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Flights to Remote Islands Part 7 - CGAS Kodiak to ex CGS Attu, Aleutian Islands


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Today we're on a Coast Guard C-130 flight from Kodiak Island, Alaska (PADQ) to check out runway conditions at the ex Coast Guard station at Casco Cove (PAAT) on Attu Island.


Attu is all the way at the end of the Aleutian Island chain. It's the farthest west land area in the United States. A small Coast Guard station was there until it was shut down in 2010. The island has been uninhabited since but the station runway remains available for emergency landing use.


Here's our route of flight. From Kodiak over the Alaska Peninsula and then mostly over the waters of the Bering Sea. En route time 4+30.



The Sectional Chart shows Attu and the emergency use designation for Casco Cove. The nearby island of Shemya has an Air Force and Space Force station with a ballistic missile defense radar installation and an associated airfield with an instrument approach.



Ready for takeoff from Kodiak (PADQ) with 2500-foot Barometer Mountain in the background.



Take off and climb out. We'll definitely want to use engine and wing anti-ice on the climb thru this cloud layer.





In clear air and climbing up to cruise altitude over the snow-covered mountains of the Alaska Peninsula.







With the overwater segment behind us, Attu comes into view with the airport runway in sight in the second shot.




Edited by BillD22
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We overfly the airport and make a descending steep right turn to downwind for the runway.







Turning and on final.





Our shadow chases us to touchdown and rollout. For being not maintained since 2010 the runway looks to be in pretty good shape here in MSFS. In the RW maybe not so much? :confused::)





There's no line crew to greet us but no problem. We taxi and shut down on the small ramp area. Welcome to Casco Cove!






Edited by BillD22
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Very nicely done Bill! The flight, beautiful shots and narrative are well synchronized and informative. :cool: :cool: I would think that given the location and absence of maintenance for almost 12 years the runway is probably in pretty bad shape. :(


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Very nicely done Bill! The flight, beautiful shots and narrative are well synchronized and informative. :cool: :cool: I would think that given the location and absence of maintenance for almost 12 years the runway is probably in pretty bad shape. :(


I agree with everyone else. Your mission and commentary are great. And yes, you did catch a rare RW weather break.




One of the real advantages to the C-130 is how well it handles rough runway terrain. I can well remember how well the C-130s did doing resupply even after weeks of carpet mortar attacks on various airstrips during the Vietnam War.



Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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