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How to get Alt, KIAS and Heading Display in Exterior View?


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You may want to try this.









window_size= 0.469, 0.044

window_pos= 0.300, 0.010



gauge00=InfoGauge!InfoGauge, 0,0,600,50


I'm not sure what the problem is but some of your values look odd indeed.

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You may want to try this.









window_size= 0.469, 0.044

window_pos= 0.300, 0.010



gauge00=InfoGauge!InfoGauge, 0,0,600,50


I'm not sure what the problem is but some of your values look odd indeed.


Well firstly, THANK YOU! I copied your suggestion directly into my Panel.cfg (changing zorder to match my window order) and, as our UK brethren (and sistren) say, "it worked a treat!" The display still isn't centered, possibly due to a difference in monitor aspect ratio, but now that I see it actually moved from left alignment, I'll play with that one setting in hope of getting it centered where I want it.


As info, here is a direct copy from the readme file that accompanied my download:









window_size= 0.295, 0.044

window_pos= 0.000, 0.030




gauge00=InfoGauge!InfoGauge, 0,0,377,45


So that's where I got the "odd" values. After my Navy years, I should've known better than to follow instructions. :p

i7-10700K @3.8-5.1GHz, 32GB DDR4-2666 SDRAM, GTR-2060 Super 8GB, 2x SSDs
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My expectation, based on your tips and my entry window_pos= 0.400, 0.030, is that the datastrip would open with the top left corner 40% of the way from left to right and 3% of the way from top to bottom. But it isn't doing that.


window-pos= places the Window


It does not guarantee that the text is in the top left corner of the gauge.


If you want to move it to the left, make 0.400 smaller. And vice versa .



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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  • 2 months later...

This has all been covered in this thread but I'm addressing an issue which might cause confusion for someone.

The Readme contains this "You will have to extract the *.cab. It will create an InfoGauge folder with the gauge and background bitmap inside." At least with Win 7 this is not strictly true (although it may have been true with other OSs). Creation of a folder called InfoGauge was not done automatically when I extracted the files. I did it manually. This may be due to some setting on my computer that I'm not aware of but it's what I had to do. It seems to me that manually creating the folder was not needed with XP but I may be mistaken.

Also, there was an observation about the cut off descender of the "g". I fooled around trying to fix this and was unsuccessful. I created a somewhat larger BMP and yet the problem remained. Anyone know how to fix this? I ended up using "Quartz" as a workaround.

Jim F.


I have been lucky enough to learn about the Information gauge and have been using it succesfully in a PMDG Boeing 737-800 NGX.


The one thing I have not been able to obtain is to maintain this information visible at startup.


Every time after starting FSX and the aircraft it is necessary to go to the label Views, then Main Panel and then clicking the Information name in order to have it visible on the screen.


In the panel.cfg this gauge has been added to [Window 0] and it has the Visible=1 inserted, yet it will not show.


Would this mean that the only way to have it permanently available would be to have it as an additional Window, rather than a gauge inserted in a Window?


My limited knowledge of the subject leads me to ask where I could find (if available) the component description for such a "Information" window.


Appreciate any assistance or information on this subject which would render this outstanding addition to FSX even more pleasant to use.


Windows 10 Pro 64-bit - Intel Core i7-2600 CPU - RAM 8GB DDR3

2048MB ATI AMD Radeon R9 200 series - 3 LDE Monitors - FSX STEAM

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Would this mean that the only way to have it permanently available would be to have it as an additional Window, rather than a gauge inserted in a Window?


That would be the best way to do it.


Set that Window to...




...so it will be visible when the plane loads and setting it to...




...will keep it visible as you cycle through the views.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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My previous information is incorrect. Infogauge is already a separa Window in the panel.conf file.


So the question is: in order for it to start automatically should it be an added gauge into Window00?


Any assistance as to what detail information should be a part of this addition?


Thanks and sorry for the error.


Windows 10 Pro 64-bit - Intel Core i7-2600 CPU - RAM 8GB DDR3

2048MB ATI AMD Radeon R9 200 series - 3 LDE Monitors - FSX STEAM

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This is the current Window in my FSX:









window_size= 0.469, 0.100

window_pos= 0.300, 0.020




gauge00=InfoGauge!InfoGauge, 0,0,900,40


How should I transport some of this information as a gauge added to [Window00] if someone can help, please.


Thanks a lot,


Windows 10 Pro 64-bit - Intel Core i7-2600 CPU - RAM 8GB DDR3

2048MB ATI AMD Radeon R9 200 series - 3 LDE Monitors - FSX STEAM

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I fly only with the 2D panel.


The current Window as I have it will do the job but only after clicking that series which I described.


A solution for visibility as the FSX is started will be most appreciated.




Even though in this Window I have the visible=1


Windows 10 Pro 64-bit - Intel Core i7-2600 CPU - RAM 8GB DDR3

2048MB ATI AMD Radeon R9 200 series - 3 LDE Monitors - FSX STEAM

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I fly only with the 2D panel.


The current Window as I have it will do the job but only after clicking that series which I described.


A solution for visibility as the FSX is started will be most appreciated.




Even though in this Window I have the visible=1


What aircraft? I'm willing to try to set up one for you. Also where do you want this gauge to show inside the cockpit? Maybe a screenshot of the 2D cockpit with an arrow pointing to the position.


Keep in mind I don't have payware aircraft, so I would have to use a default or freeware.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I was thinking of something like this. I used the default 737 2D cockpit.





gauge00=B737_800!pfd_screen,  189,548,218,219
gauge01=B737_800!pfd,  210,567,179,179
gauge02=B737_800!mfd_screen,  409,548,218,219
gauge03=B737_800!eicas_screen,  740,548,218,219
gauge04=B737_800!eicas,  760,565,179,179
gauge05=B737_800!compass,  839,39,91,62
gauge06=B737_800!autopilot,  561,330,463,90
gauge07=B737_800!knob_1,  329,501,31,35
gauge08=B737_800!knob_2,  390,501,31,35
gauge09=B737_800!knob_3,  830,480,31,35
gauge10=B737_800!clock,  77,570,105,105
gauge11=B737_800!attitude_backup,  630,444,104,105
gauge12=B737_800!adf_vor_backup,  630,662,104,105
gauge13=B737_800!alti_and_asi_backup,  631,555,103,103
gauge14=B737_800!gear_lever,  959,  524 ,65,241
gauge15=B737_800!annunciator_below_glideslope,  214,517,52,27
gauge16=B737_800!annunciator_le_flaps,  854,516,100,28
gauge17=B737_800!annunciator_speed_brake_armed,  516,516,51,28
gauge18=B737_800!annunciator_auto_brake_disarm,  823,441,47,27
gauge19=B737_800!annunciator_anti_skid_inop,  812,517,37,27
gauge20=B737_800!efis_control_panel,  416,344,143,76
gauge21=B737_800!flap_indicator,  892,452,59,59
gauge22=B737_800!annunciator_panel_1,  267,361,132,40
gauge23=B737_800!annunciator_panel_gear,  958,454,66,71
gauge24=B737_800!Knob_N1_Set,  755,454,43,46
gauge25=SimIcons1024!ECU Icon,  433,448,19,19
gauge26=SimIcons1024!Overhead Icon,  455,448,19,19
gauge27=SimIcons1024!Kneeboard Icon,  477,448,19,19
gauge28=SimIcons1024!ATC Icon,  499,448,19,19
gauge29=SimIcons1024!Map Icon,  521,448,19,19
gauge30=SimIcons1024!GPS Icon,  543,448,19,19
gauge31=SimIcons1024!Radio Icon,  565,448,19,19
gauge32=SimIcons1024!Other Controls Icon,  587,448,19,19
gauge33=n_number_plaque!n_number_plaque,  95,731,67,19
gauge34=B737_800!mfd,  427,563,179,179
gauge35=B737_800!TFR_RDR_On_Off,  536,403,15,14
gauge36=HUDCA!HUDCA_ONOFF,        585,495,25,25
gauge37=HUDCA$/config!config, 0,0,,, ./gauges/HUDCA$/B737config.ini
[color="#FF0000"]gauge38=InfoGauge!InfoGauge, 150,444,  300,30

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I'm confused- the whole point for me of having this InfoGauge is so that I can hand-fly the airplane from an exterior view, especially the landings where airspeed is crucial. Since Altitude, Airspeed and Heading are already prominently displayed while in 2D cockpit view, what is the point in redundantly showing that info on the same panel where it is already displayed? :confused:


I hate it when I miss the whole point... :D

i7-10700K @3.8-5.1GHz, 32GB DDR4-2666 SDRAM, GTR-2060 Super 8GB, 2x SSDs
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...I hate it when I miss the whole point... :D


If you've got the Infogauge readout displaying across the top of the screen like below, you should have a smile on your face bigger than a wave on a slop bucket!

Regard all the other stuff in this thread simply as an entertaining 'round the mulberry bush' Morris Dance..:)



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I'm confused- the whole point for me of having this InfoGauge is so that I can hand-fly the airplane from an exterior view, especially the landings where airspeed is crucial. Since Altitude, Airspeed and Heading are already prominently displayed while in 2D cockpit view, what is the point in redundantly showing that info on the same panel where it is already displayed? :confused:


I hate it when I miss the whole point... :D


Beats me with a stick! I just gave him what he asked for.:rolleyes:

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding that may have been caused by my request for assistance in making even more convenient the use of a gauge which makes my flights much more entertaining and enjoyable (in my own individual evaluation).


Thanks to the information obtained in this forum I have that same display and, must confess, in a larger font size.


And so as not to hold back information on this subject I must add that I have a physical MCP resting below the monitor with lighted displays which show the same corresponding altitude, speed, heading, etc.


Why such a redundance? May be my bracket age at 89 is the answer.


I will continue trying on my own (little chance of success, obviously) to get this gauge information initialized simultaneously with the aircraft.


And also sincerely grateful for the assistance that has been available or provided to me in this forum over the years.


Best flights to all of you.


Windows 10 Pro 64-bit - Intel Core i7-2600 CPU - RAM 8GB DDR3

2048MB ATI AMD Radeon R9 200 series - 3 LDE Monitors - FSX STEAM

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Beats me with a stick! I just gave him what he asked for.:rolleyes:


Yes, you did, and it worked for him. Glad for that. I suppose we all have preferences that don't make sense to everyone else, but then again, they don't have to.

i7-10700K @3.8-5.1GHz, 32GB DDR4-2666 SDRAM, GTR-2060 Super 8GB, 2x SSDs
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I will continue trying on my own (little chance of success, obviously) to get this gauge information initialized simultaneously with the aircraft.


Clarindo, if you place the gauge in its own window, such as shown earlier in this thread, you can instantly cause it to pop up by pressing Shift + [n] where [n] is the window number plus one. It has to be "plus one" because the first window is numbered 00 and accessed with Shift + 1, so each succeeding window's hotkey is one number greater than the window number. You can have 9 hotkeyed windows, 1 through 9.


For example, for consistency, I try to always place my InfoGauge in [Window07] so that I can instantly pop it up by pressing Shift + 8.


Here is the code directly from the Panel.cfg of my Manfred Jahn's C-47 V2:

[Window Titles]
Window00=Main Panel
Window01=Fuel and Payload
Window02=Control Panel
Window03=Mini Panel
Window05=Fuel Control
Window06=Start Icons


window_size= 0.469, 0.044
window_pos= 0.300, 0.010
gauge00=InfoGauge!InfoGauge, 0,0,600,50


The larger window size solves the problem of the descender of the letter "g" clipping out the bottom of the window.


I changed the labels and text size/colors in the gauge's XML. Here are examples of my displays:


In the cockpit



In an exterior view



As you can see, I still need to tweak the airspeed display color a bit- the green seems to fade away against some backgrounds.

i7-10700K @3.8-5.1GHz, 32GB DDR4-2666 SDRAM, GTR-2060 Super 8GB, 2x SSDs
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Mu thanks and appreciation for the assistance provided by all of you - StringBean,mrzippy,HoggyDog and Scatterbrainkid.


I finally obtained the result I was looking for by placing the InfoGauge window (which was previously #20) in a position which is now easily started by Shift+9


I really appreciate this gauge, its positioning and the access which I now have for my FSX PMDG Boeing 737NGX thanks to your valuable know-how and willingness to assist.


Windows 10 Pro 64-bit - Intel Core i7-2600 CPU - RAM 8GB DDR3

2048MB ATI AMD Radeon R9 200 series - 3 LDE Monitors - FSX STEAM

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