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Config/Setup help


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Hi guys. I was using fs2004 today and noticed that my frames had halved from what they were a couple of weeks ago under the same settings and airports. I used to get over 100 fps at lands end airport with everything over to the right and with stormy weather on now I am only getting around 30 fps. Now, every couple of months, I do a complete re-install of my fs2004 just to keep things fresh and running smoothly, so I am now in the process of reinstalling it. But my main question is: I have seen people in the forum talking about 'overclocking', 'HDD' and 'anti aliasing in the graphics card'. I don't have the slightest idea what any of this means but apparently some of it helps with your performance. So I guess you can see where this is going... Do any of you techies out there know what I can do to increase my performance/stability e.g. stutters when panning. Or any of you fs-experts know the best performance assisting .cfg tweaks? Thanks





If you are wondering what my specs are (bearing in mind that I am no computer expert and I don't know everything):

AMD Radeon HD 7600 G.0

Windows 8.1

HP Pavilion


That's all I know

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  • 2 weeks later...

Over time, my fs9 gets cluttered up with unwanted gauges and effects. Obviously the simple answer would be remove them afterwards but I can never remember which ones they were. I actually also find that after the reinstall I get better frames (probably because the unnecessary gauges are deleted). And besides, it's always nice to start fresh. And when I said every few months, I meant 3-4 depending on how unbearable the fps gets.


Anyways, the real point of this thread. Who knows what this overclocking etc stuff is? If so can you help?

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The first thing to try when your frame rate suffers is to load the default Cessna at SeaTac flight. This often restores my frame rate. Second thing to try is to rename your fs9.cfg file to fs9.cfg.current and start FS9. That will regenerate a new one. If that does nothing, delete the new one and rename the old one back to fs9.cfg.


Overclocking is speeding up the computer's processing chip, and can lead to instability and/or overheating if you don't know what you are doing. HDD is your hard disk drive, and will not affect frame rates, only loading times. Anti Aliasing is a way to minimize the "jaggies", and will slow down frame rates, not speed it up.


Hope this helps,

Tom Gibson


CalClassic Propliner Page: http://www.calclassic.com

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Over time, my fs9 gets cluttered up with unwanted gauges and effects... I actually also find that after the reinstall I get better frames (probably because the unnecessary gauges are deleted).

Rest assured that unused gauges and effects will have zero impact on FPS.


Obviously the simple answer would be remove them afterwards but I can never remember which ones they were.


The simple answer is when you add a new plane to...


a)...put the gauges in the Panel folder instead of the Gauges folder. This way the gauges get deleted when you delete the plane.


b)...put a text file in the airplane's folder with a list of effects, and effect textures, that you added when you installed the plane. Before deleting the plane remove the effects and textures.


As for me, I am always concerned with deleting effects that might be used by multiple planes so end up just leaving them there.


FS only uses gauges and effects that are called on, extra gauges and effects only consume hard drive space, and not much of that.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


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