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ATC Flight Number and ATC ID


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got many flights saved with my unique Flight Number and Tail number. This is so that I can easily recognize ATC calling me.

For some unknown reason, without me doing any re-saving, most of my saved flights now reverted to the standard (atc_flight_number=) and (atc_id=) info from the aircraft.cfg, which now ATC use instead of my saved call signs.

Any clue what caused this?

Thanks for any info,


Peter Bendl

ex. British Airways

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I don't see that information saved in a FLT (Flight file). So I assume it's saved separately when you change that information from the Select Aircraft menu.


From what I can tell the information is stored in the state.cfg file found in


Users/[username]/Appdata/Roaming/Microsoft/FS9/AIRCRAFT, inside the plane's folder. The format is like:







Are those still there for that aircraft?

Tom Gibson


CalClassic Propliner Page: http://www.calclassic.com

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Hi Tom,

thanks for responding.

Yes the flight number seems saved separately when saving the flight. ATC then calls aircraft by this number. For some reason once the flight is saved the aircraft,cfg atc_flight_number= does not change.

In my case the ATC calling reverted to what is in aircraft.cfg and did not stay with what I saved with the aircraft. But I think it happened after I went back to the default flight - mysteries of FS. So will live with this.

Thanks again.


Peter Bendl

ex. British Airways

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Sorry to jump the gun Tom,

actually read your response again and realized that I did some changes in my roaming FS9/AIRCRAFT folders. This obviously messed up my call signs. So the mystery is now solved.

Best Regards


Peter Bendl

ex. British Airways

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