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RE: Three shots of Seattle


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OK, I admit I'm not being a "Firster" with 2020. Sure I'll get it and I think my rig will work fine with it. But I am planning to wait a bit and see if any huge bugs crop up and repaired before I add it.


I enjoyed the Three shots of Seattle post so I'm responding with my own 3 shots using P3D.










Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Hey, thanks Michael, and great shots! You really don't have to worry about many major bugs in the sim. Its a little bit different to get used to with the camera controls, and mapping controls, but really its not that bad. I'd take the plunge. 119 for the premium, and always go max. Not sure if you can buy the different aircraft in the sim if you don't as download content.


Oh, one tip - one bug I found, is an autopilot bug, that if you pause the sim, with the autopilot engaged, it will nose dive on you after you reengage the sim unpausing it. That's really the biggest flaw I've discovered.

Thermaltake Ryzen Gen 9 3900x 12 cores, 4.6 ghz 32 gig of Ram, Liquid Cooled Everything.
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I gave up looking for bugs and tweaking these half a__ programs they shove out the door. :D I think I'm going back to P3D4.5 for a while and get all my aircraft, scenery and what not back again. Graphics are nice, but it just seems to much like the MS Flight game to me. :)


Nice shots from P3D Michael. :)

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