrives. So who cares? Obviously there are still users of the older sims that care, and will be for a while.


You might even take note that, contrary to popular belief, many folks are still using Win XP or Win 7, neither of which support FS2020. I, for one, figure that this may be my last computer for FS, along with several other applications that require Win 10 or later.


So yes, there ARE still folks who care.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

  • 5 weeks later...

I use Fs9 and run a modern  RAF/RN scene with "current" UK civil and military stuff as AI.

I find plenty of downloadable or cd based kit that works well enough for me.

If I want a classic airliner(as flown by some organisations in the real world) HJG and CalClassics are places I go to to find what I


So for me those people certainly provide what I've needed in the past and certainly will continue to do so.

2 hours ago, Miggers said:

So for me those people certainly provide what I've needed in the past and certainly will continue to do so.

The breath and scope of available aircraft and scenery will keep me with FSX for many years to come. And I'm considering reinstalling FS9 to enjoy these same items that have not migrated to  FSX. I for one do not look forward to the costs and efforts to switch to MSFX anytime soon. When FSX will physically no longer run, THEN I'll have no choice, and MSFS will have had a few years of working out the issues of that release.

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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