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Mapping "View Instrument Panel"

Jim Hall

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Thank you for your support these last days as I purchased all new Redbird controls and because they are so large (and heavy) had to change my cockpit layout and learn how to calibrate in Windows and to map. Also because the Redbird Yoke has fewer buttons than Saiteik had to purchase a little xbox controller to add buttons. I must say that the difference in flying with Redbird is dramatic--very smooth for flying and landing. This FSX is dragging me kicking and screaming up the computer hardware/software curve.


My question for today is: Can I map "View Instrument Panel-Main Panel/Radio Stack/GPS" to buttons? For instance, I would like to hit a button and see the GPS pop up on the screen.


Thanks for looking.



i7-7700k @ 4.2 Ghz, 16 GB DDR4/3000,2280 SSD M.2,Genome II Case,Nvidia GTX 1080 rear exhaust, Samsung 40" HDTV & Two 24" HP side monitors. Redbird Alloy yoke, pedals, and throttle. A single Saitek Instrument Panel and Cessna trim wheel. Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 speakers. Windows 10 64 bit. 58 measured Mbps.
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Easy in theory: map the keyboard combo for GPS (eg. 3) to the button on yr box (it's documentation will tell you how).


In practice: the GPS can (and will) be assigned to a different combo ( 1-9) for different aircraft (depends on panel.cfg).

I haven't found a simple solution yet to get eg. Joy#1 always call the GPS.

The easiest I've found 'til now is working with Profiles in payware FSUIPC (I can elaborate on this if the need arises).


Another laborous way would be to edit all panel.cfg files to get the GPS-window mapped to the same combo.



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  • 1 month later...

What I do may or may not help you, but FWIW.

I have two screens.

My main screen I use to fly in virtual cockpit mode ( it is a projector using tracker, but that isn't necessary. However you fly , have it on the main screen)

The second screen I use to display the ATC conversations, and the GPS.

Before starting FSX, I right click the windows icons screen and select nvidia control panel

There should be option to have one screen, or both screens show same view, or two screens show to different views.

Select the last when it asks which screen you want the main window on.

Select which you want and it will happen.

The main screen shows the windows icons view , the other screen is blank.

Start FSX and get to the cockpit view( which will be on your main screen)

Now go to the top menu and click on Views. Then instrument panel, then GPS.

The GPS will come up on main screen on top of your cockpit view.

Right click on GPS and you will get option to click on "undock window"

Click on that and the GPS will have a blue surround.

Click and hold on the GPS and move it left or right it will slide off the main screen and appear on your second screen.

So, now as you fly using main screen, the GPS is there on second screen, not at all interfering with your main screens view.


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As Wim says, you can do it, mapping the SHIFT-[0-9] keys to buttons. I've done it by changing each aircraft so that the 2 and 3 always do radio and GPS, respectively, and then assign buttons to those keys. But you'll need to change the .cfg in each new aircraft to match, otherwise you'll get unexpected results.


As a result the two buttons I assign always give me the same display, so it has become automatic and I don't have to think about it.


My Window01 and Window02 entries for the default Baron look like this below, keeping in mind that I've got the autopilot configured to come up with the GPS. You'll note that I also am not using the default GPS, but it should give you the idea.

Edited by lnuss


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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